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The New WC - AKA Wives Club

Took our Lola out for a little drive today ... I just felt like I could drive for hours. I am always so aware of the uniqueness of the XLR. It's look is ageless. Lola is 5 now ... and we were watching a Lexus commercial last night where they were touting it's HUD :willy_nilly: ... Ya' know .... our car was really hot 5 years ago ... light years ahead of the competition, and it still holds it's own. I'm glad that they never changed the lines during it's model years ...
I drive mine every day to work and I always feel like I am driving a very exclusive and beautiful car. :)

Sincerely, I hope this feeling never goes away.


Everyone must be meditating today, it sure has been quite, too early to start packing for RIV. Maybe you are out spending your stimulus money:chuckle:chuckle:chuckle
Everyone must be meditating today, it sure has been quite, too early to start packing for RIV. Maybe you are out spending your stimulus money:chuckle:chuckle:chuckle
Yeah, all of it .... :laugh:

If you want a better joke, read what kind of a budget California passed today ..... in addition to every other b.s. item that was increased (77% license fees, 1% state tax increase ....) now we are being taxed an extra 10% (tax) on our veterinary visits. Now, how low does it get to start punishing the owners of pets ..... :( this is wrong .... I can see that the euthanasia rates will probably increase .... I am just heartsick.
Yeah, all of it .... :laugh:

If you want a better joke, read what kind of a budget California passed today ..... in addition to every other b.s. item that was increased (77% license fees, 1% state tax increase ....) now we are being taxed an extra 10% (tax) on our veterinary visits. Now, how low does it get to start punishing the owners of pets ..... :( this is wrong .... I can see that the euthanasia rates will probably increase .... I am just heartsick.

That is really low to tax your visits to the Veterinary. Glad I live in Colorado. One of our idiots crossed over the the Dumb side that wants to increase the limits on what our state can spend. If that bill get through then our money that is set aside for roads and bridges will be robbed for other dumd things that are not needed. Seems like all the know how to do is tax and spend. They keep this up and there is going to be one big revolt. I am really sorry for your bad news RA
Yeah, all of it .... :laugh:

If you want a better joke, read what kind of a budget California passed today ..... in addition to every other b.s. item that was increased (77% license fees, 1% state tax increase ....) now we are being taxed an extra 10% (tax) on our veterinary visits. Now, how low does it get to start punishing the owners of pets ..... :( this is wrong .... I can see that the euthanasia rates will probably increase .... I am just heartsick.

What did they cut? Does everyone in CA still get 2 years of a JR. college free?? That's gotta cost a bundle!!! And I think it's a little out of line for a goverment to pay college tution.
Ahh, don't you just love the "tax and spend" mentality? Like I said before, you cannot talk your way out of situations your behavior got you into and you cannot spend your way out of situations your poor business habits got you into.

The best (and only) way out of this global crisis is to do nothing. Pay the bills that need to be paid and let the dust settle. Once the main players fail, crash & burn; others will pick up the pieces and start re-building. Yeah, there will be pain, but any way you slice it there is going to be lots of losers before there are any winners.
What did they cut? Does everyone in CA still get 2 years of a JR. college free?? That's gotta cost a bundle!!! And I think it's a little out of line for a goverment to pay college tution.

That went away many, many years ago.
That went away many, many years ago.

Do you still have a freeze on your property taxes? I think my cousins in Ventura told me they passed a law where your taxes don't go up on your property as long as you own your home and live in it. Our taxes keep going up and if you are above a certain age here and have lived in your home for 15 years you get a small exemption. In Florida the exemption goes with age regardless of how many years you have owned the home and lived in it. Each state has different laws in every walk of life. Income taxes should be a flat percentage rate with no exemptions, think how many IRS jobs could be elliminated. Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance should be attached to every Drivers Liicense, not the automobile as it is drivers that cause accidents, not cars or trucks, then maybe we wouldn't have uninsured motorist, no insurance, no license. The head of the household should provide Health Insurance for the family members, not the government. Cut out the extra perks that are provided in the Local, State and Federal levels of government. Why tax all the people for the things that only a few use such as tennis courts, swimming pools, basketball courts and so forth. Government should provide roads, postal service, National Gaurd that stays in our country to protect us from invaders. We need to go back to our Constitution, it spells out pretty good what government can and can not do. Everyone wants everything provided by the government that they should be providing themselves and then when the taxes are raised to pay for all that extra, non essential crap they start crying about paying for it. There is no free lunch, never has been. Time for the silent majority to start speaking up and being heard. Oooops, my box just fell over. Time for the two RB's to go to D.C. and get this country back on track. Right Bobo?:chuckle:chuckle
Prop 13 was a 70's property tax relief measure that limited taxation levels for homeowners. Unfortunately, it only works for those who still own the same home. Once it is sold, the new owner is taxed at current levels - so if you were a real visionary who bought a family residence covered under Prop 13 and still live in it; you are one lucky bast@rd!!
Actually Prop 13 is alive and well.

But is only recognized in certain counties and with a few restrictions: We just brought our Prop 13 with us when we moved.

2 of the restrictions are: You can only take it with you once. And you can only use it on a home that you bought for the same as, or 10% more than the one that you sold.

It was fairly easy to do. We were lucky that San Diego County is one of the county's that recognize it.

Also .... the community 2-year colleges here in San Diego costs are minimal to attend. It is, less than a couple of tanks of gas .....

Tuition & Fees

The Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District is part of the California public college system......: (copied from the website)

Registration Fees--

Enrollment Fee (Mandatory) ............................................$20 per unitHealth Fee
(Mandatory–includes Accident Insurance) ......................................................$14
Student Benefit Card (Grossmont College) ......................$12
Student Representation Fee* ..........................................$1
Parking Fee:Auto Parking Permit**.......................................................$40
Non-resident Students — above fees plus........................$181 per unit
International Students — above fees plus........................$181 per unit

We have 4 or 5, maybe more, 2 year colleges here. San Diego State is pretty affordable too. We have a huge amount of out of state students that attend or colleges .... Almost all of the local kids here get there 2 year degrees first and then finish their last 2 at the college of their choice.
Well at least they didn't add a fee for dentists:laugh::laugh::laugh:
Yeah, all of it .... :laugh:

If you want a better joke, read what kind of a budget California passed today ..... in addition to every other b.s. item that was increased (77% license fees, 1% state tax increase ....) now we are being taxed an extra 10% (tax) on our veterinary visits. Now, how low does it get to start punishing the owners of pets ..... :( this is wrong .... I can see that the euthanasia rates will probably increase .... I am just heartsick.
Re: Living in FL from Robin ...
I'll still take my lumps ....

Hey - you're free to be you and me to be me ... :blinzel: I'm not a big traveler, but I do know one thing ..... NO WHERE has ever had the nice weather consistently like SoCal ..... I think most people like where they live .... that's why they stay there. ... or move there. I'm not arguing with you about FL ..... it just isn't for me. Those that live there love it ..... I don't like humidty at all ... not even a couple of days of the year and bugs scare the cr*p outta me - I don't want to swim in a screened in pool because of bugs (or alligators or whatever else is roaming around the property) .... I'll take our hot spells .... and our taxes ... and our govenor ... :rolleyes: (did I really just say that??:bash:) ... but if I did move anywhere, it would be to AZ..... again, low humidity.

Isn't that what is great about all of us? Our diversity?????
Your both right, Colorado is Gods country for sure & Robin lives in a great area and da bugs & humidity are tough on older people. I would always suggest renting for six months before moving lock stock and barrel
Re: Living in FL from Robin ...
I'll still take my lumps ....

Hey - you're free to be you and me to be me ... :blinzel: I'm not a big traveler, but I do know one thing ..... NO WHERE has ever had the nice weather consistently like SoCal ..... I think most people like where they live .... that's why they stay there. ... or move there. I'm not arguing with you about FL ..... it just isn't for me. Those that live there love it ..... I don't like humidty at all ... not even a couple of days of the year and bugs scare the cr*p outta me - I don't want to swim in a screened in pool because of bugs (or alligators or whatever else is roaming around the property) .... I'll take our hot spells .... and our taxes ... and our govenor ... :rolleyes: (did I really just say that??:bash:) ... but if I did move anywhere, it would be to AZ..... again, low humidity.

Isn't that what is great about all of us? Our diversity?????
Your both right, Colorado is Gods country for sure & Robin lives in a great area and da bugs & humidity are tough on older people. I would always suggest renting for six months before moving lock stock and barrel
"Older people??" .... okay .... I give up. :pat:
I think the point got lost.

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