First Robin
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Fr I am trying to understand you but as I said we can agree to disagree. No way is Obama or his wife some secret radical Muslim. Please as a brother take a differnt approach I know you dont like him but dont be a follower of the radical element in America your much smarter than this. If you disagree with his policies there nothing wrong with that and their is nothing wrong with objecting openly but you need to understand that many in America just dont like Obama because he is Black and will go to any extreme to try and destroy anything he trys to get accomplished. In any event everyone should pray he will be successful in getting all this mess cleaned up and getting people back to work. I dont agree with everything he wants just to name a few; Cap and trade, Illegal immagrants, Gays in the Miltary and same sex marriage. I dont like Pelosi or Reed but that is who we have to deal with. The bad part of all this is I dislike all the republicans that are currently in office not because of some nonsense like radical secret muslims but because they are doing nothing but taking up air and space and they our responsible for what has happen to America's economy. I firmly believe the radical left and radical right have way to much power setting the direction of this country.Solution I believe is TERM LIMITS.
Fred, I am so sorry you feel the way you do. You can not blame all the problems on the Republicans that are in office. The Democrats had control of the Senate when Bush was in office. The President is only one person and even though he has the power of veto, his veto can be over-ridden with enough votes.
If you fail to believe there is a problem with Obama and his Muslim background I would just encourage you to do more research on this subject, check out who his friends and supporters are in our country.
Have you ever given any thought to how he rose to power in just such a short time. Why has he spent close to a million dollars to seal all of his records? Why did he state on his application for student grants as a foriegn student that his place of birth was Kenya?
How has he obtained such a vast amount of wealth in such a short time?
Why has he burdened the taxpayers in this country with over 13 trillion dollars of debt in his first year in office?
Just what is he doing to put people back to work in our country?