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The New WC - AKA Wives Club

I don't understand why our government is so interested in allowing the illegals in ..... what is the "for" argument??

Sheriff Joe .... he's my idol :love: He makes his prisoner's wear PINK clothes ....! In AZ when you go to prison that's exactly where you are going .... not to a day camp like some of our prisons. I understand that in CA we spend more money to take care of our prisoner's than we do per child for education. That is wrong .... the children are being punished instead of the offenders in our society. Oh :mad: don't get me started on this .... I ACTUALLY realize that every morning when Ray gets dressed for work he is preparing to take a bullet for someone .... you know how I know that? Because part of his uniform is a bullet-proof vest. Cops are mentally prepared to die everyday. Our society is so sick that we think that the people who rob, kill, rape, and commit other crime should be be on a spa vacation while in the jail (workout equipment ... oh yeah, so that when they can get out they are even stronger when they subdue someone else) .... H*ll with them. I WANT A SHERIFF JOE. :patriot:
Got my travelin' companion! :rocker:
So ... we had a really fun day ... we decided that Lola need some exercise, so we headed up the mountain, and long story short, ended up in an Indian casino ... :pat: ... but I won (yippee!) several hundred bucks, so we headed back down the mountain and voila', bought the "laptot!" ... and yep, that's why I'm up so early ... playing "computer" .... The best part? It fits perfectly into my purse ....now I will have room at my feet in Lola while I navigate our way to San Antonio! These things are perfect for traveling - working too .... fits easily in the side pocket of the briefcase ... no need to carry two bags anymore .... I'm gonna love it when we fly.

P.S. Homegameroom: I ended up with the Aspire One (120GB)
Madam notice I finally have an avatar and a pic on my profile. Thanks to Bruce and Kathy. :cool::worship:
Nice avatar, Marion .... have Kathy take a pic of you in SA with YOU driving the little man around .... now how cool would THAT be! :cool: :reddevil
Nice avatar, Marion .... have Kathy take a pic of you in SA with YOU driving the little man around .... now how cool would THAT be! :cool: :reddevil
That would be nice, but the little man does not let me drive Scarlet that often. I think I have driven her maybe three or four times since he has had her. Especially if he is in the car no way will he let me drive her. :dunno:
That would be nice, but the little man does not let me drive Scarlet that often. I think I have driven her maybe three or four times since he has had her. Especially if he is in the car no way will he let me drive her. :dunno:

Cubby???? Is that true? :D
See how nicely I share Lola (have you EVER seen me drive her yet?) :reddevil Ray thinks she is his ..... :pat:
Our weather is getting nice here. Today we are at 64 and the next couple of days 70s. I hope we keep it. :D
You haven't seen the Little Woman drive yet. Cuby has.
Oh come on Marc. You have been behind me when I have gotten the pleasure to drive his car. Remember I reved the engine for you so you could hear the pipes. :chuckle I think I drove good. No worse than Cuby. ;)
Now is this a surprise???????..................Lola has a built in detector for Indian Casino's and so does either driver. Glad you won for a change.:laugh:
Got my travelin' companion! :rocker:
So ... we had a really fun day ... we decided that Lola need some exercise, so we headed up the mountain, and long story short, ended up in an Indian casino ... :pat: ... but I won (yippee!) several hundred bucks, so we headed back down the mountain and voila', bought the "laptot!" ... and yep, that's why I'm up so early ... playing "computer" .... The best part? It fits perfectly into my purse ....now I will have room at my feet in Lola while I navigate our way to San Antonio! These things are perfect for traveling - working too .... fits easily in the side pocket of the briefcase ... no need to carry two bags anymore .... I'm gonna love it when we fly.

P.S. Homegameroom: I ended up with the Aspire One (120GB)
I love gambling! :blinzel: Heck - I love doing ANYTHING! I'd do it once a month if I could .... but, hmmm, the $$$ is going in many directions now. And I think like everyone else in this present economy we are cutting our expenitures (well, somewhat .. :rolleyes: ~ :lol:) and stashing more away.

Around here it's like a gambling Mecca ... one casino is about 5 miles, another one is about 8 miles .... another one about 20 .... and about 7 more casinos within a 50 mile radius. :blinzel: So many casinos, so little time (and $$!) :lol:
I'm back, but only for a few minutes. Boy, have I missed a lot!!!!!!!!!!

Great going Marion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Come on Cubby, let Marion drive once in a while! Hey Marion, you could get your own XLR, or maybe not! :chuckle:laugh:

I should have my new internet card tomorrow, but for now I'm using Jim's card. It's a long story! :(:dunno::bawling::bawling::bawling:

Madam, way to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :worship::worship: I'm going to Sandia, the casino we took you to for RI, to play bingo and then the slots tonight.

Oh, yeah, I can see they really deserved them. Great bottom line this year. :laugh:
Makes me :pukeface:.
I wish I understood politics better - because after days of hearing how AIG has mis-used the funds in the next breath I hear the pundits talking about how if AIG needed financial help again that the government would certainly be there to help them because the U.S. can't let their financial institutions fail :willy_nilly: .... well, what the Hell???? Whose running the country? Sounds to me like we have wasted our votes .... I guess the government works for the banks.
I wish I understood politics better - because after days of hearing how AIG has mis-used the funds in the next breath I hear the pundits talking about how if AIG needed financial help again that the government would certainly be there to help them because the U.S. can't let their financial institutions fail :willy_nilly: .... well, what the Hell???? Whose running the country? Sounds to me like we have wasted our votes .... I guess the government works for the banks.

A lesson in history, of course you all remember learning that the Federal Reserve Bank is not a part of the government, it is privatly owned. The name certainly would lead one to think it is part of the government. And who is the government? It is supposed to be "We The People" but that has changed, it is now "We The Greedy Politicains". Next we go to The Internal Revenue Service. I know you remember learning in school that it also is privately owned and is not a branch or division of the govrnment. The rules change every year for filing your income tax forms, thousand of pages of rules. Would it not be much better to throw our all the rules and have a flat 3 or 4 % tax on just the money you earn from your hard labors, no deductions for anything, that way folks with zero children would not be paying for the ones that have 12 children. We would have more than enough money to pay off the National Debt because everyone would be paying their fair share. REMEMBER, NO DEDUCTIONS, A FLAT 3 or 4 % on everyone working and earning wages, salary and this would include all business, corporations, everyone treated equally. Tell me what you think. I also have other suggestions that would save us all money, especially those of us that own more than one vehicle.
My laugh for the day:

Today’s New York Post said “NOT SO FAST YOU GREEDY BASTARDS” in a headline, all in capital letters, that dominated the front-page of the tabloid. :laugh:
My laugh for the day:

Today’s New York Post said “NOT SO FAST YOU GREEDY BASTARDS” in a headline, all in capital letters, that dominated the front-page of the tabloid. :laugh:
That cracked me up too. It is hard to exactly understand the situation with AIG. First they have contracts which AIG is saying they have to honor. I heard on the news yesterday someone say that if the government had not given AIG the bailout money there would be no bonuses, because there wouldn't have been a company. Therefore, the employees getting the bonuses should not be taking them. The government is now trying to come up with a creative way of getting the money back. Some I do not believe they can legally do. I have heard they are going to try and tax the bonuses a 100%. I do not believe they can constitutionally single out that group and tax it to that extent. Just my opinion. I don't think they should get the bonuses. Why should they be rewarded for pretty much putting a company in failure. Just my .02. :patriot:I wish they would have grilled these banks and insurance companies the way they did the automotive industry before the tax payers money was handed out. The UAW had to make concessions so these employees with bonuses should be making some concessions. :confused:

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