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The New WC - AKA Wives Club

Good idea.

Weather update from the Midwest. Snowing all day today. Hour drive is going to be longer today. On the up side, it isn't as cold as it has been. We are definetly getting our white Christmas. Need to get a card for lap top so I can be on forum while his royal Cubbiness is driving. :chuckle:chuckle
Weather update from the Midwest. Snowing all day today. Hour drive is going to be longer today. On the up side, it isn't as cold as it has been. We are definetly getting our white Christmas. Need to get a card for lap top so I can be on forum while his royal Cubbiness is driving. :chuckle:chuckle

Been snowing all day here in Montana also... we now have around 6" on the ground. Cold to boot - above zero though, but only 6 degrees!! Supposed to have a warming?? trend to the low to mid 20's the rest of the week.
Weather update from the Midwest. Snowing all day today. Hour drive is going to be longer today. On the up side, it isn't as cold as it has been. We are definetly getting our white Christmas. Need to get a card for lap top so I can be on forum while his royal Cubbiness is driving. :chuckle:chuckle

Central Indiana received freezing rain earlier today. It added an extra 40 minutes to my drive home...and I left at 2:30 this afternoon! There were crashes and slide offs everywhere. Winter blows!!

Ohhhh, "if I were a rich man" .... I'd bring all of you guys to San Diego for the winter ... :blinzel:

It's getting "cold" now ... I'm wearing my Maui sweatshirt - :)
Your right Kathy Winter does blow!!!! Took us an extra half hour to get home. Cubby loves the challenge of driving in it, I hate it. We left work with it snowing then drove in ice for awhile and back to snow again. Temp here was around 32. I can't believe we are getting this crappy weather already. I hope this isn't what we have to look forward to all winter. :squint:
It's overrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! :biggrinsanta:
Well - almost ....
It was merry and bright - and rainy!
'Hope all of you had a wonderful day too.

I had to laugh .... one of Ray's gifts was a wall mount garage vac ..... with 37 feet of hose, baby!

PS. All of the boys are excited about the track! :lol:
My daughter took me to the Laker/Boston game. WOOOOOOW!!
What a game and what a daughter. We are doing it ever year from now on

You saw a great game--that's for sure. Broke the Celtics run!!
The noise level was so loud I coudn't yell in my daughters ear. I was watching Boston's huddle at the 2 minute time out and they couldn't even talk to hear each other, so they just watched the coach draw up a play. When they had the ball it was so loud I had to cover my ears, it was deafening. Who said, the home court advantage doesn't help the home team.
Great way to spend Christmas.
Happy New Year
You saw a great game--that's for sure. Broke the Celtics run!!
It is finally over. The most fun was watching the little kids open thier gifts. Everything they opened was "Oh I have always wanted one of these." I think Kevin and I could have given them anything and it would have been the same response. I hope everyone had a good Christmas. The weather here has hanged tremendously. Today all the snow is gone and it is high 50's. Crazy weather. Next week it is suppose to be cold again.:confused:
Well - it got colder here last night than where you are, LW .... It got down to just below 30 during the night - it was cold & clear - and our cars were frosted white and sparkly .... beautiful! Our highs will be in the low 50's today and tomrrow ..... feels so good to be cold. This past year the weather has been so crazy all over the US ... our usual holiday season is pretty mild .... I wonder if this means an early
Spring? ..... :cool: That would be nice - then San Antonio should be PERFECT for us!

San Antonio!! Yeah ---- now I'm ready to go! :rocker:
Well - it got colder here last night than where you are, LW .... It got down to just below 30 during the night - it was cold & clear - and our cars were frosted white and sparkly .... beautiful! Our highs will be in the low 50's today and tomrrow ..... feels so good to be cold. This past year the weather has been so crazy all over the US ... our usual holiday season is pretty mild .... I wonder if this means an early
Spring? ..... :cool: That would be nice - then San Antonio should be PERFECT for us!

San Antonio!! Yeah ---- now I'm ready to go! :rocker:
I'm ready for San Antonio now. Would love the :party. Tired of winter already and I am oh so hoping that we have already gotten the worst of winter. Highly doubt it though. Sounds like we are at about the same temp right now.
The weather sure has been odd. Yesterday was 67 degrees and very windy. It was nice to work in the barn without having to have the heat on.

Bruce :D
'Took down the tree, Ray took down the outside lights .... like Christmas never happened! Always amazes me how much time and $$ goes in to the holidays and how fast it is over.

One more holiday to go ... New Year's .... (oh, and today's Charger's game!) They NEED to win this one. :willy_nilly:

Gosh ... I hope we all see a great 2009 and that some of this financial mess gets better ... but mostly I hope that all of us have personal happiness and successes. :grouphug:

I'm with Marion and Kathy - I am so ready to get out of here and hit the road for awhile ...
We are hoping to go to Barret-Jackson in a couple of weeks for the auction and to see JetBoy - I've got my finger's crossed - it's pretty iffy this year - don't know if Ray may be working then or not. This is the most beautiful time of the year to cross the desert. The most clear and crisp weather and sound practically snaps through the air.... awesome. And Lola performs at her best in this temperature. The roads are in perfect condition for speed and handling. :rocker:
Does anyone else take down the decorations before New Year's day?????????? :confused::confused::confused:

Floyd (BB)
Does anyone else take down the decorations before New Year's day?????????? :confused::confused::confused:

Floyd (BB)

My decorations come down on December 26th every year. I put them up the day after Thanksgiving, so by Christmas I'm tired of looking at them. :willy_nilly:
Yes RA, should be a good game. If we can stop your running game. The Chargers 2 runningbacks are awesome. Wish we could be there. Miss you guys and will be thinking of you at kickoff.

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