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The New WC - AKA Wives Club

Why hasn't Mswaim Boutique even replied to the inquires? Is he already starting to ignore his customers? :chuckle:chuckle
Oh, no - wrong-o again! He will be happy to take your money and then hold it for 6 months while he figures out your order ..... he must be out of keychains right now. :gap:
Oh, no - wrong-o again! He will be happy to take your money and then hold it for 6 months while he figures out your order ..... he must be out of keychains right now. :gap:

Hmmmmm. I'm starting to think maybe your working with the Mswaim Boutique. Are you his front Madam? :chuckle:chuckle
Geeeeeeees if I lived closer I could put some excitement in your life as I really love to shop, especially with a pretty lady. Back in the dark ages I used to go with my clients as a fashion consultant so the clothes they bought brought out more of their natural beauty. I am talking in the 1960, '70 era. My charge then was $75 an hour. I am very expensive but well worth it. I also was a professional model so knew my way around in the fashion industry. Make Mark get out that printing press for more of those green bills but make sure he does the big ones. We will have to take both XLR's so there will be room for all the bags of merchandise you buy.:chuckle:chuckle:chuckle:chuckle Maybe you need to be looking for #3 instead of looking for #3 for Mark but don't tell him I said that. :pat: He will probably have a :rocket: waiting for me when I come to see you. May have to get Ray to go into the door first since he will have his gun. LOL You are going to have plenty of excitement when we all decend upon you the end of the month. :wave::wave::wave: First Robin:patriot:

Hate to tell you, but Mark is #3 for me. :reddevil:reddevil:reddevil As for the shopping, San Francisco is my City. They love me at Saks , or maybe its just my Saks credit card they love. :dunno::dunno::dunno:
Fashion Diva, Passion Diva, Doris, Double D, heck, I don't know what to call you anymore except maybe, Hey, wanna go shopping?
Why would you have credit card for any store. You puts it all on a Visa that pays back points or cash. I used to have a card for every store this side of the Mississippi until I realized it hurt my credit, now I have and 840, can't get any higher than that.
Hate to tell you, but Mark is #3 for me. :reddevil:reddevil:reddevil As for the shopping, San Francisco is my City. They love me at Saks , or maybe its just my Saks credit card they love. :dunno::dunno::dunno:
Fashion Diva, Passion Diva, Doris, Double D, heck, I don't know what to call you anymore except maybe, Hey, wanna go shopping?
Why would you have credit card for any store. You puts it all on a Visa that pays back points or cash. I used to have a card for every store this side of the Mississippi until I realized it hurt my credit, now I have and 840, can't get any higher than that.

Bob, honey, my Saks pays bonus points, so the more I use it, the more free stuff I get. Everything else goes on AMEX, because I love the rewards points (more free stuff). :):):)
Bob, honey, my Saks pays bonus points, so the more I use it, the more free stuff I get. Everything else goes on AMEX, because I love the rewards points (more free stuff). :):):)

Watch your mailbox as AMEX is now going to be a regular BANK, not just a credit card company. Have no idea what they will be offering next. First Robin
Hmmmm, Cubby .... did Marion go to Russia to find you and mswaim brides?? :confused: Haven't heard from the She-Devil in a couple of days ....:D 'missing my sidekick and her :reddevil-ish sense of humor!
Cubby just got back from Russia, he and the little she devil have been busy making up for lost time.:chuckle:chuckle:chuckle:chuckle First Robin
She Devil is still here. Just been trying to find Cubby a new Russian Bride the last one sent him back home.:chuckle:chuckle:laugh::laugh::laugh:
Here's a few pictures from our dinner tonight with Todd Whittler who was in town for training. It is always great to see our friends. George Jerome (IndyXLRVGuy) joined Kathy and I,Marc and Kris Toffolo and Todd.

Bruce :wave:
What are those things you are wearing over your shirts?? :lol:

Since it was 94 here today it looks strange to see you guys all bundled up.

See how jealousy affects me?? ;) :naughty: Thanks for posting the pictures, you all look so good. You know how much we wish we could have joined in. It's great to see you all .....
Ruth Ann,
There were snow flakes in the air while we stood outside and said good bye. I'll see if Bruce will post the picture of the XLR-V with the snow flakes on it!

Snowflakes?? How absolutely cool!

Yesterday when we were watching the PA vs SD game all of us SoCal weather-naive people were trying to figure out what was falling onto the field .... first we thought it was confetti .... and then the camera lens came in closer .... we thought, hard rain, or was it hail, no.... sleet .... hmmmm, maybe snow? :dunno: Meanwhile the A/C was pumping away in the house .... We still couldn't quite figure out what it was .... All we knew was that the Charger's don't play or practice in the cold and that PA would take the game .... they did. 'Don't think it had anything to do with the weather though .... :( :pat:
http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=_undefined Was that football I was watching yesterday? Well, we all know what Indy will do to our Chargers. Glad I'm a USC fan too.
How can a team with such talent be so bad on offense and defense at the same time.:pat: All they had to do is play defense for 5 more mintues and they could have come home with a win. I'm embarrassed.

Didn't want anyone to forget about The New WC. ;):wave:
Dear Marion, you will wish we had forgotten when I tell you the cold front we had today is headed your way. It is really cold today and tonight but will be back up to 56 tomorrow, warmer than that on Saturday and Sunday. Just wanted to give you fair warning. First Robin

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