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The New WC - AKA Wives Club

Madam did you catch the pic Cubby posted for you in our Biltmore trip? :dunno:It was just for you. A pic of a Jack in the Box.
Madam did you catch the pic Cubby posted for you in our Biltmore trip? :dunno:It was just for you. A pic of a Jack in the Box.
Yeah ... I saw that ... and laughed :lol: - I'm surprised you didn't see Lola in the drive-thru!

I just discovered their Taco Nachos ... tasty little devil ... :D
Oh wow ...
I'm starting to get panicky now .... so many shoes to pack ... so little time! :lol:

Well ... I shot my mouth off about the flu, and have ended up fighting a miserable cold all week that I caught from kissing on my grandbabe too much. Today I feel human and the realization that we are just over a week away from leaving has thrown me into chaos! ... It looks like we will be gone for about 12 days ... that's a lot of clothes .... last year every nook and cranny was stuffed ... and the trunk just hasn't gotten any bigger since then. :pat: I just don't know how Missy Bling does it.... :confused: I still want to take Lola in for an oil change next week too .... and Ray will be trying to get some extra coats of wax down ... gotta give the ol' girl some TLC in order to face those desert sands ....
Forecast looks GOOD for San Antonio ....
Looks damn near perfect, in fact! :rocker:
Ruthie, One pair of sneakers & one pair of dress shoes, 1/2 dozen sorts and shorts/dress pants and socks. I yes, let's not forget one par of underwear, like Mswaim. See how easy it is?:wave:

Oh wow ...
I'm starting to get panicky now .... so many shoes to pack ... so little time! :lol:

Well ... I shot my mouth off about the flu, and have ended up fighting a miserable cold all week that I caught from kissing on my grandbabe too much. Today I feel human and the realization that we are just over a week away from leaving has thrown me into chaos! ... It looks like we will be gone for about 12 days ... that's a lot of clothes .... last year every nook and cranny was stuffed ... and the trunk just hasn't gotten any bigger since then. :pat: I just don't know how Missy Bling does it.... :confused: I still want to take Lola in for an oil change next week too .... and Ray will be trying to get some extra coats of wax down ... gotta give the ol' girl some TLC in order to face those desert sands ....
Forecast looks GOOD for San Antonio ....
Looks damn near perfect, in fact! :rocker:
Oh wow ...
I'm starting to get panicky now .... so many shoes to pack ... so little time! :lol:

Well ... I shot my mouth off about the flu, and have ended up fighting a miserable cold all week that I caught from kissing on my grandbabe too much. Today I feel human and the realization that we are just over a week away from leaving has thrown me into chaos! ... It looks like we will be gone for about 12 days ... that's a lot of clothes .... last year every nook and cranny was stuffed ... and the trunk just hasn't gotten any bigger since then. :pat: I just don't know how Missy Bling does it.... :confused: I still want to take Lola in for an oil change next week too .... and Ray will be trying to get some extra coats of wax down ... gotta give the ol' girl some TLC in order to face those desert sands ....
Forecast looks GOOD for San Antonio ....
Looks damn near perfect, in fact! :rocker:
You can always Fed Ex. Doesn't that bag you bought from the Boutique fit alot. :chuckle:chuckle
Make sure you ask to see the bags we bought from Cadillac Tech for our XLR trips--first class all the way!!!!:blinzel:

The Boutique .... :laugh::laugh::laugh: 'hadn't thought about that place in a lonnnnnnnnnnnng time. Or him. :pat:
:jump:Well, we're all set to take off finally ... just need to tidy up the house and get it ready for the sitter ....
We're going to dinner with the kids so that I can have a few more hours with the grand boy .... I am going to miss him like crazy :bawling: ... now that he's walking he's my bestest little buddy. :love:

Ray will meet the challenge of packing the trunk tomorrow morning ... I love the first day on the road when I can just sit back and leave the worries behind .... and leave the driving to Ray.

I can't wait to see all of you again ... I will miss waiting for you guys in the parking lot :drink: ... I had more fun than anyone else I think. Wow ... I remember when the MM's rolled in ... :rocker: like meeting family for the first time!

You all drive safely .... look out for each other ... and I'll see you soon! :grouphug:
Trunks packed except for Jays stuff, she is still working. Decided to go out to I-10, that way I can't get lost. Waffle House here we come.
Poor Mojo knows something is up with all the luggage. Mocha has seen it before and is taking it all in stride. At least they have each other to play with while we are gone. Mocha will crap outside the pan to show she is p***ed off and I have no idea what Mojo will do, so it will be a surprise.:pat:
:jump:Well, we're all set to take off finally ... just need to tidy up the house and get it ready for the sitter ....
We're going to dinner with the kids so that I can have a few more hours with the grand boy .... I am going to miss him like crazy :bawling: ... now that he's walking he's my bestest little buddy. :love:

Ray will meet the challenge of packing the trunk tomorrow morning ... I love the first day on the road when I can just sit back and leave the worries behind .... and leave the driving to Ray.

I can't wait to see all of you again ... I will miss waiting for you guys in the parking lot :drink: ... I had more fun than anyone else I think. Wow ... I remember when the MM's rolled in ... :rocker: like meeting family for the first time!

You all drive safely .... look out for each other ... and I'll see you soon! :grouphug:
If you are coming in on the 10 the first Cracker Barrel is in Buckeye at Miller Road, first Waffle House is at Dysart Road in Avondale.

Less photo radar on the 8. They must have signs posted but only on the right side so they are easy to miss. One at 1/2 mile and one at 300 feet. The temporary ones with Vans are Radar. The permanent ones use loops so your radar detector will not pick it up. Photo at 11 mph over. Don't ask me how I know this but if you have your visor down in an XLR it will not pick up your face, thus the ticket is unenforceable.
Thanks Kent, I got a photo one back in December and notified them where they could put the ticket and the pictures since you couldn't see the person driving. Didn't even get an answer from them.
I'm driving 5 over the speed limit, I'm tired of beating these tickets with those "written declarations" that are always dismissed. It's the same thing the lawyers use to fight tickets for clients.
We will do the Waffle House on Tuesday morning at 10 am.
Where is the lists for the drives? I can't find them anywhere?
If you are coming in on the 10 the first Cracker Barrel is in Buckeye at Miller Road, first Waffle House is at Dysart Road in Avondale.

Less photo radar on the 8. They must have signs posted but only on the right side so they are easy to miss. One at 1/2 mile and one at 300 feet. The temporary ones with Vans are Radar. The permanent ones use loops so your radar detector will not pick it up. Photo at 11 mph over. Don't ask me how I know this but if you have your visor down in an XLR it will not pick up your face, thus the ticket is unenforceable.
Home from R4

:wave: Well .... wasn't this a fun trip?
It will take me a week just to settle down.
I missed some of our Diva buddies from R2 & R3 (you know who you are ...) ... but gosh, it was so great to see all of my girlfriends (and their husbands) again. And so glad to meet the new "Wives" (MrsMTRocket/Jeanster) ... Dallas Doll, we missed you ... but I toasted you with my first glass of wine on the River Walk. The Hilton was a pretty classy place and we liked it a lot - so very convenient to the River. We liked The Hampton a lot too (the parking lot was awesome) ... it was great to be able to sit around the pool and just relax .... and drink that wonderful :drink:(hic) bottle of Sangria (Woman of Many Names ... don't forget to post that recipe!) Gosh ... this will be the 3rd photo scrapbook that I am putting together! Well ... just wanted to say that it was wonderful to finally see you all again ... I guess for awhile we will just have to be happy here ... :blinzel:
xxoo RA
:wave: Well .... wasn't this a fun trip?
It will take me a week just to settle down.
I missed some of our Diva buddies from R2 & R3 (you know who you are ...) ... but gosh, it was so great to see all of my girlfriends (and their husbands) again. And so glad to meet the new "Wives" (MrsMTRocket/Jeanster) ... Dallas Doll, we missed you ... but I toasted you with my first glass of wine on the River Walk. The Hilton was a pretty classy place and we liked it a lot - so very convenient to the River. We liked The Hampton a lot too (the parking lot was awesome) ... it was great to be able to sit around the pool and just relax .... and drink that wonderful :drink:(hic) bottle of Sangria (Woman of Many Names ... don't forget to post that recipe!) Gosh ... this will be the 3rd photo scrapbook that I am putting together! Well ... just wanted to say that it was wonderful to finally see you all again ... I guess for awhile we will just have to be happy here ... :blinzel:
xxoo RA
You will be happier once you get the Sangria recipe :reddevil that stop at the winery was like having the stars align.:lol:
Just woke up .... couldn't figure out where I was for a second! It was pretty nice to smell real coffee ..... is there anything worse than hotel coffeemaker coffee??? As soon as Ray got dressed in the AM's he would run down to the lobby and bring back the good stuff ... I bet that was a familiar scene in every room!

You're right, JetBoy ... everyone agreed that winery was was a great find ... like a little oasis. We're going to make the Sangria recipe and keep it on hand for company too. That is the greatest patio drink EVER. Thank's Cubby and WOMN ...so generous of you and so refreshing there by the pool. :rocker:

Ray's already outside .... Lola will be getting a bath like she's never had. We have bugs embedded in places where he will need tweezers to get them out :pat: ... well, ya'all KNOW what I'm talkin' about!

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