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The New WC - AKA Wives Club

OK,,, I know it's a show car. But how is it driven? I don't see a steering wheel, or a place to sit to drive. There is a lever in the interior, what's that?
OK,,, I know it's a show car. But how is it driven? I don't see a steering wheel, or a place to sit to drive. There is a lever in the interior, what's that?
I think the lever was for the beer.
Little Woman, Missy Bling is trying to register but we have the same e-mail address and it won't let her in. Does anyone have any suggestions to get around this? Thanks.


Sent you an email.
Little Woman, Missy Bling is trying to register but we have the same e-mail address and it won't let her in. Does anyone have any suggestions to get around this? Thanks.

User accounts cannot have the same email address.

Doesn't she have her own email address???
Marc, tell Kris to come out here where the sun is shinning and I'll show her how to register.:bash: O god I'm in trouble now.
Just go to Yahoo and get another email and use that one. The only thing is, you will have to check your Yahoo mail for notices of posts on the forum once in a while.
Little Woman, Missy Bling is trying to register but we have the same e-mail address and it won't let her in. Does anyone have any suggestions to get around this? Thanks.

That's about the ugliest car I've ever seen. That's not art...................it's junk. My .02 cents
OK,,, I know it's a show car. But how is it driven? I don't see a steering wheel, or a place to sit to drive. There is a lever in the interior, what's that?
I think it's called over kill. A good artist knows when to stop.:pat:
We didn't know what it was doing in the Midwest--being it's from LA we figured you all had cars like that out there:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

Happy Thanksgiving to all!!!!
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!

Drive safe ....

Enjoy your family & friends....

Eat lot's of that food that has taken hours and hours to prepare!

And for sure ..... Let' be Thankful!
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!

Drive safe ....

Enjoy your family & friends....

Eat lot's of that food that has taken hours and hours to prepare!

And for sure ..... Let' be Thankful!

Well said Madam. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.
My favorite time of the year............turkey sandwiches..Floyd? What are you doing with that turkey or is that Cubby?

A big and happy Thanksgiving to All
The BBB starts in two days, wish you people in the snow belt could drop your tops and join us.
We also wish everyone a GREAT Thanksgiving!!!

Floyd & Maryann

The UPS guy was working late tonight. He brought me a brand new "beer can turkey" stand. I am brining up a 20 lb.'er as we speak. Tomorrow morning my salty little bird will be sitting pretty with a can of Pacifico beer laced with lemon juice, garlic and some rosemary stuck where the sun will not be shining!! Gives new meaning to stuffing your bird..........:laugh:

Happy Turkey Day!!!!!!:blinzel:
Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving .... we did ...... ate too much :rolleyes: but, gosh, it's hard to pass up those once-a-year dishes!

We're gettin' ready to git outta here - BBB tonight! I think tonight we will be 4 XLR's - tomorrow 5 up to mswaim & PD's house ..... I hope Doris is home from her Black Friday shopping by then :chuckle - I will let you all know whether we are tripping over her shopping bags on the way in the door! :lol:
Have a great time and a safe trip and take lots of pictures! (At least 1 picture of everyone there!)

Kathy :wave:
Hey .... where is everyone? I hope you all had the best weekend ever ....

Kind of worries me that there's no posts from our Little Woman/She Devil ..... hope all is okay ...

Kathy ... we had a great trip .... the problem is we took very few pictures ..... we forgot:pat: ... so at the last minute we took some in both places ... at the dinner in BBB and in the driveway at the Swaims ..... haha ....
Now there was a sight .... Lola was parked IN the garage next to PD's Passion Red, that was parked next to Mark's new Cobra .... in the drive way parked next to each other was 3 more XLR's ... Bobby's, Robert's and Kent .... that was sort of an impressive sight! :rocker: :rocker:

Hope to hear from you all soon .... what did you do this weekend???
Don't worry Madam, she devil is here and well. Spent the weekend putting up Christmas. Don't know why just me Kevin and puppy Samantha. Got a little white stuff this morning took us longer to get to work. Yesterday it was sleet and snow combined did not get much but boy it makes for a fun drive when you get that combo.

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