Seasoned Member
I haven't been on much lately - year end has had me running in circles.
About 2 weeks ago, my wife slipped on some ice in a parking lot and broke her ankle. She really did a number (broker fibula, tore ligament, dislocated ankle). She had surgery on New Year's Eve and all seemed to have gone well. She is resting her foot comfortably now, but already getting a little stir crazy. She hopes to go back to work soon, but not driving herself. Being its the right foot, she won't be driving for at least two months. Fortunately we have a live in chauffer (Devin) who will be able to take Cindy back and forth for a couple of months. (I think I need to get Devin a black hat, when he drives Cindy in the DTX). Well with her out of commission, us boys have a few more chores to take care of.
Work is also very busy now - I am now in charge of Purchasing and Inventory out WEST (as well as Midwest & Texas). Much more traveling. I'm thinking the XLR will not get the miles this year, as in past... but I'll certainly try, whenever I am in town.
Hope everyone else is have a good winter season.
Chicago Dave
Prayers will be going your way for Cindy's quick recovery. Before long she'll again be back to normal...