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The New WC - AKA Wives Club

Well if it isn't the new car a year gang. I wish I had your money.............I mean your cars. Thought that's why you bought the SUV in 06. I guess that's to old to drive around in now. Yikes:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
Well we are here for as long as BLUE BUNNY and BLACK CHERRY keep going and that's going to be a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time, after all, look at professor's XLR!!!!!!!!! :patriot::patriot::patriot:
In an effort to keep the miles down on both XLRs and as of yesterday, we have a new car!!!!!!!!!!!! Cadillac CTS! It is Gold mist with Cashmere & Coco and it is beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I totally shocked my service writer who was :jaw: as well as most everyone at our dealer and that includes our salesman. And the first question everyone asked is "What did we trade in?". :laugh::laugh: and of course? we traded nothing. Some people there even asked if I traded my XLR and I think we all know the answer to that one and it's H _ _L NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
Congrat's J&J on your new CTS .... we have been :drool: over them for 2 years. Yours sounds really pretty ....
We have been so wishy-washy about what we will do for a sedan .... we need one as both of our cars are roadsters - except for THE TRUCK. :willy_nilly: Of course, I would like Ray to give up his MB, and that has been up for discussion - but so far I think I'm the only one doing the discussing as it is still here! :lol:
Well if it isn't the new car a year gang. I wish I had your money.............I mean your cars. Thought that's why you bought the SUV in 06. I guess that's to old to drive around in now. Yikes:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

Hey Bob, your a little slow on the the on '06 Escalade We'eve bought 2, or is it 3, more since then. :dunno::dunno: :chuckle but that's OK I'm a little slow on all the cars as well. Oh yes, I've sold the Prowler as well, I guess I forgot to even mention that one. :ugh::laugh::laugh: We are down to, or rather up to 5 cars and oh yes 4 car payments as well! :willy_nilly: And I wish I had your money!!!!!!!!!!! :chuckle:chuckle:laugh::laugh::laugh::D:D:D:reddevil:reddevil:reddevil
Congrat's J&J on your new CTS .... we have been :drool: over them for 2 years. Yours sounds really pretty ....
We have been so wishy-washy about what we will do for a sedan .... we need one as both of our cars are roadsters - except for THE TRUCK. :willy_nilly: Of course, I would like Ray to give up his MB, and that has been up for discussion - but so far I think I'm the only one doing the discussing as it is still here! :lol:

R A & R,
Thanks for the congrats! I found out last night when I went to the casino, while Jim was working :laugh: that the CTS has what they are calling ambient lighting and it's realy kind of :cool: and you adjust it when you dim or brighten the dash lights.
Well, I just bought my XLR-V last year and I am J U S T B E G I N N I N G to enjoy it. I've met some great people and I expect the adventure to continue for many years! I think the glass is W A Y more than half full :)
Hmmmm, I think you might be refering to our Midwest Marauders ..... maybe Bruce and Kathy??? Yep .... they have been such an asset and such a value to each forum that I have been on .... and they have NEVER even owned an XLR ..... I feel so lucky to have met them and so many other's that I am proud to call "friend." It only started with the car. I certainly hope that you will attend in May on our Rendezvous 4. I think Bruce and Kathy will be driving their Corvette .... or who knows what ... and who cares what carriage they arrive in? If I'm really lucky, a few of our members might be arriving in airplanes! :wave:
I'm sure that's what George (XLR V Indy Guy) meant. He was fortunate enough to meet Bruce, who got him to tag along on our Madison, IN trip. As a result, he also got to test out his new ride on those fast, twisty roads along the Ohio River! ;)

And you're right - we're all lucky to have Bruce & Kathy as contributing members to the forum as well as our lives! They're the best!
Thank you Ruth Ann and Rich, for your very kind words. We think of you as family :grouphug: and look forward to the time we get to spend with you and other XLR owners. Because of friends like you it has made the XLR even more special.

Kathy & Bruce :wave:
We are keeping our Baby. We have had way too much fun with her and have meet some great friends because of her. We have haer until she gives up on us. I'm sure we can count on Cadillac Tech, Bruce, to keep her going for us. Your not getting rid of us that easily Madam. :chuckle:chuckle:chuckle
Well, well, well ...... Marky!
How's that beautiful Tiffany? Are you in the part of the country that has her under wraps for awhile? Ahhhh, but just think .... a few more weeks and you guys will be on the road again! More fun with Dick & Jane (Bruce & Kathy) and gang ..... yeah.... I'd like to be there sippin' some wine and listening to the Marion & Bruce Show .... you guys need to create some sort of an award to hand out for the most outrageous story! :lol: Well, maybe we can give one out in San Antonio ....!
Here are the pictures of our brand new 2009 CTS












See if I can get a picture on here,,,,,, Jim & Jean, You need to get the mesh grill for your CTS. I love it on ours. We got an 09 also.


I love our thunder gray!!
Thank you everyone! Yeppers, that new car smell, ain't it great? :)
Nope, don't need a "V" grill, I don't like them. It's only a 6 and just for running around town it's G-R-E-A-T! :patriot::):D:patriot: And with our neighbors and friends we are incognito! :chuckle :chuckle :chuckle :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :reddevil :reddevil :reddevil :reddevil :reddevil :reddevil
Congrats on your new '09 and I know your just going to love yours as well!

See if I can get a picture on here,,,,,, Jim & Jean, You need to get the mesh grill for your CTS. I love it on ours. We got an 09 also.


I love our thunder gray!!
Hey .... how are you guys doing .... anyone having football withdrawals?? :reddevil

Well .... there's always the Speed Channel! :blinzel: (and beer).
Hey .... how are you guys doing .... anyone having football withdrawals?? :reddevil

Well .... there's always the Speed Channel! :blinzel: (and beer).
Yes I'm going through football withdrawals.:squint:Guess I'll just have to find comfort in my :beerchug:.

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