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The New WC - AKA Wives Club


Hi Floyd, I didn't get to meet you, but I sure like your taste in cars, it is a beauty...I am sure it will bring you miles of smiles.......
jeanie :)
Photo Mom
Thanks, Photo Mom!

The Vette I had before this one was the same color as yours.

Good luck with yours too!! I think I only visited the dealer twice with all five previous Vettes, and one visit was a recall on the wheels (I think) but as it turned out mine weren't included in the recall.

Maybe we'll get to eyeball each other at the next big event!

Floyd (BB)
What a difference a week makes!
Last Sunday I was looking at TX landscape (:squint:) for miles and miles.

I guess we all hit it kinda lucky when we were filling up our tanks both ways ..... last night our local gas (ARCO) has boosted its price of regular to $2.75/gal. Is that :willy_nilly: or what?

Here we are in the middle of a freaking recession and now we're being held hostage at the gas pumps. :banghead: 10 days ago when we were in Yuma, AZ we paid $2.09.

It was really pretty noticable that Memorial Day vacationing was way down .... coming I-8 into San Diego we probably passed less than 2 dozen watercraft and very few 5th wheelers/trailers. That says a lot. The Memorial Day weekend is the "opening day" for boaters at "The River" (Cororado River) ..... many years we would have to book our hotel room almost a year in advance and Yuma would be overflowing with RV's ... and jam-packed with beautiful boats.
I noticed that most inns/hotel/motels has "vacancy" signs posted, both going and coming all the way across from CA to TX.

Boy ... aren't we the most fortunate to be able to travel and see the River Walk ...??? :rocker:

I don't get it ... the government has their hand in "regulating" everything ..... including now the cars we might choose to drive .... but they won't stop the oil companys from gouging us ...
Premium is up over $3 bucks here. And with my driving habits and choice of daily driver equates to a tank of fuel per day.............:reddevil :reddevil :pat: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool::thefinger:Obama and his desire to see more fuel efficient cars. I'll drive gas guzzlers until I'm dead; then I hope the hearse that hauls my ass to the hole is burning premium !!!!!!
Same discussion we have around our kitchen table .... we don't think the whine of an electric engine is going to fill our need to hear the roar of the rods. In the 70's the oil "scare" and gasoline "shortage" took us to the dealer where we bought our first fuel efficient car - a Nissan Sentra :rolleyes: ... Well, entering freeways with a 4-banger while most were still driving 8's was pretty :willy_nilly:.
Premium is up over $3 bucks here. And with my driving habits and choice of daily driver equates to a tank of fuel per day.............:reddevil :reddevil :pat: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool::thefinger:Obama and his desire to see more fuel efficient cars. I'll drive gas guzzlers until I'm dead; then I hope the hearse that hauls my ass to the hole is burning premium !!!!!!
Could not agree with you more. :(
Could not agree with you more. :(

I have always said that, I like fast cars, trucks and suv's and I hope I never see the day I have to buy a "nano car" Americans don't want to drive little vehicles, they have tried it before...we always go back to the big ones, that run on gas....nothing like driving an American made V-8...can't beat it...:patriot::patriot::patriot::patriot::patriot:
Thanks, Photo Mom!

The Vette I had before this one was the same color as yours.

Good luck with yours too!! I think I only visited the dealer twice with all five previous Vettes, and one visit was a recall on the wheels (I think) but as it turned out mine weren't included in the recall.

Maybe we'll get to eyeball each other at the next big event!

Floyd (BB)

Maybe we will, I am looking forward to it...
I have always said that, I like fast cars, trucks and suv's and I hope I never see the day I have to buy a "nano car" Americans don't want to drive little vehicles, they have tried it before...we always go back to the big ones, that run on gas....nothing like driving an American made V-8...can't beat it...:patriot::patriot::patriot::patriot::patriot:
Agree with you 100%. If I wanted to drive a little nano car I would have bought one. It has already been shown and proved that those big gas guzzlers are much safer than the little nano cars. I hope that Ford stays out of the government pocket book and keeps building the gas guzzlers that the American people want. :patriot::patriot:
We are being awful quiet. Everyone has to have gotten back into the swing of things by now from our trip. :wave:
In the swing of things? Well, if you call planning the next "Colorado Springs XLR MEET" getting back into the swing ... then, yep. :blinzel:

(BTW, Woman of many names .... how did that guzzler post get past you???);)
In the swing of things? Well, if you call planning the next "Colorado Springs XLR MEET" getting back into the swing ... then, yep. :blinzel:

(BTW, Woman of many names .... how did that guzzler post get past you???);)
It didn't. I have to let him have one once in awhile. :chuckle:chuckle:chuckle;)
Marion! CONGRATULATIONS! You've earned your wings! :rocker: Must have been awarded to you for making Cubby so proud of you in SA!
Soon I hope to see a whole band of :angel's .... I'll always remember the day Marc gave me mine ... (:slap:) ... ;)
Marion! CONGRATULATIONS! You've earned your wings! :rocker: Must have been awarded to you for making Cubby so proud of you in SA!
Soon I hope to see a whole band of :angel's .... I'll always remember the day Marc gave me mine ... (:slap:) ... ;)
Thank you Madam. I think that is why I got them. I'm sure you will see your wishes come true.
I second the congratulations

Thank you Madam. I think that is why I got them. I'm sure you will see your wishes come true.

Hey there Little Woman, I second the congratulations to you and I am sure you got the wings because you made Hubby Cubby so proud of you in San Antonio. We all love you and want you to be just like you are, having fun and enjoying life to the fullest.:rocker::rocker::rocker:
Hey there Little Woman, I second the congratulations to you and I am sure you got the wings because you made Hubby Cubby so proud of you in San Antonio. We all love you and want you to be just like you are, having fun and enjoying life to the fullest.:rocker::rocker::rocker:
Thank you FR. I love a majority of you also. Don't worry I will always be the way I am and will not change for anyone.
How cute .... "Bling :angel " and "Teen :angel" ... ! You know ... there were a lot of gals that really earned their wings in SA ... good job!

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