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Is your traction control working right?

I really love hearing about everyone having such great topless rides. I really do. I peeked under my car cover today just to make sure my car was still there. I really do. I keep thinking about all the gas money I'm saving. How I'm keeping my mileage low. How I don't have to clean any bugs off. How I do not have to worry about sunburn.
I really love hearing about everyone having such great topless rides. I really do.:wave::chuckle
Unfortunately that picture is from last year. I do the same thing as phrede go in and look under the cover to make sure she's all right. Even worse now the weather has gotten alittle better here. Last two days were in the fiftys BUT theirs enough salt still on the roads to last another winter:mad:
Unfortunately that picture is from last year. I do the same thing as phrede go in and look under the cover to make sure she's all right. Even worse now the weather has gotten alittle better here. Last two days were in the fiftys BUT theirs enough salt still on the roads to last another winter:mad:

Sorry to hear your weather just will not spring out! At least the PA weather has given in little yesterday close to 60 but for Easter today damp rain showers
Gotta roll with flow!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Thanks Dan
I just saw Doug in my area. He was taking golf lessons just around my house. I would have stopped earlier but I was running late for a appointment. When I came back, to my luck the white v was still parked and I walked up to him and introduced myself. I didn't know at 1st it was him but the instructor told me he was taking lessons. So I went over to him and chatted for awhile.

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I would have posted a April fools joke but decided not to over here. It would have brought 😂to so many xlr lovers here. So I won't post the pic.

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Today was really nice, for this time of year (75ºF), so I got in some driving. Not hard, mind you, but confident.

Well Sunday was in the 70s here FINALLY, and I did drive mine hard! (Closed SCCA Sanctioned course) I drove back from Indy on Saturday nite only to get up Sunday at 5AM for a full day of racing. And you MMs know how well I function in the mornings. Needless to say, I didn't even bother to get on course till 11AM, then had lunch. Drove most of the afternoon, even my instructor had a big grin on his face getting out of my car. Then the fun began! Spun twice, missed gears more than I care to admit, but I kept improving throughout the event. The announcer even commented that Elwood sounded like a jet engine on takeoff :cool:

And for once, I didn't break anything. My tires were crying by the end of the day, but I had a great time. Got to practice my drifting, learned to trust my brake with some extremely hard late breaking into off-axis curves and trying to find that sweet spot for the slalom somewhere between aggressive and spinning out. Mostly, I learned how to throw the back end out just enough to drive the front tires tighter into the next side.

Lo and behold, I wasn't the only V in attendance. Unfortunately the other was a drag setup CTS-V Wagon - big power, but driver had no experience with the cornering.

I was so tired by the time I got home, I don't remember what I had for dinner and passed out in front of the TV.
Just lost out on a deal on a new motor I've been drooling over for the past week. The auction ended while I was on the flight to southern japan for our training exercises in response to north korea. So mad right now, the motor went dirt cheap, so I'm trying to get ahold of the builder to work out a price to build one for me. It was a 427 LSX Block, forged internals, ready for ALOT of boost! If I can land a deal on the motor, it will be a great start on my street/strip XLR. Yup... I wanna build a nasty XLR that will raise eyebrows on why they stopped making them. Will know within the week if I can work out a deal. Coming home in February '14, getting closer!
Well Sunday was in the 70s here FINALLY, and I did drive mine hard! (Closed SCCA Sanctioned course) I drove back from Indy on Saturday nite only to get up Sunday at 5AM for a full day of racing. And you MMs know how well I function in the mornings. Needless to say, I didn't even bother to get on course till 11AM, then had lunch. Drove most of the afternoon, even my instructor had a big grin on his face getting out of my car. Then the fun began! Spun twice, missed gears more than I care to admit, but I kept improving throughout the event. The announcer even commented that Elwood sounded like a jet engine on takeoff :cool:

And for once, I didn't break anything. My tires were crying by the end of the day, but I had a great time. Got to practice my drifting, learned to trust my brake with some extremely hard late breaking into off-axis curves and trying to find that sweet spot for the slalom somewhere between aggressive and spinning out. Mostly, I learned how to throw the back end out just enough to drive the front tires tighter into the next side.

Lo and behold, I wasn't the only V in attendance. Unfortunately the other was a drag setup CTS-V Wagon - big power, but driver had no experience with the cornering.

I was so tired by the time I got home, I don't remember what I had for dinner and passed out in front of the TV.
Giz, sounds like you had a blast. Glad to hear Elwood is back together again and running strong. We opted out of the Texas Mile this spring, too many things going on around here right now.
Giz, sounds like you had a blast. Glad to hear Elwood is back together again and running strong. We opted out of the Texas Mile this spring, too many things going on around here right now.

Yeah, me, too. The CTS-V guys we hung out with in October were there with double their numbers. Two of them ran over 196MPH. It's on my calendar for this October cause the CTS-Vs are going to try to get kicked out (over 200MPH without a cage).

I can now also claim to be the only modder that had to add a bigger (vice smaller) pulley on his supercharger. We found a Jaguar pulley that was 10 mm larger than OEM so now my boost is down to a reasonable 19-21psi and yes its pinned to the shaft. Are there any more pulleys I need to pin? We'll find out.

On a totally different note, hey, Bruce, can we possible add Indy Cars and Coffee to one of our jump-off days? Since the MMs usually meet up in Indy for our trips, instead of leaving at dawn :( we could do C&C and leave at 1030/1100. Interestingly, I met two XLR owners at C&C and invited them to join the forum. From C&C last weekend:






Well Sunday was in the 70s here FINALLY, and I did drive mine hard! (Closed SCCA Sanctioned course) I drove back from Indy on Saturday nite only to get up Sunday at 5AM for a full day of racing. And you MMs know how well I function in the mornings. Needless to say, I didn't even bother to get on course till 11AM, then had lunch. Drove most of the afternoon, even my instructor had a big grin on his face getting out of my car. Then the fun began! Spun twice, missed gears more than I care to admit, but I kept improving throughout the event. The announcer even commented that Elwood sounded like a jet engine on takeoff :cool:

And for once, I didn't break anything. My tires were crying by the end of the day, but I had a great time. Got to practice my drifting, learned to trust my brake with some extremely hard late breaking into off-axis curves and trying to find that sweet spot for the slalom somewhere between aggressive and spinning out. Mostly, I learned how to throw the back end out just enough to drive the front tires tighter into the next side.

Lo and behold, I wasn't the only V in attendance. Unfortunately the other was a drag setup CTS-V Wagon - big power, but driver had no experience with the cornering.

I was so tired by the time I got home, I don't remember what I had for dinner and passed out in front of the TV.

Sounds like weather was about the same as here on Sunday we had 68 took Roxy to a car show! It was excellent day for that!! Looking at around 80 today and tomorrow before colder come in for the weekend! Glad to hear Elwood running good & strong!!!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Thanks Dan
Great photos!

Gizmo, Thanks for posting the pictures from C&C. I spoke with a guy that was there on Saturday, he really enjoyed the show, I think he tries to attend every nice Saturday. It's good to hear that Elwood is running strong. :wave:
I spoke with a guy that was there on Saturday, he really enjoyed the show, I think he tries to attend every nice Saturday.

If he bring his car to you, tell him I told you to charge him double. :chuckle I forgot to mention to him that Kathy needs to test drive it for at least a week to make sure everything is fixed.
Dan, Roxy looks GREAT! It's good to see that you got her out for some fun.

Thanks Bruce
I can driver to work everyday now it's only about 5 miles! I put top down last night and its looking good for tonight too! Until Friday rain and cooling back down!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Thanks Dan
Car show. :::::: for those in the Jacksonville /st aug area and vicinity there is a car show in St. John's Florida. Well fruit cove on state road 13. The actual address is 501 state road 13 at the baptist church. ImageUploadedByTapatalk1365609940.406953.jpg. Hope the weather cooperates because I'll try and be there.

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nice pictures
So how many HP does Elwood put out with all your upgrades and add one??

486HP/460TQ at the wheels on the street tune. I need to get up to Warsaw and update the race tune. Right now I'm concentrating on slamming on the brakes (I just can't get myself to do it "All In"). I've learned where it breaks loose with my torque #, but I have no idea what the braking limit is. I figure I'll get there by mid-season.
486HP/460TQ at the wheels on the street tune. I need to get up to Warsaw and update the race tune. Right now I'm concentrating on slamming on the brakes (I just can't get myself to do it "All In"). I've learned where it breaks loose with my torque #, but I have no idea what the braking limit is. I figure I'll get there by mid-season.

You know what they say

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Thanks Dan

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