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The New WC - AKA Wives Club

Can't wait! :cool: Glad you think the color is a good pick, I get a bit worried once in a while. Maybe it is too much! But I know with all I am doing to it with the wheels and all it should be a beauty. Hope to have her this week, or for sure first of next!!! Anticipation :pat:!!

This car is going to be soooo hot with this color scheme. Wow its not even mind and I cant wait to see it.:D:D:D:D

Can't wait! :cool: Glad you think the color is a good pick, I get a bit worried once in a while. Maybe it is too much! But I know with all I am doing to it with the wheels and all it should be a beauty. Hope to have her this week, or for sure first of next!!! Anticipation :pat:!!
Missy Supa Bling, NOTHING CAN BE TOO MUCH FOR YOU!!! :):):)
Thanks Guys! I am so excited and the wait is making me crazy! Marc and I are already finding ways to SUPA her up! I will get pics and send when I pick her up, hopefully real sooooooooon!!!!! :laugh:
Supa & I will be seeing lots of planes today--going up to the Chicago Air & Water show on my buddy's 50ft SeaRay on Lake Michigan. Weather is going to be perfect. I'll try and get some pics to post, hopefully comparable to what Photo Girl does. ;) There is supposed to be a guy that does loops and barrel rolls with a Russian helicopter, and of course the Blue Angels will be there.

Parking is at a premium, so Scarlett-V will be staying home, we are all packing into the SUV. Hope everyone has a great day!!

That sounds like fun. Is this something that the MMs would want to do next year in August? The only problem I see is the Chicago traffic. :crazy:

Thanks Guys! I am so excited and the wait is making me crazy! Marc and I are already finding ways to SUPA her up! I will get pics and send when I pick her up, hopefully real sooooooooon!!!!! :laugh:

There was one on Woodward in your color and it looked AWESOME!
COOL! ;)QUOTE=Cadillac Tech;14129]There was one on Woodward in your color and it looked AWESOME![/QUOTE]
The only way I'd do it is like we did--going up all together in my buddies Suburban and going on his boat. He has a parking pass at Burnham Harbor, which makes the parking a breeze-plus you don't have the crowd out in the lake like you do on the beach. If it's hot out and you just take a quick dip off the boat. Don't have to stand in line for refreshments either:):)

What might be interesting is to go to the Gary Airport during the Chicago Air Show, as almost all the planes fly in and out of there for the show. Don't know if they shut down for this, but if not you could get a pretty good look at all the planes there. I'll have to do some checking on that if you guys are interested.

That sounds like fun. Is this something that the MMs would want to do next year in August? The only problem I see is the Chicago traffic. :crazy:

Indiana State Fair

Kathy and I went to the fair last night to see the other kind of "Horsepower", draft horses.
The Percherons and Clydesdales were there, the Belgians come in on Thursday. We hope to get to see the Belgians Saturday.
We look forward each year to seeing the big "hay burners", they are just awesome. Kathy took a few pictures,:lol: I will try and get some posted tonight.
You didn't see Marc & Kris sitting up on a John Deere drinking, did you? :laugh::lol::laugh::lol: You'll probably see them there Saturday as well!!

Kathy and I went to the fair last night to see the other kind of "Horsepower", draft horses.
The Percherons and Clydesdales were there, the Belgians come in on Thursday. We hope to get to see the Belgians Saturday.
We look forwrd each year to seeing the big "hay burners", they are just awesome. Kathy took a few pictures,:lol: I will try and get some posted tonight.
Orange Camero

I thought we would be hearing from Bling Bling by now telling us her new Orange Camero is sitting in her driveway. She probably doesn't have tme for us, she is out speeding on the freeways. :chuckle:chuckle:chuckle
Oh so funny there Foxy!!! :chuckle I did hear she has her Vin# and being shipped today to MI for tests and then to me for pick-up probably mid next week. :blinzel: YEAH!!!! Really getting excited now! :D
So next week I will let you know what is happening!!! :rocker:

I thought we would be hearing from Bling Bling by now telling us her new Orange Camero is sitting in her driveway. She probably doesn't have tme for us, she is out speeding on the freeways. :chuckle:chuckle:chuckle
Oh so funny there Foxy!!! :chuckle I did hear she has her Vin# and being shipped today to MI for tests and then to me for pick-up probably mid next week. :blinzel: YEAH!!!! Really getting excited now! :D
So next week I will let you know what is happening!!! :rocker:
That is very interesting! I did not know that cars were produced and then assigned their VIN. I just sort of assumed they got them at the beginning of the line.
Hmmmm, so, how many places in a car is the VIN placed? I only know of 2.
Ya know I'm not sure about that!:dunno:I think the only place it is embedded on the car is in the dash and then stamped in other spots. I will ask that ? when I pick her up.They could not track her til they got the Vin # and that was Monday, so now she is done and being tested and then to me. :D
Stripes and Tinted windows are when she gets here at the dealership. So I am looking at probably Wed. time frame. Excitement!!!!!:chuckle
That is very interesting! I did not know that cars were produced and then assigned their VIN. I just sort of assumed they got them at the beginning of the line.
Hmmmm, so, how many places in a car is the VIN placed? I only know of 2.

I haven't posted anything for awhile so here goes, :wave:starting with OK with my two oldest kids was terrific, It was something I will never forget...plus Cheyanne did excellent. She was the one of the youngest and she looked like a princess on that horse, I loved it and I hope we get to do it again....:) We got home on Thursday and left for Mid Ohio on Fri morn....It was a great drive over, I am always ready for a good drive, again I followed the silver car in front of me so it was a no brainer for me. Got there, helped set up the canopy, that was fairly easy, met Dave with an xlr and 3 guys with corvettes..always nice to meet new people. The XLR's were beautiful, GM should think it over, it is some awesome car. Had some good laughs with Larry & Nate over dinner..and had fun at the race on Sat....Kathy was up close and personal in her fire suit...she got great pictures. All in all it was a great week, and I am thankful I have kids that don't mind Mom tagging along..:patriot:
I haven't posted anything for awhile so here goes, :wave:starting with OK with my two oldest kids was terrific, It was something I will never forget...plus Cheyanne did excellent. She was the one of the youngest and she looked like a princess on that horse, I loved it and I hope we get to do it again....:) We got home on Thursday and left for Mid Ohio on Fri morn....It was a great drive over, I am always ready for a good drive, again I followed the silver car in front of me so it was a no brainer for me. Got there, helped set up the canopy, that was fairly easy, met Dave with an xlr and 3 guys with corvettes..always nice to meet new people. The XLR's were beautiful, GM should think it over, it is some awesome car. Had some good laughs with Larry & Nate over dinner..and had fun at the race on Sat....Kathy was up close and personal in her fire suit...she got great pictures. All in all it was a great week, and I am thankful I have kids that don't mind Mom tagging along..:patriot:
I have been thinking about you and your new Z06.;) Now that you have had it for awhile how our you liking it?:cool:

Met another owner yesterday

I forgot to mention I met another owner yesterday when I picked up "Little Bugger". He didn't know about the forum so I gave him the information. He has an '05 Blue XLR. Hope he comes on the forum.:wave::wave::wave:

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