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The New WC - AKA Wives Club

Here comes summer!

Summer has arrived - the temps are up and so is the A/C :blinzel:

I'm so very glad that we have the "cool" seats in the XLR -

We have a "new kid" in the neighborhood - I parked an aisle away from a Star Black at Costco. Really weird to see the difference between the two blacks; Lola's a Raven Black or Black Raven ... I never can remember which comes first. Anyway, the Star looks almost pearly in the sunlight. Lola had her top off (;)) and the Star had hers up. Totally looked like two different cars ... weird, because when we're all together at the Rendezvous I never thought that before.
Does anyone watch Big Brother?
Had a great weekend with mswaim & the shopping diva... Mark took Ray for a liitle spin in the Snake ... I could only laugh when they came back and I saw that look on Ray's face and Mark's s**t-eating grin .... seems within about 7 or 8 seconds they were cruising at 155 ... Boys!
Geez, I am constantly amazed at what great friends we have made courtesy of Lola and the forum. :love:
Home tomorrow!
Had a great weekend with mswaim & the shopping diva... Mark took Ray for a liitle spin in the Snake ... I could only laugh when they came back and I saw that look on Ray's face and Mark's s**t-eating grin .... seems within about 7 or 8 seconds they were cruising at 155 ... Boys!
Geez, I am constantly amazed at what great friends we have made courtesy of Lola and the forum. :love:
Home tomorrow!
If you took pictures we would love to see them. We would also like to know how PD is doing with her back, if you don't mind.
Had a great weekend with mswaim & the shopping diva... Mark took Ray for a liitle spin in the Snake ... I could only laugh when they came back and I saw that look on Ray's face and Mark's s**t-eating grin .... seems within about 7 or 8 seconds they were cruising at 155 ... Boys!
Geez, I am constantly amazed at what great friends we have made courtesy of Lola and the forum. :love:
Home tomorrow!

Ray is a great co-pilot; not sure about that 7 or 8 seconds....;)...but it didn't take much longer than that. We were hoping for 170 but we ran out of road due to a bit of traffic.

Thanks for stopping by and warming up our weekend!! :laugh: :laugh: Hell, it was even hotter the day you left - if that's possible = 113 dregrees !!! :reddevil
Sounds like a great time. Someone please post some pictures when they get the chance.

Well, I'm going to have to depend on PD for people pix .... seems I got carried away taking pictures out on their flamingo themed patio - so gorgeous. Patio leads to a man-made lake where the paddle boat is docked. Tiki torches - warm starry night, great company, peachy champagne and mswaim can COOK girls! BBQ king! View attachment 269

What great hosts they were - we literally decided at noon that we were able to take off for a long weekend ....

Ray says PD should take a stop-watch and take the same ride he did :rocker: - A real E-Ticket.

It would be so great if we all could get together for the SAME events .... and it looks like that might happen in Colorado! :party Yep ... you're still coming, right Markie???

Missed my Midwest Maurader's .... but your ears were probably buzzing as Ray and I were talking about how much fun you all are .... heck ALL of you .... :grouphug: We talked for a long time about the forum, how we all met, all of the Rendezvous...
(how we wished JetBoy had come with us) .... AND we solved all of the world's problems ... :squint: :lol: Oh, and Mark and Ray agree that John Wayne is the Man of Men .... :patriot: and Doris and I agreed that when men are drinking we should too. :lol:
Ray says PD should take a stop-watch and take the same ride he did :rocker: - A real E-Ticket.


I've used the "E Ticket" description many times. It usually goes over everyone's head except mine!! Yes, I remember E tickets at Walt Disney World in Orlando. My first visit was in 1972. I was 8 years old then......
My very first FTO told me that any fool can get himself into a fight, however it was my responsibility to avoid as many as possible.

BUT; if a crook requested an "E" ticket ride - always always always endulge them, since exceeding customer expectation was our goal !!

Ray and I agree there was a time when men were men, John Wayne was a role model (not some football star with a stable of pitbulls) and coppers carried flat saps !!

See you all in Colorado.
Patio leads to a man-made lake where the paddle boat is docked.

You mean Mark doesn't have that thing 'souped up'--it is still pedal power. Who would have guessed that one. :laugh::laugh:

It will be great to finally meet you two in Colorado!!!!
My very first FTO told me that any fool can get himself into a fight, however it was my responsibility to avoid as many as possible.

BUT; if a crook requested an "E" ticket ride - always always always endulge them, since exceeding customer expectation was our goal !!

Ray and I agree there was a time when men were men, John Wayne was a role model (not some football star with a stable of pitbulls) and coppers carried flat saps !!

See you all in Colorado.

That is great news, I'm looking forward to meeting both of you in person.

Bruce :wave:
Glad you mentioned that; I been meaning to "re-wire" that thing !

Where's Tim the toolman Taylor when you need 'em?
Happy to hear you and PD are planning on coming to Colorado, will be good to see you both again. :wave::wave::wave:
What a great photo. From the stories and the photo I'd say you folks had a pretty good weekend, yourselves! It will be fun to gather in Colorado and "merge" our good times! (Thanks for sharing, R.A. LOVE YA) George

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