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The New WC - AKA Wives Club

I might be spoiling the fun for Bruce and Kathy to post, but, I have just gotten an Email from our ol' friend LinSue ....

She's down in Sebring for awhile and just had breakfast with Bruce and Kathy - they are attending the races this week down there .... she said they had a great morning, and she is looking forward to meeting up with our friend Quinn today too ... who is also down there for the races ...... how fun that our group still finds each other miles and miles apart .....:rocker: We are the best group ever ....:grouphug:
It was a beautiful morning when we left for breakfast with some friends ... hmmm, well, ended up in Yuma, AZ! I took this picture because it just sums up the local atmosphere ... I doubt I would see this anywhere else .. ;)
View attachment 168
It was a beautiful morning when we left for breakfast with some friends ... hmmm, well, ended up in Yuma, AZ! I took this picture because it just sums up the local atmosphere ... I doubt I would see this anywhere else .. ;)
View attachment 168
Can't say as I've ever had a Mexican donut... wonder if they have jalapeno's or habanero's in them???
Yeah, and it's a deli too! Now that's diversification .... I doubt this place will ever need bail out funds :lol:
I wondered how come the forum has been so quiet this weekend .... and then I saw the temps for the midwest ..... you guys are OUTSIDE! Hurrah!:rocker:
I wondered how come the forum has been so quiet this weekend .... and then I saw the temps for the midwest ..... you guys are OUTSIDE! Hurrah!:rocker:
Or NCAA Basketball :dunno: I did 400 miles of mountain twisites on the Benelli today. I think I am either getting old or out of shape for crotch rocket riding, my wrists are killing me. No tickets though :rocker:
Or NCAA Basketball :dunno: I did 400 miles of mountain twisites on the Benelli today. I think I am either getting old or out of shape for crotch rocket riding, my wrists are killing me. No tickets though :rocker:

Through those proving ground roads that you took us through??

I don't think you're old or out of shape ... I think you're like a few other members on this forum and just working to damn many hours :willy_nilly: -

Glad to hear that you were out and about ... I couldn't believe how beautiful the AZ weather was yesterday ... I hope it is just like that in TX when we all go to R4 .. :rocker:
Or NCAA Basketball :dunno: I did 400 miles of mountain twisites on the Benelli today. I think I am either getting old or out of shape for crotch rocket riding, my wrists are killing me. No tickets though :rocker:

But you and I both know all them aches are worth every once of the pain!!!! :cool:
Marc .... what kind of wheels did you decide to put one her?

We've had a rock or something kick up and crack the access panel cover inside of the wheel-well. Weird. :rolleyes:

Glad the MidWest is thawing out ... you are one week into Springtime now .... it should only get better .... just think pretty soon the trees will start getting their leaves and you can start thinking about cleaning them up ..:chuckle
Saturday on the way to buy tile for my backsplash in the kitchen I saw serveral trees in bloom. Probably were Crab Apples, some white and some pink. It is almost sixty right now, may have a chance of rain this afternoon which we severly need, we are at high fire danger it is so dry here and if the wind kicks up it will get worse. We have had a few fires but they got them out before they reached any dwellings. Spring and Fall in Illinois was always my favorite time of the year.
new shoes for Tiffany

Will probably stay with Michelins. Had considered Goodyears, but heard from many that they don't hold up as well. And at only about 25,000 to 30,000 miles between sets and the expense I want them to last as long as possible. With run flats there are not many choices.
Ahhh, what a beautiful morning!

Going to take a little ride in Lola and spend the rest of the day playing with Grandboy #2 .. Life is good :blinzel:
What does the Sun look like?

Send it our way Ruth Ann--I want to get Scarlett-V out and spend some time with her:laugh::laugh::laugh:

At least it looks as though we've seen the last of the snow--finally:(:(

RIVerwalk is coming together to be the best of the best, by everyone's ideas for fun and friendship--great job to all

Ahhh, what a beautiful morning!

Going to take a little ride in Lola and spend the rest of the day playing with Grandboy #2 .. Life is good :blinzel:
April fools for sure!

Send it our way Ruth Ann--I want to get Scarlett-V out and spend some time with her:laugh::laugh::laugh:

At least it looks as though we've seen the last of the snow--finally:(:(

Uh... Cubby - it's snowing like H*LL here right now! Yeah, "April Fool's" because we're dumb enough to live here! The Barbie Car is still getting her beauty sleep, but she's looking forward to meeting her new cousin. :love:

It's our middle daughter's 21st birthday tomorrow - David and I were not invited to the "bar crawl/power hour" with her brother and sister - but that's OK - we'll have our own in SA!

Cubster .... this will just give you a few more days to get to know Scarlette a little bit better ... you will be able to Q-tip clean every nook and cranny .... ahhh, she'll just be all that much sweeter. ;) And shinier.

Quinn .... maybe this is just Mother Nature's April Fool Day's joke .... It will be great to see you again ... to tell me all about your visit to LinSue ..

I'm really looking forward to seeing the Southern part of Texas too .... oh, heck, I'm already thinking about next year's R5 ... (I'm going to vote for Las Vegas!) .... :rocker:
Cubby, be carefull of that performance mode, three presses on the console button will put a wild hair under your butt.........(correction.........two presses)
Get those factory filters off and put something like volant cone filters on, then look through the grill and see if you can see the slots on the matting which block the air from coming in, if they haven't that's what gives you ram-air, but you may have to make something that will block that off when you have heavy rain.
Pictures are available on here for giving yourself an extra hundred HP, especially if you do the mild to wild thing with your baffles.
Need help, PM me.
Go RIVerwalk:patriot:
Send it our way Ruth Ann--I want to get Scarlett-V out and spend some time with her:laugh::laugh::laugh:

At least it looks as though we've seen the last of the snow--finally:(:(

RIVerwalk is coming together to be the best of the best, by everyone's ideas for fun and friendship--great job to all
Send it our way Ruth Ann--I want to get Scarlett-V out and spend some time with her:laugh::laugh::laugh:

At least it looks as though we've seen the last of the snow--finally:(:(

RIVerwalk is coming together to be the best of the best, by everyone's ideas for fun and friendship--great job to all

Cubby, you better pray for sunshine as there is a storm headed your way, it is passing thru here today and another one is coming in here Friday. We are to get 1 to 4 inches of snow today and it is really coming down right now. It is about forty degrees out as I type this.
Now I know why I live in SO CAL, not a cloud in the sky, top down and 77 degrees and I have the day off. Get that thar kitchen done you all.:bash:
Cubby, you better pray for sunshine as there is a storm headed your way, it is passing thru here today and another one is coming in here Friday. We are to get 1 to 4 inches of snow today and it is really coming down right now. It is about forty degrees out as I type this.

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