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The New WC - AKA Wives Club

George stopped by today and showed me his new camera (Canon Rebel XSi), very nice. He is getting it ready for the WI trip. George, I hope you enjoy your XSi as much as Kathy does her's.

Bruce :)

Thank you, Bruce. I hope I do, too. I've been practicing so that I will be up to cars and people by the time we go to Wisconsin:
Well he died on the 26th and that was 12 days ago!:pat: I am frankly tired of all the stuff on tv about him. Don't get me wrong he was once a great performer and pop artist but I lost all respect a while ago. :rolleyes:

I agree with you and the memorial service today is not the end. This is giong to go on and on for weeks or months to come. I really do not understand the fasination but it seems to be the mentality of our world today. :dunno::dunno::dunno:
Amazing M Jackson services .... choreography ... like a concert .... Don't know how something like this got put together so quickly.

I agree. It was respectful AND entertaining. Far from the circus that was his life. RIP
Amazing M Jackson services .... choreography ... like a concert .... Don't know how something like this got put together so quickly.
I agree it was quite moving and very sad when his daughter spoke at the end. I knew he had did many things for people throughout the world but I had no idea the 10's of millions of dollars he donated. I also had know Idea he went to Walter Reed to thank our troops.

I agree with you and the memorial service today is not the end. This is giong to go on and on for weeks or months to come. I really do not understand the fasination but it seems to be the mentality of our world today. :dunno::dunno::dunno:

It's really something how the press/media holds onto a news story until they just milk it to death. Until another big event comes along and then the switch is on ...

Celebrity death seems to be a huge fascination - I never even knew much about Anna Nicole until the day she died. Within a month I thought she might have been a personal friend. :rolleyes: I'm sure we're going to learn more about MJ's personal life than we ever wanted to know as well.

Several years ago there was a shooting/killings at our local high school. Santee was smeared all over the U.S televised news for weeks. We had so many satellite trucks in front of the school they closed the main thoroughfare. After about 2 weeks of the media covering this event and pointing cameras at the kids trying to put their lives back to some sort of normal, the kids finally starting chanting to the media to "go away" ... it was sickening.
Now it's been several years and no one even hardly remembers the event.
The Colorado couple I was trying to get to SA for RIV I hate to tell you, Vic was at the Cadillac dealer, went home and dropped dead, heart attack. He was only 70 years old. Enjoy every day as if it is your last one.
The Colorado couple I was trying to get to SA for RIV I hate to tell you, Vic was at the Cadillac dealer, went home and dropped dead, heart attack. He was only 70 years old. Enjoy every day as if it is your last one.
I am sorry to hear about this. I agree with you enjoy life because its shorter than you think.

Just a few more weeks and Missy gets her car. :wave:

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