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BIG Freezer Problem!!

While still living in NJ had just gotten home from two weeks in Aruba, came in through the garage where we had our freezer. The smell would have made a skunk jealous!! Don't know when it died but everything had to be tossed! Luckily, we had a food plan at the time and the company replaced all the food and repaired the freezer. It took quite awhile to remove the smell from the freezer though.
RA, forgot to mention last night same thing happened here when fridge was 6 mos. old. Came home from vacation and wondered WTH that stuff was on the floor in front of the fridge....ICK....beef in bottom freezer thawed, ran out of bottom of door onto my hardwood floor. And then I opened the door...OMG...what a stinkin' mess. Fortunately it was only the thermostat under warranty, and floor survived.
Ah... thank you ..... I do have miles of memories .... I know that because Kathy has just about captured them all ;) ! Little did I know when I brought her home that I was about to begin a new chapter in my life ... new friends - great friends - a forum that has helped me with Lola, taken me to places to do things I never thought I would do .... and during this 4 year relationship brought me tremendous joy. If someone would have told me this the day I bought her I would have told them they were :willy_nilly:!
Happy Happy to you and Lola.
She's lasted longer than your refrigerator! Good for you!!!! :laugh:
Ah... thank you ..... I do have miles of memories .... I know that because Kathy has just about captured them all ;) ! Little did I know when I brought her home that I was about to begin a new chapter in my life ... new friends - great friends - a forum that has helped me with Lola, taken me to places to do things I never thought I would do .... and during this 4 year relationship brought me tremendous joy. If someone would have told me this the day I bought her I would have told them they were :willy_nilly:!

4 GREAT yrs. together...WOW. You and Lola are a perfect match. I'm surprised Ray hasn't rubbed the paint off of her in the last 4 yrs.:lol: Have a great day!!
Well, well...... America's Sweetheart did win DWTS ! Since one of my very favorite movies is Dirty Dancing she had my vote from her debut. That is such a great family program ....
But, I'm not so crazy about it's spin-off .... the skating thing .... makes me feel sorry for Vince Neil.... ;)

Waiting to hear if the Bank is going to accept the contract on the house. The Seller has already accepted it and everything has been sent to his bank. I hope and would like to have possession by Dec. 15. Anxious to settle in for the winter. Amazing the banks are dragging their feet on short sales. You would think when a buyer is paying cash they would speed everything up as there are over 9,000 houses on the market here.
It's the same here, even cash purchases are slow on short sales. In many instances, the banks are not responding to initial offers on short sales.

The seller will (they have little interest in seeing the bank come out whole anyway) but the banks are reluctant to accept less than the note value.

They are willing to foreclose, have it sit empty for months, then sell it for even less. :dunno:

Good Luck; and Happy Thanksgiving.

BTW - its 23 degrees here this morning - not exactly sunny Ca.........
Waiting to hear if the Bank is going to accept the contract on the house. The Seller has already accepted it and everything has been sent to his bank. I hope and would like to have possession by Dec. 15. Anxious to settle in for the winter. Amazing the banks are dragging their feet on short sales. You would think when a buyer is paying cash they would speed everything up as there are over 9,000 houses on the market here.

Good luck with getting your new house. Paying cash...WOW. You would think the banks would be happy to find a buyer.:dunno:
It's the same here, even cash purchases are slow on short sales. In many instances, the banks are not responding to initial offers on short sales.

The seller will (they have little interest in seeing the bank come out whole anyway) but the banks are reluctant to accept less than the note value.

They are willing to foreclose, have it sit empty for months, then sell it for even less. :dunno:

Good Luck; and Happy Thanksgiving.

BTW - its 23 degrees here this morning - not exactly sunny Ca.........

It makes no sense. Less now is better than nothing later.
Christmas shopping: I never thought I would be one of those who said, Bah! Humbug! .... but here I am .... and it's not the shopping - it's trying to dodge the dang shopping baskets. I wish my car had a magnetic field around it ... I park way out in the north-forty, looking for the uphill slant; but more times than I care to count I come out of the stores and see a cart too near the car for my comfort. So far, I have been VERY lucky ... but more than once I have had to get right up to the car to find that the cart is just within inches of it. Sometimes I wonder if people don't park them there on purpose :squint: ...

Well - then, the other complaint I have is mall Santa's that are so skinny and their beards so short and sparse they just look like old men who dress up for Halloween - WHATEVER HAPPENED TO SANTA? Where are the elves and the makebelieve - and the wonderful fantasy that was part of Christmas? The kids aren't wide-eyed with wonder anymore - they cry and look frightened .... I would too :xmas: !
Christmas shopping: I never thought I would be one of those who said, Bah! Humbug! .... but here I am .... and it's not the shopping - it's trying to dodge the dang shopping baskets. I wish my car had a magnetic field around it ... I park way out in the north-forty, looking for the uphill slant; but more times than I care to count I come out of the stores and see a cart too near the car for my comfort. So far, I have been VERY lucky ... but more than once I have had to get right up to the car to find that the cart is just within inches of it. Sometimes I wonder if people don't park them there on purpose :squint: ...

Well - then, the other complaint I have is mall Santa's that are so skinny and their beards so short and sparse they just look like old men who dress up for Halloween - WHATEVER HAPPENED TO SANTA? Where are the elves and the makebelieve - and the wonderful fantasy that was part of Christmas? The kids aren't wide-eyed with wonder anymore - they cry and look frightened .... I would too :xmas: !

I know what you mean... what's even worse is when you park next to someone and have plenty of room on both sides to open doors, but when you come out, some idiot is parked so close to you that you can't possibly open your car door without hitting his - but there is LOTS of room on the other side. Or the vehicle beside you now is one of those HUGE pickups that has pulled in at an angle so you have to wiggle around in order to get out without hitting them... don't they know how to back up and straighten their vehicle in a parking spot??
We went out shopping on Black Friday for a short time (2 hours). And NOT at 3 or 4AM... we went out a 10AM. Only had to get a few things to finish up. After purchasing a Best Buy gift certificate today... we will be officially done Christmas shopping!!
I've reached the point where I do all of my shopping on line. It's faster, usually cheaper, plenty of variety, ships right to the door, no standing in line with a bunch of strangers and their kids.

Best part is when I am shopping for Doris, I don't have to make eye contact with anyone while buying some flamingo-themed piece of junk..........:laugh:
Christmas shopping: I never thought I would be one of those who said, Bah! Humbug! .... but here I am .... and it's not the shopping - it's trying to dodge the dang shopping baskets. I wish my car had a magnetic field around it ... I park way out in the north-forty, looking for the uphill slant; but more times than I care to count I come out of the stores and see a cart too near the car for my comfort. So far, I have been VERY lucky ... but more than once I have had to get right up to the car to find that the cart is just within inches of it. Sometimes I wonder if people don't park them there on purpose :squint: ...

Well - then, the other complaint I have is mall Santa's that are so skinny and their beards so short and sparse they just look like old men who dress up for Halloween - WHATEVER HAPPENED TO SANTA? Where are the elves and the makebelieve - and the wonderful fantasy that was part of Christmas? The kids aren't wide-eyed with wonder anymore - they cry and look frightened .... I would too :xmas: !

The answer is simple. With all the government handouts, the only folks willing to take the temporary job of playing Santa are crack addicts. Don't get me wrong, crack addicts get aid too, they just spend their handout on drugs, so they have to seek part-time employment to feed themselves. :lol: I love Christmas, when I was younger and working the streets, Christmas meant plenty of petty thieves to chase around the mall parking lots and at least one domestic violence call on Christmas Eve. Those were the best, arrest both parents and lock them up for the Holiday, and pack their kids up and turn them over to Child Protective Services. Spreading Christmas Cheer, I miss that ! :reddevil
The answer is simple. With all the government handouts, the only folks willing to take the temporary job of playing Santa are crack addicts. Don't get me wrong, crack addicts get aid too, they just spend their handout on drugs, so they have to seek part-time employment to feed themselves. :lol: I love Christmas, when I was younger and working the streets, Christmas meant plenty of petty thieves to chase around the mall parking lots and at least one domestic violence call on Christmas Eve. Those were the best, arrest both parents and lock them up for the Holiday, and pack their kids up and turn them over to Child Protective Services. Spreading Christmas Cheer, I miss that ! :reddevil

Haha --- you do realize that cop-humor isn't easily appreciated? :lol:

We used to plan our Christmas' around the 3-month shift-change and wonder how much of the 48 hrs of Christmas Ray would get to spend at home - to this day the girls can remember the mornings they woke up to a Santa visited home but with no Daddy to share it with. Instead, unfortunately, he was doing exactly as you stated .... so sad .... so sad.

'We' are all so 'normal' that most of us don't even know that is truly what happens in hundreds of homes every holiday .... pretty gut-wrenching to have to take a kid to a half-way house on Christmas Eve. Not easily forgetable...:(
Well - then, the other complaint I have is mall Santa's that are so skinny and their beards so short and sparse they just look like old men who dress up for Halloween - WHATEVER HAPPENED TO SANTA? Where are the elves and the make believe - and the wonderful fantasy that was part of Christmas? The kids aren't wide-eyed with wonder anymore - they cry and look frightened .... I would too :xmas: !

There is no Santa. . .

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