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The New WC - AKA Wives Club

No, you've missed nothing. We (read me) are being a bit indecisive at the moment. Just when we (I) thought we (I) had it all (the cars) figured out, life does what it does best and trips you (me) up. Long story, short version. I hate The Truck. Never enough room for kids, car seats and parents. Trading The Truck for a 7-passenger seemed to be the thing to do. Well, a few days ago, Truck stopped running. Towed to dealer, almost a thousand dollars later (fuel pump) and $300 in towing bills sort of convinced us (me) that maybe since The Truck is basically new (Ray's DD) we should just keep it for awhile longer. Meanwhile, Lola's certification runs out in January. Also, in looking at the value of the car (:squint:) we could see that this is probably the best time to get the most that we could on a trade (about $26k) - Chevy is offering some great incentives right now, and there are still some great '09 Vette's out there. And good pricing .... I found one that could be Lola's cousin and, like I said ALMOST and I mean ALMOST bought the "Vette. But I couldn't. I don't think anyone really "gets" how I feel about her. And it's not like I want another XLR, because there are a few out there. So - that's it. Limbo - just sitting here in limbo. Things change from minute to minute. Now, aren't you sorry you asked? :pat:

I'm under the impression that you can extend your GMPP (or Certified) warranty AS LONG AS you purchase it while the current warranty is still active. Would that be an option for you... or am i mistaken on that issue?
I'm under the impression that you can extend your GMPP (or Certified) warranty AS LONG AS you purchase it while the current warranty is still active. Would that be an option for you... or am i mistaken on that issue?
I don't know .... do you have a link I can check out - I'd really like to keep her if I can ...:love:
RA, gosh I didnt realize you were going to trade Lola. Have you looked on line for another precertified XLR. If you like I can research it for you let me know. You could name it Lola's Daughter.:)

'preciate the offer, Fred. There is actually a few of those available ... it's not getting another XLR that I want - I just want to keep Lola! I have no idea how much money Cadillac has put back into that car (retail $$) in parts and labor, but I know that it is in the lots of thousands! Floyd was right, most everything has been replaced clear down to the headlights .... I don't know, it's just so depressing to have to think about waiting on parts, and now, finding a tech that will even be certified to work on her.
Lola will never have a daughter .... she's on birth control pills ... :lol:
I'm under the impression that you can extend your GMPP (or Certified) warranty AS LONG AS you purchase it while the current warranty is still active. Would that be an option for you... or am i mistaken on that issue?

I don't know .... do you have a link I can check out - I'd really like to keep her if I can ...:love:


Question on the bottom of the page: Can I renew a GM protection plan? Sounds like it can be done!!

You may want to do this quickly if Lola runs out of warranty in January.

Can I renew or extend a GM Protection Plan?
In most cases, yes. Coverage can be renewed anytime during the manufacturer's warranty. After the manufacturer's warranty has expired, coverage can be renewed if the existing GMPP/Mechanical Repair Protection contract has at least 2 months and 2,000 miles of coverage term remaining.
You may want to do this quickly if Lola runs out of warranty in January.

Can I renew or extend a GM Protection Plan?
In most cases, yes. Coverage can be renewed anytime during the manufacturer's warranty. After the manufacturer's warranty has expired, coverage can be renewed if the existing GMPP/Mechanical Repair Protection contract has at least 2 months and 2,000 miles of coverage term remaining.

Thanks, guys .... I went to the website and got a "live" agent who said I have to call Cadillac ... Now the chase begins ..... :squint:
You may want to do this quickly if Lola runs out of warranty in January.

Can I renew or extend a GM Protection Plan?
In most cases, yes. Coverage can be renewed anytime during the manufacturer's warranty. After the manufacturer's warranty has expired, coverage can be renewed if the existing GMPP/Mechanical Repair Protection contract has at least 2 months and 2,000 miles of coverage term remaining.
I can't find the thread where everyone posted the name of the dealer that they bought their "plans" through ....
I think b-pappy bought one ... and, Rich, didn't you?
Anyone have THAT link available?
So - I am sort of replying to my own post. :squint:

The GOOD NEWS IS: There is an after-market plan for cars that have their certified plans expiring - you do have to do it 2 months before it expires, and have to have and inspection ($165) and a fresh oil change. I guess they want to make sure they are not insuring junk.

The plan through GMAC (Insurer is MIC) is called Repair Advantage; and, while I have some information on it, I do not have a copy of it - YET.
It is thus: from 4 to 7 years of coverage - I was told Bumper to Bumper (excuding tires and brakes) and then if I ask if there was any other exclusions the sales guy said, yes (in the fine print) - I asked him to tell me "like what isn't covered" and he said he would send me a copy of the contract and said that the catalytic coverter was one of the things.... I asked about the top - he said all electronics were covered. So I'll let you know when I know. But the basics as I have them are:

All with $100 deductible per incident -
4 years or 32,000 miles $2,465
5 years or 50,000 miles $4,130
6 years or 48,000 miles $4,850 (made no sense on the mileage)
7 year or 56,000 miles $5,490

So, if anyone has any comparisons for me, I'd like to see the link or have you post the information -

Anyway - maybe this will work! :rocker:

So - I am sort of replying to my own post. :squint:

The GOOD NEWS IS: There is an after-market plan for cars that have their certified plans expiring - you do have to do it 2 months before it expires, and have to have and inspection ($165) and a fresh oil change. I guess they want to make sure they are not insuring junk.

The plan through GMAC (Insurer is MIC) is called Repair Advantage; and, while I have some information on it, I do not have a copy of it - YET.
It is thus: from 4 to 7 years of coverage - I was told Bumper to Bumper (excuding tires and brakes) and then if I ask if there was any other exclusions the sales guy said, yes (in the fine print) - I asked him to tell me "like what isn't covered" and he said he would send me a copy of the contract and said that the catalytic coverter was one of the things.... I asked about the top - he said all electronics were covered. So I'll let you know when I know. But the basics as I have them are:

All with $100 deductible per incident -
4 years or 32,000 miles $2,465
5 years or 50,000 miles $4,130
6 years or 48,000 miles $4,850 (made no sense on the mileage)
7 year or 56,000 miles $5,490

So, if anyone has any comparisons for me, I'd like to see the link or have you post the information -

Anyway - maybe this will work! :rocker:

If I were to do this I would get the max coverage I say this because if you go out and buy a new car you either will shell out a lot of cash or you will have a payment and in either event it will result in spending a lot more money than the max coverage would come close to. I also believe Ray has been called detail man so I am assuming your car is in immaculate condition. The XLR body and lines will be astounding to everyone that looks at it for many years to come. The number one reason would be you love this car.This plan is supported by GM so I believe with there plan you wont have to worry about any future problems getting the work done. The XLR has the Northstar and this engine will last a very long time. Thats my two cents worth.

RA, I had no idea you were going to get rid of "Lola"??????? I sure do hope that you don't!
Yes that is correct, Photo Girl and Photo Mom, drove to Ann Arbor, Mich to see my Mother's sister, Kathy set this up for us, and even though we drove in and out of rain and sun, it was a trip I will never forget and vow to do again. My Aunt Carman is the only living sibling of my Mother's family, she just turned 80 last month, she is amazing...we had so much fun talking:talk: and laughing:laugh: and finding out things about the family history, since she is the only one we can ask. There were 12 children in my Mothers family, a set of triplet boys made up the 12...Grandma was 26 when she started having babies and 47 when she had the last one, imagine that !!! She was amazing and didn't even realize it....Of course Michigan had a football game and the town was alive with people...I loved that, kids everywhere, tailgating on the porches of the houses and thousands tail gating in the empty lots. I definitely would like to get in all of that excitement. Ann Arbor is a lovely old town, and the trip was awesome...just like the whole summer has been...awesome...it has certainly been a fun summer and it is because of all of you guys and gals and because my kids let me get in on the fun...from San Antonio to Ann Arbor, and everything in between,"I've had a great summer...."
love ya all
Photo Mom:patriot:
We love you to Photo Mom. I'm glad we got to see you more this summer. I hope you plan on joining us more next summer. :D:blinzel: Glad to hear you had fun in Michigan.
Thanks Rich ... that's the one I was looking for, and I LIKE the pricing! :D

Opps, won't work for me - here is the first paragraph I got back ...

Black Pontiac Cadillac's GMOutlet:

This "Discounted GMPP Pricing" is for new and used vehicles (GM & Non-GM) that are within the 3yr/36,000 mile original manufactures warranty time/mile period (4yr/50,000 mile for All Cadillacs, Certain 2006 & Newer Buicks & Hummers) . If outside the manufactures Bumper to Bumper warranty period we cannot sell you a GMPP.

Boo-hoo :bawling:
Give them a call - they may be able to cover you.
I'm going to, Rich. I plan on calling LOTS of GM dealers ..... I get it now - I got some good advice from PD - she said to shop the dealers, the same contracts are sold by different dealerships with different pricing. I do think I am sold on the Repair Advantage as she said it seems to be one of the better after-market that she has seen. Since this was/is her line of work - I am going to take her advice and start "shopping!" (although I don't think this is the type of shopping that she really likes to do best ...:pat:)

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