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Right now on Motörhead garage. They are working on a xlr. The show is almost over though.

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Asking for your input

Hi everyone .... it's been awhile since I've been in touch, but we think about many of you more than you might know. Well ... we're making some changes in our last chapter of our lives ... moving to a home closer to my littlest grandboys and, making the decision to part with my lovely, most wonderful Lola. I knew the day would come - and I when I think about her moving to a new home my gut twists a little. Many of you know how well this car has been taken care of - and knowing that, I am asking you all to help me price her - I want it to be a fair price for the buyer as well as myself .... She is an 04 ... we have the chrome-type grill, the sway bar, the painted (not coated) calipers and the custom lighted Windrestrictor .... brand new run-flats and less than 60k mileage .... I was thinking about $25k? What do you think? You can post or PM me if you don't want your opinion public .... Thanks for the help. RA
Hate to hear you are getting rid of your baby. It was a beautiful car and I hope the new owner appreciates it as much as you and Ray. Miss you and hope we will still get to see you again.

Knowing your car and how well Ray kept it looking, your price seems fair. Hopefully you still make it out to the Midwest every once in awhile and we get to meet up. Good luck with your move and sale of Lola!
Sorry to see you sell your baby. Whoever buys her though please tell them it comes with a free lifetime membership in the xlr-net website. :)
We do plan to come to the Midwest ... (together next time, Cubby ;)) .... I won't be coming this September, but hopefully next year - LinSue has promised Ray that he can mow her grass .... I'm going to miss Lola like crazy, every day I open the garage door and see her my heart skips a little .... I know I'll never own anything that made me so happy - and because of it I made some awesome, awesome friends from all over the U.S. It's going to be a busy, busy month and I hope during this time I can also get her sold .... I'll let you know. Right now I'm trying to decide how I want to advertise her. Selling cars is not our forte .... mainly we just always buy them. :laugh:
Say It Isn't So...

Really sorry to read of your decision, RA. From everything I've read on this forum, Lola's a creampuff.

The General Manager of the Cadillac dealership in La Quinta (next to Palm Desert) asked me how to get his hands on really clean XLR(s). I told him about this site, but I don't know if he follows it. I DO know that he has a waiting list for XLRs. Give him a call - can't hurt. Cadillac of La Quinta. Feel free to mention that you got the info from me.

Tim Riddell

Hi everyone .... it's been awhile since I've been in touch, but we think about many of you more than you might know. Well ... we're making some changes in our last chapter of our lives ... moving to a home closer to my littlest grandboys and, making the decision to part with my lovely, most wonderful Lola. I knew the day would come - and I when I think about her moving to a new home my gut twists a little. Many of you know how well this car has been taken care of - and knowing that, I am asking you all to help me price her - I want it to be a fair price for the buyer as well as myself .... She is an 04 ... we have the chrome-type grill, the sway bar, the painted (not coated) calipers and the custom lighted Windrestrictor .... brand new run-flats and less than 60k mileage .... I was thinking about $25k? What do you think? You can post or PM me if you don't want your opinion public .... Thanks for the help. RA
Hi everyone .... it's been awhile since I've been in touch, but we think about many of you more than you might know. Well ... we're making some changes in our last chapter of our lives ... moving to a home closer to my littlest grandboys and, making the decision to part with my lovely, most wonderful Lola. I knew the day would come - and I when I think about her moving to a new home my gut twists a little. Many of you know how well this car has been taken care of - and knowing that, I am asking you all to help me price her - I want it to be a fair price for the buyer as well as myself .... She is an 04 ... we have the chrome-type grill, the sway bar, the painted (not coated) calipers and the custom lighted Windrestrictor .... brand new run-flats and less than 60k mileage .... I was thinking about $25k? What do you think? You can post or PM me if you don't want your opinion public .... Thanks for the help. RA

Cindy says you CANNOT sell Lola until AFTER the Montana drive next year...:blinzel: It's sad to have to let her go to another owner; you never know how she will be treated after she's gone.:( Hope you aren't planning on leaving the site just because you are selling Lola. You will be ALWAYS welcome here as far as I'm concerned, anyway.
We do plan to come to the Midwest ... (together next time, Cubby ;)) .... I won't be coming this September, but hopefully next year - LinSue has promised Ray that he can mow her grass .... I'm going to miss Lola like crazy, every day I open the garage door and see her my heart skips a little .... I know I'll never own anything that made me so happy - and because of it I made some awesome, awesome friends from all over the U.S. It's going to be a busy, busy month and I hope during this time I can also get her sold .... I'll let you know. Right now I'm trying to decide how I want to advertise her. Selling cars is not our forte .... mainly we just always buy them. :laugh:

Oh no Lola leaving! Roxy and her never got to hang out together! We are so sorry we never even got to meet you fine folks in person! But this is something that we may all encounter some day too, leaving our well known baby to a new owner! As for the price you was thinking its probably in line for the mint condition and miles on Lola! Well please keep posting on here from time to time to stay in touch!

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Thanks Dan Gouker
The book for a 2004 is $23K. A used dealer out here asked $29,999 and took $26K Not another XLR of any year in the Northwest (selling from a dealership) so he got his price. Southern Calif. had a couple and the East Coast has several for sale.

Private sellers out here are asking $23K to $24K. Not 100% sure of those years.
Hi everyone .... it's been awhile since I've been in touch, but we think about many of you more than you might know. Well ... we're making some changes in our last chapter of our lives ... moving to a home closer to my littlest grandboys and, making the decision to part with my lovely, most wonderful Lola. I knew the day would come - and I when I think about her moving to a new home my gut twists a little. Many of you know how well this car has been taken care of - and knowing that, I am asking you all to help me price her - I want it to be a fair price for the buyer as well as myself .... She is an 04 ... we have the chrome-type grill, the sway bar, the painted (not coated) calipers and the custom lighted Windrestrictor .... brand new run-flats and less than 60k mileage .... I was thinking about $25k? What do you think? You can post or PM me if you don't want your opinion public .... Thanks for the help. RA

Just watching a program on velocity Chanel. If you want to know what's the car worth. Then just send them a email with description of your car to them. Just google tv show what's my car worth.
They can probably help you too
I think the email is mailto:Mycar@whatsmycarworth.tv but not 100%. It's either .tv or .com
Well Roxy and I are not very happy rite now, the idiot state workers decided to Tar & Chip our road instead of repaying! Had no choice as the truck blew a thermostat housing solenoid and and had to drive her! Luckily our road is only about a mile to main road intersection!
The question is how slow can she go?????

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Thanks Dan Gouker
Well Roxy and I are not very happy rite now, the idiot state workers decided to Tar & Chip our road instead of repaying! Had no choice as the truck blew a thermostat housing solenoid and and had to drive her! Luckily our road is only about a mile to main road intersection!
The question is how slow can go?????

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Thanks Dan Gouker
Hopefully they'll get it done so you can go attend the car show? They couldn't have done this earlier in the week like Monday? Do u have a "bat cave" entrance/exit?
Hopefully they'll get it done so you can go attend the car show? They couldn't have done this earlier in the week like Monday? Do u have a "bat cave" entrance/exit?

They actually did do it Monday but the truck broke down last Thursday evening I been driving Roxy everyday because Wendy needed the truck anyways! NO BAT CAVE WAY EITHER! ALL WOODS AND HOUSES AROUD US!

We could use some rain too! It would settle the dust from the fresh stone, showers move through yesterday and 7 mile away at the biz office it poured, but Wendy said it was just sprinkles here and that was it! No rain in the forcast for the next 10 days!

Yeah they just announced some showers may move though this morning

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Thanks Dan Gouker
maybe i should send some of our rain your way. Its been raining here almost everyday. Guess thats what you get for living in a state that borders the gulf of mexico. But i'm on the east coast of the state.
big mistake

the other day (the day that i saw the XLR V) i was just killing time (20 min) before i had to pick up my nephew at school. So i just happened to drive into the parking lot of S&L classics in st augustine/ponte verde beach just off us1. The owner of the whole lot (he bought the land 15 yrs ago, his wife owns the design shop for expensive decorations) says nice car. I look back and say thanks. They were all unloading or loading up a truck. So we were talking about the previous car show he had at the shop. He said yes he saw me there. But i didn't show my xlr at that time. Before i left, i was getting scared because he was asking me if i wanted to sell my ride. I said absolutely not, i was only passing by. I showed him the adaptions i had on my car. The foot pedal and steering So he was looking the ride over and telling me he had owned and sold about 3 or 4 of these. I told him that there was a xlr -v at the fields cadillac dealership down the road at the outlet mall. He told me that there was a black tuxedo like at the used car lot down the road too.
This guy sounds like the t.v program i'm watching now called fast n loud.

So thats how my tuesday ended up. I left there so relieved that i didn't loose my baby. Oh btw he gave me a price he said he'd give me 20 or 24 k right then. I can't remember now. i think i had to much sun that day
Hey Guy have you figured out how to PM on this new version of Tapatalk yet! It's confusing as hell!

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Thanks Dan Gouker
Hey Guy have you figured out how to PM on this new version of Tapatalk yet! It's confusing as hell!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Thanks Dan Gouker

nope. So you know what i did? I got tired of always getting confused when using the app, I totally deleted it from my iphone. I now just use the website on my iphone, or computer. That version of Tapatalk is totally confusing :bash:

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