Well - now I'm already doing the "mental pack" thing for San Antonio ....

Now, ya' all MM's will soon discover that packing our trunks take a little talent for these longer road trips .... but, hey, I'm going to share a trick with you.
Use SOFT luggage ... like duffel-type bags, etc ..... those solid-sided suitcases use up way to much precious space. Oh .... and UNDER pack .... you will probably be buying some Southwest souvenir stuff ... hard to resist those handmade moccasins, turquoise silver, blankets and dream-catchers', regional shirts, etc. and believe me it's either have the stuff sent home or pass it up, and I really regret passing up some of the stuff I wanted from our KY & TN road trips .... we collect the Route 66 signs from each state we go through and have them mounted in the garage. Hey ... and it's not just us Diva's who find some neat stuff ....
Lola's cabin is so organized now that we have learned how to live on the road for 4-5 days at a time ..... I make a notebook before we leave - I print out, in order, the whole trip iteniery ... day one directions to each hotel along with the confirmation (because our NAV systems are not the most reliable across country - trust me ... and another section with the event information, addresses and directions to each event, etc. - I put all of that into a report cover in the computer bag at my feet. Camera's sit between me & Ray, our sunglass/reading glass holders are in the armrest. The door storage has the road atlas/local maps/brochures (for when we decide we want to go somewhere else at the last minute!) Kleenex, a plastic grocery bag for trash - our jackets are folded up behind the headrests ... We are VERY cozy for a few days, and I know that most of you have traveled for days in
another vehicle - but believe me ... it is a lot different in the XLR - there is virtually not an extra square inch if there are 2 people in the cabin ...
Well, here's one small concession (haha) I am making - I am going to purchase one of those mini-laptops shortly (they call them lap
tots - isn't that just cute?) .... it will fit into my purse.
Now ... I have taken all of the advice I got on this forum from how to pack shirts for 2 people for 10 days (minimum of 30 shirts/tops) ... roll with drycleaning plastic or tissue paper ... voila' - no wrinkles! ....
Anyone got any other tips????[/quote
Most of the MMs got the soft luggage duffels bought from Cadillac Tech. Thanks for the tips. I never thought of rolling shirts up with either of those. Where do you find the laptots? I might be interested in something like that. One more question where do I pack the funnel?