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The New WC - AKA Wives Club

"Once there was a president, a teacher and a cop ..." great joke .... and the punchline is ..... "and then they all had a beer in the White House!" .... ;)

Gotta give those priest's, rabbi's and minister's a break now and then :blinzel:
mswaim, you crack me up.:lol:

Just when you thought they couldn't screw things up any more then they already have...

Oh, give them time - Obama hasn't even begun screwing with this country. By the time he is finished our national anthem will contain passages from the Qur'an. On the up side, we all now own a piece of GM, just not sure where my piece will fit on my current ride..............:dunno:
Early this morning Kathy,her brother Ryan and Jeanie headed out for Oklahoma City to watch Ryan's daughter show her horse in The American Youth Quarterhorse Association.


Hopefully Kathy will give us a report from the road.

Bruce :wave:

Hello all,
We made it Oklahoma City yesterday. It was a great drive in a 2009 DTS. Even my brother, who drives a semi for a living, loved the car. He is usually a slow driver, but once he got used to the car, we were flying along at 80 mph! We are at the OK State Fairgrounds right now. The "Parade of States" is tonight at 7:30. It's kinda like the Olympics where each state is represented. Hope to visit the OK City Memorial this afternoon. I've taken over 400 pictures so far.

Kathy :wave:
Hello all,
We made it Oklahoma City yesterday. It was a great drive in a 2009 DTS. Even my brother, who drives a semi for a living, loved the car. He is usually a slow driver, but once he got used to the car, we were flying along at 80 mph! We are at the OK State Fairgrounds right now. The "Parade of States" is tonight at 7:30. It's kinda like the Olympics where each state is represented. Hope to visit the OK City Memorial this afternoon. I've taken over 400 pictures so far.

Kathy :wave:
Glad you guys made it safe and sound. Hope you will post pictures. Have fun. Don't do anything I wouldn't do. :chuckle Try not to get photomom in trouble. :wave:
That is going to be one tired camera, after the next couple of weeks... OK City, Mid-Ohio and The Dream Cruise in Detroit. Not to mention one tired photographer.:)
Good morning,

We are at the fairgrounds waiting for Cheyanne to show. She is 143 of 168 entries. It will be about 2:00 before it's her turn. The top 15 in her class will be in the finals on Friday. (I've got a little time shop! :chuckle)

Yesterday we visited the Oklahoma City Memorial. (The Federal Building that was bombed in 1995.) It was very moving. We toured the museum...we were there about 3 hours. Then we returned after dark. I got some great pictures. The bottom of the chairs are lit up at night with the person's name. It was awesome.

Yesterday we also visited Pops on Route 66. It has 500 different kinds of bottled soda. There is also a 66 foot tall soda bottle in front of the building. The web site is www.pops66.com

It has been over 100 degrees every day we've been here. With the humidity. But we've had fun.

We leave tomorrow morning to return home. Then we leave on Friday morning for Mid Ohio. Whew!

Kathy :wave:
Good morning,

We are at the fairgrounds waiting for Cheyanne to show. She is 143 of 168 entries. It will be about 2:00 before it's her turn. The top 15 in her class will be in the finals on Friday. (I've got a little time shop! :chuckle)

Yesterday we visited the Oklahoma City Memorial. (The Federal Building that was bombed in 1995.) It was very moving. We toured the museum...we were there about 3 hours. Then we returned after dark. I got some great pictures. The bottom of the chairs are lit up at night with the person's name. It was awesome.

Yesterday we also visited Pops on Route 66. It has 500 different kinds of bottled soda. There is also a 66 foot tall soda bottle in front of the building. The web site is www.pops66.com

It has been over 100 degrees every day we've been here. With the humidity. But we've had fun.

We leave tomorrow morning to return home. Then we leave on Friday morning for Mid Ohio. Whew!

Kathy :wave:
Happy your having a good time and had time to shop;) when your travels are over post some pics so we can see all you did.:wave:

Kathy - What a fun trip you are having! I hope your niece does well - and win's her divisions.

Route 66? Now you're talkin' my favorite stretch of road. I love those vintage buildings. We have been watching "Road Trip" on TV just so we can see some of the attractions still standing. We have not been to any in OK .... so, I will be looking forward to hearing your stories and seeing your pictures.

How moving that memorial must have been. The daycare children still haunt me. Little baby girl Baily.

Take good care of that pointer finger .... don't want to wear it out before CO :D

Tell Photo Mom, Photo Bro, and Photo Niece we are thinking about them .... and jealous!
Thanks Kathy for letting us know your fine and having fun. Can't wait to see all the pics from your travels. :wave:
Home Safe

Arrived home last night safe and sound. At the Amana Colonies in Iowa, my trunk would not latch on the passenger side. After several attempts and trying a few different things it finally locked. Again in Illinois the same thing happend several times. Had the top down when it wasn't raining and everything worked fine. Cadillac dealer in Peoria actually washed my car for me FOR FREE. I guess the chewing out I gave him last year about Cadillac dealers always washing my cars for free woke him up. They didn't even write up a ticket. Coming home more trouble with the trunk not locking on the right side. Once when it happened I tried to open the drivers door and it would not unlock totally, pushed it back in and then it finally released. I found if I opened the trunk from inside the car and then closed it, it would work correctly. Between Kansas City and Colorado the check fuel cap message came on. Tomorrow it goes in for service and knowing James quality work it will come back like brand new. Had a fantastic time at the multi class re-union. Even found time to shop in Peoria. Also did lots of research at the Metamora Mennonite Heritage Center and learned more about my ancestors. Forgot to mention, I stayed at the Hampton Inn in Des Moines, Iowa. I won't go into details but the next morning they comped the room and there was a very nice letter from them in my mail yesterday telling me if I would come back they would give me a room for 50% of normal price which I thought was very nice of them. :):):)
Forgot to mention, I stayed at the Hampton Inn in Des Moines, Iowa. I won't go into details but the next morning they comped the room and there was a very nice letter from them in my mail yesterday telling me if I would come back they would give me a room for 50% of normal price which I thought was very nice of them. :):):)
None of the MMs have ever had bad luck at the Hamptons. They have always been very accomodating to us. The MMs love the Hamptons.
We have stayed in some really doozy :squint: places when we are traveling on the road - because I'm very famous for spur of the moment road trips and not making reservations until we are so tired we just drive in the first vacant place we can find ... :laugh: we stopped once at a chain motel in Pecos, TX .... I still can't believe I actually paid them to stay there :willy_nilly:. But we were so whipped we just threw back the covers and slept on top of the sheet. I think we were in the place for about 8 hours ... just enough time to rest up and GET OUT. :blinzel: Well, I told you all that I was part "bum" ..... I'll hit the road anytime and go anywhere - Poor Ray, and he's had over 40 years of this!

Now ... the upside of this is .... we've seen some really cool things and have stayed at some really neat places as well ...
None of the MMs have ever had bad luck at the Hamptons. They have always been very accomodating to us. The MMs love the Hamptons.

I was like Ruthie and Ray , dead tired, after driving over twelve hours last Wednesday and had not made reservations as I had no idea how far I would get that day so stopped at the Hampton Inn. I was lucky to get a room on the first floor, second one from the side door so it was easy to get too. My comment in my previous post stated that they were very gracious when I checked out and reversed the charges and when I got home I received a letter of apology and the offer of giving me a room for 50% off my next stay with them. They volunteered tp comp the room, I did not ask them to do it and was just making a statement of what took place and how nice I was treated. I don't care what brand name lodgeing facility you stay in, you may encounter a problem sooner or later. When I checked out I asked a question, they answered it and I thought that is all that would transpire. The desk clerk asked me to wait and sign two papers and that is when he reversed the charges, I really didn't expect or want him to do that so I thought they went over and above in their policy to always make the guest satisfied. Sorry if you thought I was being critical, my comments were just the opposite.:):):)
Hmmm, I was just talking to someone yesterday about a company that I once worked for. Their motto was "to go beyond the customers' expectations." It was really refreshing. We rarely got complaints, but when we did, the GM would always reverse any charges stemming from whatever complaint the customer had, send the customer a letter of apology, and coupons for free merchandise/services back to our facility. He never questioned the complaint, be it real or imagined. I don't think I ever sent out a letter without getting one back or a personal phone call from them. They were always so pleasant to talk with, and I don't think we ever lost a customer. It's an attitude that is lacking in too many companies who want to almost challenge the complaint; as if we are not entitled to our opinions of their service/product/facility. The GM didn't exactly welcome complainers, but many times policies or improvements were made because of them. That small company is still in business and it is booming. Good managment and good business ethics - too rare.
I was like Ruthie and Ray , dead tired, after driving over twelve hours last Wednesday and had not made reservations as I had no idea how far I would get that day so stopped at the Hampton Inn. I was lucky to get a room on the first floor, second one from the side door so it was easy to get too. My comment in my previous post stated that they were very gracious when I checked out and reversed the charges and when I got home I received a letter of apology and the offer of giving me a room for 50% off my next stay with them. They volunteered tp comp the room, I did not ask them to do it and was just making a statement of what took place and how nice I was treated. I don't care what brand name lodgeing facility you stay in, you may encounter a problem sooner or later. When I checked out I asked a question, they answered it and I thought that is all that would transpire. The desk clerk asked me to wait and sign two papers and that is when he reversed the charges, I really didn't expect or want him to do that so I thought they went over and above in their policy to always make the guest satisfied. Sorry if you thought I was being critical, my comments were just the opposite.:):):)

Good heavens, I wouldn't take your comments as too critical. One of the things the Hampton chain promises is that, if you aren't satisfied with your stay, it's on the house. I don't know what your complaint was, but I'm glad they made you a happy customer - even before your money was refunded. As Ruth Ann said, it's difficult to find good customer service these days. I'm glad you stumbled upon some!! :chuckle

PS I'm the same way as RA&R and FR... and many others on this forum, I'd guess- I've stayed in some real "fleabag" motels over the years due to the desire to just go on a spur-of-the-moment road trip. It certainly makes some good storytelling, if nothing else!!!
We have stayed in a couple of odd places in FL. when we have gone down for the 12 hr. race in March. The rooms weren't exactly cheap either.
The things we go through for a car race.

Bruce :wave:

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