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The New WC - AKA Wives Club

Mswaim .... you're so full of it .... :laugh::laugh::laugh:

Geez, Cubby ..... do you really want another double-talking politician in office??? :pat: :willy_nilly: Wasn't the IL governor (:hearseespk:) just impeached a couple of hours ago?

Exactly--but I think, he thinks someone else did everything he's accused of. He's just been following tradition in Illinois for hundreds of years:laugh::laugh::laugh: Chicago politics at its finest!!!:willy_nilly::willy_nilly::willy_nilly:
No...................They said he was a peach.
It must be the weather, cause everyone seems to be a little testy lately. Picking on ladies on the wifes club is not a very good idea.
mtrocket...........You where just kidding .......Right?:bash:

Mswaim .... you're so full of it .... :laugh::laugh::laugh:

Geez, Cubby ..... do you really want another double-talking politician in office??? :pat: :willy_nilly: Wasn't the IL governor (:hearseespk:) just impeached a couple of hours ago?
But of course ;);)... I knew I would get a rise out of SOMEBODY... namely Ruth Ann and Marion!!! And if this EVER gets to my wife, I will deny all!!
We ever get to meet her Ruth Ann and I will get her to get on here too. That way she'll know what your saying. :nono:
Winter weather

How's it going in "sunny" Cleveland? :lol: I saw on the news that you received a "dusting" of snow. :lol:

Stay warm.
How's it going in "sunny" Cleveland? :lol: I saw on the news that you received a "dusting" of snow. :lol:

Stay warm.

We received about 10" of snow. It made for a fun weekend, since the city plows our street very late (not until Saturday afternoon), so we all get together and drink and eat! It can be fun to be snowed in sometimes. The worst part is that we're supposed to get more snow, and the high temps later this week are only in the single digits! Brrrr!
Thank's Mar ...
No worries .... I never thought we would get this far! :blinzel: It was fun while it lasted - but the weather is too nice to sit inside and watch football anyway.

This is the week of the Barratt-Jackson Auction down in AZ, and my first concern is if we're going to actually get to get there! The Detail Guy is working a court this week - and it's still iffy up to the morning we leave (or don't) ... :pat: ..

I have to say that there is indeed a silver-lining to a previous cloud..... since I had to return that junk traveling bag to the XLR Boutique, when we were up in LA at the Fashion District, I spied the (okay, guys, you probably will lose interest here - but the wives will appreciate this!) ... the cutest chocolate brown with white polka-dots overnight suitcase - and it just fits in the XLR! Hmmm, now how did that ever happen? - I think I started out buying a bag for Ray! :chuckle

He on the other hand, has just received through the mail his 3-Pak of Adam's polishing cloths - I'm sure he will give me his feedback on them this weekend when he breaks out the ICE ...
We ever get to meet her Ruth Ann and I will get her to get on here too. That way she'll know what your saying. :nono:

That's okay... she's too busy at her work to do this as much as I do; hopefully by the time you meet her, you'll have forgotten all about what I said. :dunno::confused::DShe doesn't even want jokes emailed to her!!
Thank's Mar ...
No worries .... I never thought we would get this far! :blinzel: It was fun while it lasted - but the weather is too nice to sit inside and watch football anyway.

This is the week of the Barratt-Jackson Auction down in AZ, and my first concern is if we're going to actually get to get there! The Detail Guy is working a court this week - and it's still iffy up to the morning we leave (or don't) ... :pat: ..

I have to say that there is indeed a silver-lining to a previous cloud..... since I had to return that junk traveling bag to the XLR Boutique, when we were up in LA at the Fashion District, I spied the (okay, guys, you probably will lose interest here - but the wives will appreciate this!) ... the cutest chocolate brown with white polka-dots overnight suitcase - and it just fits in the XLR! Hmmm, now how did that ever happen? - I think I started out buying a bag for Ray! :chuckle

He on the other hand, has just received through the mail his 3-Pak of Adam's polishing cloths - I'm sure he will give me his feedback on them this weekend when he breaks out the ICE ...

Speaking of bags, last week I bought a Tumi polycarbon silver 22 inch with wheels that fits in the space so I can still have the top down. Since my XLR is also silver it looks really good. I also bought a black leather Tumi duffel that will also fit in that small space next to the other bag. You will get to see them in San Antonio. First Robin
Colts fans get to be depressed today. Tony Dungy retired today. I don't know about the rest of the Colts fans, but I for one am sorry to see him go. :ugh:
Hey Wittle woman, dey comes and dey goes, so do the players. Imagine how the Manning brothers are feeling this week. Eli and the team played the worst game I've ever seen the Giants play.
As far as the Chargers are concerned. If LaDainian Tomlinson would play in the preseason games maybe he would be able to get through the rest of the regular games without getting hurt. Little Darren Sproles can't do it by himself. I'd like to know whose idea this was to sit him during preseason games. Same ole same ole next year.
Colts fans get to be depressed today. Tony Dungy retired today. I don't know about the rest of the Colts fans, but I for one am sorry to see him go. :ugh:
.... and then the talking heads send 'em on their way .... LT is in the middle of "trade" talk..... :squint:
Great, I'll be glad to burn my shirt. If it's not a truf toe, it's a pulled groin or lack of sleep the night before the game or it's to hot or cold out to play football............let him go. When it's crunch time you know where you can a still picture of LT.:bash:
.... and then the talking heads send 'em on their way .... LT is in the middle of "trade" talk..... :squint:
Originally Posted by Quinn
OK people - it's gonna be 20 below here tonite and that's not even with the windchill ... so think of San Antonio when we will all have our tops off (uh, down). ...Marion - which is it?


Off-Down what's the difference as long as it's WARM!!!! This morning it was -22/ -45 with the wind chill--but we are going to warm up this afternoon; a high of +6 degrees. Come on May!!!!!

I didn't want to steal another thread .... so I copied these posts and moved them here so that I could really say WTF (and I don't mean the car)??? Or, are you kidding me? Seriously, that has to be record-breaking cold .... How do you guys get to work? Don't the cars freeze? I don't know how you get from the house to the car without freezing. That is crazy cold.

'Hope this cold snap doesn't last long -
Hmmmm, I wonder how many of you might do a little house-hunting when you get to TX! :D
Originally Posted by Quinn
OK people - it's gonna be 20 below here tonite and that's not even with the windchill ... so think of San Antonio when we will all have our tops off (uh, down). ...Marion - which is it?


Off-Down what's the difference as long as it's WARM!!!! This morning it was -22/ -45 with the wind chill--but we are going to warm up this afternoon; a high of +6 degrees. Come on May!!!!!

I didn't want to steal another thread .... so I copied these posts and moved them here so that I could really say WTF (and I don't mean the car)??? Or, are you kidding me? Seriously, that has to be record-breaking cold .... How do you guys get to work? Don't the cars freeze? I don't know how you get from the house to the car without freezing. That is crazy cold.

'Hope this cold snap doesn't last long -
Hmmmm, I wonder how many of you might do a little house-hunting when you get to TX! :D

That's why everything is in the garage--not as cold in the garage--mine is even heated. Have to keep my toys comfortable. Remote starts are also big in this area. You don't have to go out to start the car to get it warm before you head to work.
By next Tuesday we could have a 60 degree difference from today--It may get to 40 degrees.:chuckle:chuckle

As far as a record--the past forty hours were 3 hours short of setting the record in our area with temp below -20:dunno::dunno:
Well - maybe this will make you guys feel better. The average temps in SA at the end of May is in the 80's ... nights in the high 60's ....
Keep your finger's crossed that we get the best ever weather when we're there! ;)

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