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The New WC - AKA Wives Club

Jury Duty today .... and I'm happy to go ....
Hope they pick ME! :patriot:

You sound a little like a *happy* hanging judge to me, Ruthie! :rocket:

Next time we get together have David tell you about his jury experience in our county court. Pretty funny. A guy from a city bicycle club fell off his bike and tried to get a farm lady to pay for the fact that he couldn't have 'relations' with his wife until his broken leg healed. (Hmm... guess they didn't have much imagination :chuckle) You can imagine how much sympathy the guy got from the farmer jury.

Nope, I didn't get picked for a jury - they didn't even call my name to have me report to any court. :( Boo-hoo.

There was about 200 or so people in the jury lounge - most of them moaning and groaning about having to be there .... and I was jumping up and down inside screaming PICK ME! I was released about 1PM .... and won't be called back for at least a year.

The jury lounge was pretty cool - a couple of TVs, a TON of magazines, a wall full of books (and they said if you "get into a story" just take the book home" they are all donated - all of the local papers, a cafeteria, a "quiet" room where you could use your laptops, a table with puzzles, tables set up for socializing, ton's of vending machines, and the best looking sheriff's roaming the halls :D .... I actually had a pretty good time, and met some really nice people.

Now that I'm not working I would gladly spend my time on a jury. I like our legal system and I love watching it work. :patriot: It's probably the only place I can think of where you put 12 people in a room and they all have to have the same vote - but not the same opinion. Pretty cool.

Ha-ha, Quinny - that's quite funny, but I wonder if that guys WIFE was in court? :naughty:

Well...... maybe next time.
This is the pits. Friday night and I am, LITERALLY, sitting around watching the carpet dry. :pat:

(I will never again schedule carpet cleaning on a Friday.)
Dinner was chili dogs .... :blinzel:
Have the doors/windows open wide and the a/c running ..... gotta dry these carpets! Doggie does not like the dampness - he is high-stepping like a show horse, makes me laugh.

How boring this is.
Jury Duty

Jury Duty today .... and I'm happy to go ....
Hope they pick ME! :patriot:

Crusin the net, catching up and noticed that you got picked for Jury duty. I had to go 3 weeks ago, boy did I dread it. I am always getting called and I seem to be able to escape being picked, but my luck ran out and I got picked for an alternate, that is really bad because you do everything the jurors do but can not talk during dilberations. It took 2 days, and believe me when I tell you Kokomo IN does not have all of the nice things that you named, no books, quiet places, none of that, bare bones is more like it...none the less, it was a civil case, and I am glad I was chosen, it was a chance for me to see how our system works, and just what a jury of your peers means...I just got my check yesterday for doing my civic duty, 90.00 so I can't complain, my boss paid me also, and I am a bit more educated on our legal system...sorry you didn't get picked, oh well, next time....:patriot:
Photo Mom
Jeannie... That's interesting ...
Our jury duty doesn't pay anything the first day, and $15/day thereafter. They also do not pay any parking fees - so if you get called for San Diego, it can cost you more than they pay to come.
Lucky you for being selected - next time I am going to carry a picket sign that say's "PICK ME!"
Jeannie... That's interesting ...
Our jury duty doesn't pay anything the first day, and $15/day thereafter. They also do not pay any parking fees - so if you get called for San Diego, it can cost you more than they pay to come.
Lucky you for being selected - next time I am going to carry a picket sign that say's "PICK ME!"
Arizona is the same it cost you more than they pay.

Gas Logs

More progress today, the gas logs are installed in the fireplace so no more burning wood. I have a remote control for turning the burner on and off so I can just sit in my chair, hit the button and instantly have a beautiful fire in the fireplace. Nothing like getting lazy in my old age. I remember the fun I had cutting and spliting wood but for me those days are over. :):):)
Arizona is the same it cost you more than they pay.


I guess Indiana isn't so bad after all, they pay us for showing up, 15.00 even if they don't pick us, and they pay our parking tickets also, plus 30.00 a day to serve. Like I said it was interesting....just glad it wasn't a criminal trial..
Gee!!!! I guess old Nebraska is pretty good on jury duty. I got called but not picked. Couple of days later,,,,,, a check for $42. (and free parking!). Boring waiting...... No papers, magazines, nothing, just table and chairs. OH,, but a vending machine is there, WOW :( It is a learning experience like said before on here!
You know, Chad .... when I think about it, nothing in that jury lounge was extraordinary - just thoughtful. People love to donate stuff - it just takes someone (a volunteer?) in the lounge to keep it organized.

Hey ... $42 bucks? That's pretty cool - almost a tank of gas! ;)
It sure is sad that Patrick Swayze died!!!!!!!!!!!:bawling::bawling::bawling::bawling::bawling::bawling::bawling::bawling::bawling::bawling::bawling::bawling: He was such a great actor and an all around great guy and such a nice person!
Dirty Dancing .............. my favorite ....... :love:
Ray liked Road House .......

Boy, could that guy dance.

I was always hoping for a DD2 ...

There was a DD2, but he only had a cameo appearance. I liked him in all the macho movies--Red Dawn, Road House, Next of Kin, one of my favorites. He will be missed; a very good actor!!!

Dirty Dancing .............. my favorite ....... :love:
Ray liked Road House .......

Boy, could that guy dance.

I was always hoping for a DD2 ...

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