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The New WC - AKA Wives Club

So the orange was good? That's a good thing! Have not seen it yet on the road but it sure looks beautiful on site. There is one I can look at on a lot that is the Mgr.s car that I can take a look at,so we will see.I know the re-sell on these later in time would be better if I got the V8 eng. but I don't really want to spend an xtra 8-10,000 more for that only. Would rather throw in some cool options and get a sharper look. I will let you know what I find out. :wave:

The Carmaro that we saw last night was the orange .... funny you should mention the racing stripe. That is the one thing that GM messed up on ... they used tape instead of paint. But, it looks good - but not as good as is could with paint to paint .... That's probably going to be the first customization for a lot of buyers. You will absolutely love that combination ... it is a zinger-blinger for sure ... Be ready for a lot of attention ... it draws more than its fair share. I didn't hear a negative comment the whole time ... yes .... a great look. Not too shabby on the HP either :rocker:
So the orange was good? That's a good thing! Have not seen it yet on the road but it sure looks beautiful on site. There is one I can look at on a lot that is the Mgr.s car that I can take a look at,so we will see.I know the re-sell on these later in time would be better if I got the V8 eng. but I don't really want to spend an xtra 8-10,000 more for that only. Would rather throw in some cool options and get a sharper look. I will let you know what I find out. :wave:

GM has fantastic paint colors.
This orange will make you swoon. :blinzel:
I think this is going to be a classic version ... well done ... very nice ....
I still wish we had bought the anniversary addition of the T-Bird .... I love the look of it when I see it .... there's something about these retro cars that is very appealing.
GM has fantastic paint colors.
This orange will make you swoon. :blinzel:
I think this is going to be a classic version ... well done ... very nice ....
I still wish we had bought the anniversary addition of the T-Bird .... I love the look of it when I see it .... there's something about these retro cars that is very appealing.
Is there anyplace on line to look at the paint colors?
Well I think Miss Lola is pretty darn nice, you picked well. I will keep you informed. :wave:
GM has fantastic paint colors.
This orange will make you swoon. :blinzel:
I think this is going to be a classic version ... well done ... very nice ....
I still wish we had bought the anniversary addition of the T-Bird .... I love the look of it when I see it .... there's something about these retro cars that is very appealing.
Well I do like to Bling! So I am looking at the Orange Matallic with a racing stripe. Tinted windows and only the V6 though, I will get into to much trouble with the V8! Don't need it or to spend that much more for the V8.
What are your thoughts on the car? Do you like them? :chuckle

When we (Cindy & I, Standby & Jaimie) returned to SA from Corpus, there was an Orange/Black stripe 2010 Camaro following us - it was the first one I had seen!! Such a BEAUTIFUL automobile... almost as GEORGOUS as our XLR's:chuckle:chuckle. Must have had the V8 though, since it had NO trouble keeping up with Standby & me:naughty::naughty:.
One of our Buick dealers has 2 of them, or is it 3, a red, yellow with black racing stripes and I think a silver one. I want to wait for the convertible one next year and just keep hoping that they make that one. Somehow I don't think they will.:dunno::dunno::dunno::laugh::laugh::laugh:
Awww, Farrah Fawcett has lost her war .. that is just so sad. Charlie's Angel's was a must see TV program for me .... and I think every guy I knew had her picture on their bedroom wall. She was a gal that women liked and men loved. Peace finally be with her.

Ed McMahon .... what great memories I will always have of late nights with him and Johnny Carson. They kept me company hundreds of nights while I waited for Ray to get off duty and come home. I still laugh when I think of them doing the Great Carnak .... RIP, Ed.

Michael Jackson ... my goodness .... only 50 years old. What a legacy he leaves behind. Who will ever forget Thriller? And who hasn't tried to do the Moon Walk?? Walk with God, Michael.
I agree. It was really sad watching the 20/20 special last night on Farrah, and even I lost it, when Jacklyn Smith was talking about Farrah and started crying.
I agree. It was really sad watching the 20/20 special last night on Farrah, and even I lost it, when Jacklyn Smith was talking about Farrah and started crying.
I don't know if you got to watch the documentary about her and her battle with cancer. I believe it was called "Farrah's Story", that was sad I thought.
Yesv probably! But won't get that, I would be in way to much trouble with the big boys! I drive a sedan now and get into trouble. :chuckle:chuckle:chuckle
When we (Cindy & I, Standby & Jaimie) returned to SA from Corpus, there was an Orange/Black stripe 2010 Camaro following us - it was the first one I had seen!! Such a BEAUTIFUL automobile... almost as GEORGOUS as our XLR's:chuckle:chuckle. Must have had the V8 though, since it had NO trouble keeping up with Standby & me:naughty::naughty:.
Yes it gave me chills, I really liked her. Wow did Rayan love her! I like when Barbara said that Farrah said he was to bossy to get married and he said "She Said THat" that was too cute.Poor thing!

I agree. It was really sad watching the 20/20 special last night on Farrah, and even I lost it, when Jacklyn Smith was talking about Farrah and started crying.
Wow .... summer is here! :rocker:

Warm summer nights, tops down drives .... what lazy wonderful weather ...

Next weekend we'll be celebrating the 4th of July :patriot: ... where has the time gone? We've already been home from R4 for over a month ...

I've got a gallon of Sangria in my freezer ... wish you were here!


Oh ... for those that have asked ... (and you make me laugh when you do...) YES! We finally got in to our new (?) Sonic Burger .... yesterday! We only had to "wait in line" for 3 other cars ... so we had our rollerskating car hop ... I had a Sonic Burger .... hmmm, it tastes exactly like a Jack in the Box Jumbo Jack ... that surprised me. I thought for sure it would have something different to set it apart from other fast food chains ... but, nope. I still think their Cherry Limeade is really tasty though. Especially in this warm weather. My fast food vote goes to ..... In & Out Burger ... a double-double, animal style..... ! It was a fun thing to do though ... ;-)
New Car!

Well all, I went ahead and ordered a new 2010 Camaro! :rocker: I am truly excited, can't wait to get it! It will take 6-8 weeks for delivery, so this will be hard to stay sane. But I always have the option to take a ride in Tiffany until then. Tif will be happy to have a new roomie! :chuckle
I will keep you all posted! :D:D:D
Awww, Farrah Fawcett has lost her war .. that is just so sad. Charlie's Angel's was a must see TV program for me .... and I think every guy I knew had her picture on their bedroom wall. She was a gal that women liked and men loved. Peace finally be with her.

Ed McMahon .... what great memories I will always have of late nights with him and Johnny Carson. They kept me company hundreds of nights while I waited for Ray to get off duty and come home. I still laugh when I think of them doing the Great Carnak .... RIP, Ed.

Michael Jackson ... my goodness .... only 50 years old. What a legacy he leaves behind. Who will ever forget Thriller? And who hasn't tried to do the Moon Walk?? Walk with God, Michael.

Sorry - but I don't think Little Mikie will be walking with God...........:reddevil But; he will be busy trying to play with all the little boy-devils he can get his hands on.
Well all, I went ahead and ordered a new 2010 Camaro! :rocker: I am truly excited, can't wait to get it! It will take 6-8 weeks for delivery, so this will be hard to stay sane. But I always have the option to take a ride in Tiffany until then. Tif will be happy to have a new roomie! :chuckle
I will keep you all posted! :D:D:D
Stay Sane. When were you sane to start with? :dunno:
Well all, I went ahead and ordered a new 2010 Camaro! :rocker: I am truly excited, can't wait to get it! It will take 6-8 weeks for delivery, so this will be hard to stay sane. But I always have the option to take a ride in Tiffany until then. Tif will be happy to have a new roomie! :chuckle
I will keep you all posted! :D:D:D

That is AWESOME news!!! What color will it be? I can't wait to see it.
Maybe Photo Mom will let you drive one of her 2 babies.
I hope so! That is still my dream, the Z06, but until then I will have fun in the new Camaro (Daisy:chuckle) (I feel like Daisy Duke getting into her so that is her name).
She is going to be Matallic Orange w/ the multi leather seats (Orange/Blk) and the hockey stripe with one on hood also. Tinted windows (A must) and RS package- so the nice wheels come with it. She will be pretty! I got the eng. cover to match the car too! I'm really excited, ordered her on Friday morning. 6-8 weeks to go! OMG! :):)

That is AWESOME news!!! What color will it be? I can't wait to see it.
Maybe Photo Mom will let you drive one of her 2 babies.
Missy Supa Bling,

Happy to hear of your new toy!! Seems to be the thing to do lately!! :rocker:

The wait will seem long, but it will just make it that much sweeter when Daisy is born to you. :love:

Lotsa luck!



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