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The New WC - AKA Wives Club

Spring Time in the Rockies

Took the little booger out this morning, spent all day running errands, 58 degrees, top down, charged up the battery real good. Sun went down, errands not finished, put the little guy away and took out the hearse to finish errands. Dinner is just about ready so now I can eat and go to bed. Will try to send this sunshine on to my friends in Illinois.:wave: First Robin They can send it on to Indiana and Ohio.
Took the little booger out this morning, spent all day running errands, 58 degrees, top down, charged up the battery real good. Sun went down, errands not finished, put the little guy away and took out the hearse to finish errands. Dinner is just about ready so now I can eat and go to bed. Will try to send this sunshine on to my friends in Illinois.:wave: First Robin They can send it on to Indiana and Ohio.
We can use the sunshine. Today it was colder here than in Alaska. Now they are predicting between 1-2 more inches of snow. We have enough snow already. Sick of winter:pukeface:.
My 22-year old niece (San Diego born and bred) just got back from her first trip back East - ski trip to Vermont .... She said everything is grey and white :D! She was facinated by the icecicles and that's what most of her pictures are - shots of big, fat icecicles hanging from everything! - she is not eager to return. It was just above 0 when she left O'Hare and when she stepped off of the plane here it was in the 80's :cool: .... that's real culture shock.

Here's an update to the slot car Christmas gift ... it was a hit! Ray loved it .... decided it was a good time in his life to get back in to that as a hobby - so, he returned the set I bought (things have really changed ...) and decided he would like to build a digital set and 1/32 cars .... he has been working in the garage for 2 weeks now on a 15' track that will lower and raise on an electric wench from the garage rafters .... The track will be NASCAR style ... the boys are already planning "their" cars ... Now we spend time going to different hobby shops ... in one of them, the HO scale train track that they have set up incorporates a slot car track ... :pat: I think I can see what's coming.
Tell Ray to only look, touch & feel in the local stores, but either go on-line or buy a hobby book and save big $$$$!!!

Floyd (BB)
Floyd .... he's been online almost everyday ... I don't know where and what all he's searched for, or bought ... ! :rolleyes:

All I know for sure is that he is having a great time out in the garage and there is sawdust everywhere! :)
Floyd .... he's been online almost everyday ... I don't know where and what all he's searched for, or bought ... ! :rolleyes:

All I know for sure is that he is having a great time out in the garage and there is sawdust everywhere! :)

When he FINALLY finishes it... you realize, of course, that you are going to HAVE to post pictures!!!
It's been a little quite on here since the cold weather started.
Super Bowl today. What is everyone doing or do you not care since some of your teams aren't in it. Kevin and I will be going to his moms today to watch the big match up. Kevin is pulling for the Steelers, that is his second favorite team. Love football don't know what I'll be doing now that it will be over. :confused:
Ahhh, you hit the nail on the head! :lol: We are the real definition of fair-weather fans ....

It's too nice of a day to stay inside and watch football since it's not the Charger's playing ....

We will probably take a drive out to the beach - I need an ocean air fix. It's nice to walk around - go in and out of the shops .... have lunch .... (have a glass of wine!) ..

Oh - and the banana's are ripe out on the banana tree, so I will probably go cut the "bunch" (about 60) off and try to give them away. That's so sad to see out here .... since everyone has at least an orange, lemon, lime or grapefruit tree there is so much fruit that falls to the ground and no one wants it. (Not even the limes for the Corona's ...:))

Well, hmmm, Marion ..... how about watching tennis??
Ahhh, you hit the nail on the head! :lol: We are the real definition of fair-weather fans ....

It's too nice of a day to stay inside and watch football since it's not the Charger's playing ....

We will probably take a drive out to the beach - I need an ocean air fix. It's nice to walk around - go in and out of the shops .... have lunch .... (have a glass of wine!) ..

Oh - and the banana's are ripe out on the banana tree, so I will probably go cut the "bunch" (about 60) off and try to give them away. That's so sad to see out here .... since everyone has at least an orange, lemon, lime or grapefruit tree there is so much fruit that falls to the ground and no one wants it. (Not even the limes for the Corona's ...:))

Well, hmmm, Marion ..... how about watching tennis??
Don't like watching tennis, golf, or bowling. Watching those three is like watching paint dry. :lol:
Congratulations to all of you Steeler's fans :rocker:

Hmmm, well, Mar .... there's always that UF fighting thing ..... that certainly keeps a person glued. :willy_nilly:
Congratulations to all of you Steeler's fans :rocker:

Hmmm, well, Mar .... there's always that UF fighting thing ..... that certainly keeps a person glued. :willy_nilly:
I do like that. Thanks Madam. I forgot all about that. :D
Heyyyyy, verrrrrrrrrrrry quiet around here .... it is beginning to echo .... I think many of us are still trying to digest the news about our cars going out of production and how that will affect each of us individually .......... That will happen .... cars will come and go - but we need to stay in contact - who knows - some of us will probably keep our classic car and then some of us will probably move on and meet on another car forum :blinzel: Ta-da! That's life, but, let's not let what we have go .... :grouphug: You know .... we've had a great ride ............ the best!
Well we are here for as long as BLUE BUNNY and BLACK CHERRY keep going and that's going to be a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time, after all, look at professor's XLR!!!!!!!!! :patriot::patriot::patriot:
In an effort to keep the miles down on both XLRs and as of yesterday, we have a new car!!!!!!!!!!!! Cadillac CTS! It is Gold mist with Cashmere & Coco and it is beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I totally shocked my service writer who was :jaw: as well as most everyone at our dealer and that includes our salesman. And the first question everyone asked is "What did we trade in?". :laugh::laugh: and of course? we traded nothing. Some people there even asked if I traded my XLR and I think we all know the answer to that one and it's H _ _L NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
I'm also here for the duration... don't plan on selling mine ANYTIME soon (or later, for that matter)!!! It's simply toooooo much fun driving and the looks and comments makes it much more fun.

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