Don't you think we know that! It's been plastered all over every news outlet there is ... and it's not his first .... he had one a couple of years ago too and was still on probation from that one - but the Charger's office has already said that it won't affect their decision to play him - they will. I can understand their desire to have him play - but I would think that they should be pretty concerned about how his drinking and driving affects the image of their team. He's not the only Charger that has been arrested - we've had a couple for both drinking and/or drugs. Too much fame & $$?
I'm just gonna say that it's a good thing he has the $$ to battle this - because I just listened to an attorney explain all of the costs for a DUI in California - they can range from 10,000 to 20,000 buck-a-roos.