Is your traction control working right?
I really love hearing about everyone having such great topless rides. I really do. I peeked under my car cover today just to make sure my car was still there. I really do. I keep thinking about all the gas money I'm saving. How I'm keeping my mileage low. How I don't have to clean any bugs off. How I do not have to worry about sunburn.
I really love hearing about everyone having such great topless rides. I really do.

I really love hearing about everyone having such great topless rides. I really do. I peeked under my car cover today just to make sure my car was still there. I really do. I keep thinking about all the gas money I'm saving. How I'm keeping my mileage low. How I don't have to clean any bugs off. How I do not have to worry about sunburn.
I really love hearing about everyone having such great topless rides. I really do.