RA just who I need so I can get my help on this. Now you already indentfied the people who were banned for acting up on the other Forum causing so much trouble that the site Administrator had to ban all of you. I understand you and some of the others actually tried to take over the other Site. All I can say is WOW. I guess it use to be a fun place too except for that Site Administrator that is. Of course he didnt count in any of that Fun you had there. Could you give me the rest of the names of those who were banned. This is what I have so far;Please take your paranoia, hatefulness, and childlike behavior back to The Edge. This is not a thread where I am interested in reading your immature postings about other people. I came here to escape you. This used to be a FUN place and you are ruining it for others.
Don't you ever get the hint?
First Robin
Little Women
I know there is a few more that maybe you could help us out with. I know its hard for you to post without doing the name calling bit but please try so I can get this resolved today.
When I have all this complete (were almost there) then I will make a post where you will better understand.
Thanks again for all your help