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The New WC - AKA Wives Club

I don't think there is a Long's Bakery in San Diego. (Krispy Kreme trys to copy them.) More pics to come later--we're stil partying:wave::wave::wave:
Had a great dinner with with Bob & Paula--Nick couldn't make it. Marc especially like his dish he mis-spoke The Five Pepper Chicken. He ordered Five Pecker Chicken. Photo girl is out of her element--she's missing her professional camera, so she has to make do with what all us amatuers use.

Pictures are on their way
Are we missing a couple of pictures ...?? :confused:

Of course we all wish we were there with you .... Whaaattt???? Bruce will do pretty much anything for a donut???? :reddevil Well, that's verrrrrry interesting .... what kind do you want me to bring him from San Diego??

We wish we were there with you guys too!
Lap-tops! I see lap-tops!

Where are the woman? I know .... they're out shopping and you guys are all playing with your .... laptops :naughty: haha ...:chuckle
Awww, that makes me so sad and happy at the same time ..... I miss my girlfriends :bawling:
And Ray should be in that picture with all of you guys .... I just told him about Marc's chicken pecker ... hahahaha, we just laughed and laughed..:laugh::laugh:
You guys are having way too much fun .... I have always heard that donuts go good with booze .... you guys are insane! :twist:
Hi Guys,
We had a GREAT TIME!!!! Made it home in about 30 minutes with wind on the tail.

Next time cannot be too soon, and it will be here before we know it.

Bob & Paula
Well, I KNOW I'll get one right ....
5 P = Marc :laugh::laugh:
Bladder Boy = Homegrown??? Or Little Man
Den Mother .... hmmmm, Kathy??

How'd I do? :blinzel:
Curb Rash = Bruce (although I hope not since he doesn't even drink!

And SW ..... no clue ..... :confused:

and the cooler? Why, isn't that Jack in the Box?? :lol:
Hey, you MM's .... wake up, Sleepyheads! :)

You were quite chatty last night ..... :laugh:

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