Thank's Mar ...
No worries .... I never thought we would get this far!

It was fun while it lasted - but the weather is too nice to sit inside and watch football anyway.
This is the week of the Barratt-Jackson Auction down in AZ, and my first concern is if we're going to actually get to get there! The Detail Guy is working a court this week - and it's still iffy up to the morning we leave (or don't) ...

I have to say that there is indeed a silver-lining to a previous cloud..... since I had to return that junk traveling bag to the XLR Boutique, when we were up in LA at the Fashion District, I spied the (okay, guys, you probably will lose interest here - but the wives will appreciate this!) ... the cutest chocolate brown with white polka-dots overnight suitcase - and it just fits in the XLR! Hmmm, now how did that ever happen? - I think I started out buying a bag for Ray!
He on the other hand, has just received through the mail his 3-Pak of Adam's polishing cloths - I'm sure he will give me his feedback on them this weekend when he breaks out the ICE ...