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The New WC - AKA Wives Club

Please take your paranoia, hatefulness, and childlike behavior back to The Edge. This is not a thread where I am interested in reading your immature postings about other people. I came here to escape you. This used to be a FUN place and you are ruining it for others.
Don't you ever get the hint?
RA just who I need so I can get my help on this. Now you already indentfied the people who were banned for acting up on the other Forum causing so much trouble that the site Administrator had to ban all of you. I understand you and some of the others actually tried to take over the other Site. All I can say is WOW. I guess it use to be a fun place too except for that Site Administrator that is. Of course he didnt count in any of that Fun you had there. Could you give me the rest of the names of those who were banned. This is what I have so far;

First Robin
Little Women

I know there is a few more that maybe you could help us out with. I know its hard for you to post without doing the name calling bit but please try so I can get this resolved today.

When I have all this complete (were almost there) then I will make a post where you will better understand.

Thanks again for all your help

Well said RA. I don't understand why anyone would be so interested in something that happened over two years ago that really is of no concern to anyone except the people involved at the time. It is a sad day when someone starts trouble on this forum and spreads falsehoods about a group trying to take over the forum, or take over the site and take it away from Rob. I guess he has not read all of the post where we have told Rob how much we appreciate this forum and what he has done for everyone. I guess some people will never be happy unless they are trying to make trouble for others.
Lets clarify a few things here you are not going to do anything to cause harm to this Site or to Rob, the Site Administrator. I will do what ever it takes as long as I am here to insure that doesnt happen. You may of got kicked out of the other Forum and you may think that is cool but I as well as 400 plus other members like this site. YOU ARE NOT IN CONTROL!!!!! YOUR GROUP OF TROUBLE MAKERS ARE NOT IN CONTROL!!!!

Lets clarify a few things here you are not going to do anything to cause harm to this Site or to Rob, the Site Administrator. I will do what ever it takes as long as I am here to insure that doesnt happen. You may of got kicked out of the other Forum and you may think that is cool but I as well as 400 plus other members like this site. YOU ARE NOT IN CONTROL!!!!! YOUR GROUP OF TROUBLE MAKERS ARE NOT IN CONTROL!!!!


Fred, I have no idea why you are making such irrational statements. No one, I repeat NO ONE is trying to cause any trouble on this forum except you. Everyone that left the old forum and came here have been very happy and Rob knows that. As I stated before, what happened on the other forum over two years ago is of no concern of yours as you were not involved in it. NO ONE tried to take over that forum and NO ONE is trying to take over this forum. Give it up and do something constructive. Stop spreading lies, put your energy to good use. This is going to eat you alive, it is not healthy. Stop attacking people.
I know there is a few more that maybe you could help us out with. ... but please try so I can get this resolved today.

When I have all this complete (were almost there) then I will make a post where you will better understand.

Thanks again for all your help


Who is "us" and "we're"? Can you provide names on your side too? :dunno:

Just curious.
Stopped by Red Noland Cadillac this morning and borrowed my salesman's computer to check out the old forum. There were no new postings since the 17th. Hope they get the message as to who was supporting the forum. Just for fun I tried to check in on his computer and of course it gave me the same message that I have been banned and the ban will never be lifted. my salesman got a big laugh out of that. Of course he knows the story and thinks it stinks what they did to us.:lol::wave::):patriot:
Chicago Dave it was in this post trying to get the names in FR's last sentence above "us".

Chicago Dave it was in this post trying to get the names in FR's last sentence above "us".


I understand how you are trying to get the names from FR from his "us" statement - but you are also referring to "us" - which implies you are included. Are you also one of the "us" that are banned from the other site?

I'm confused I guess. :dunno: I'm just wondering who, other than you, are wanting to know the names of people that FR is referring to as "us"... you say "we" want to know the names.
Chicago Dave it was in this post trying to get the names in FR's last sentence above "us".

Fred, I can tell you why I was banned from the old forum as I am not ashamed of it. Around 105 XLR's with drivers attended RIII in Bowling Green in 2008, I being one of them. The old forum did claim to have 5,000 members. The majority of people posting on the old forum was between 25 to sometimes 50. I asked the question where were the rest of the 5,000 members and for that I was banned. Does this satisfy your curiosity? Was that a good reason for me to be banned? Now, give it up, it is a dead subject. As for the reasons others were banned, it really doesn't matter in today's world. Is it really any of your business? NO! Everyone on this forums was enjoying the forum with a great exchange of information and comaradie until you came along and tried to start trouble. Please, if you can't refrain from trying to make trouble then go to the other forum, you may actually be happier over there. Only you are trying to convince everyone that people are trying to run things on this forum. Rob is the owner and those of us that came to this forum from the old one respect and love Rob.
I understand how you are trying to get the names from FR from his "us" statement - but you are also referring to "us" - which implies you are included. Are you also one of the "us" that are banned from the other site?

I'm confused I guess. :dunno: I'm just wondering who, other than you, are wanting to know the names of people that FR is referring to as "us"... you say "we" want to know the names.
NO, I am not part of this ("us"). As you can see your part of the "we" read what you said you are asking who is part of this group. "Are you one of the us" Its only fair to all the membership that "we" know who was Banned from the other site for causing so much trouble and disruption so we can better understand when the "us" goes into one of there attack modes and makes other members feel uncomfortable. Which I may point isnt only me if you follow the post. Its all about a few "us" that are trying to control the site.

I hope this answers your question if you want other info you would have to review all the post in each Threat because of numious Hijacks of threads its just not in one place and there is so much of it its to much to re-hash in one post.

Fred, I can tell you why I was banned from the old forum as I am not ashamed of it. Around 105 XLR's with drivers attended RIII in Bowling Green in 2008, I being one of them. The old forum did claim to have 5,000 members. The majority of people posting on the old forum was between 25 to sometimes 50. I asked the question where were the rest of the 5,000 members and for that I was banned. Does this satisfy your cuiosity? Was that a good reason for me to be banned. Now, give it up, it is a dead subject. As for the reasons others were banned, it really doesn't matter in today's world. Is it really any of your business? NO
No it doesnt because there are other post that dispute what you say. I think that your correct on that only a few were posting on the other Site. What you are doing is; that you "us" (you wont in identfy them but they stand out)go out of your way to stop people from posting through embarressment and other tactics and making that person feel uncomfortable and this is your method of attempting to CONTROL THIS SITE. The most recent activity in this matter was Cablik in "What does America mean to you". The "us" is and has been causing harm to this Site and it needs to stop where XLR Net can continue to grow and be enjoyable for all of the members.

NO, I am not part of this ("us"). As you can see your part of the "we" read what you said you are asking who is part of this group. "Are you one of the us" Its only fair to all the membership that "we" know who was Banned from the other site for causing so much trouble and disruption so we can better understand when the "us" goes into one of there attack modes and makes other members feel uncomfortable. Which I may point isnt only me if you follow the post. Its all about a few "us" that are trying to control the site.

I hope this answers your question if you want other info you would have to review all the post in each Threat because of numious Hijacks of threads its just not in one place and there is so much of it its to much to re-hash in one post.

OK, I think I understand Speedway.

I've looked through some of the older posts... to see who else, other than you, are wanting to know who was banned from the other site. I cannot find a single member, other than you, who wants to know who was banned from the other site... haven't even seen Rob, Site Administrator, chime in (which I think is appropriate - I think he is staying neutral). I honestly do not see a single member here supporting your quest for names of people who were banned (the "us" or "we" you refer to). Are you banned from the other site? I'm sure THEY know who is banned, right? Maybe you should ask their site administrator? That might get you the list of names you seek... just trying to help.

But thank you for clarifying for me.
I have been banned from Hometown Buffet on their "all you can eat" shrimp night. :laugh:
You see Fr this has been going on for some time. Its not me its your personality and your behavior. Why esle would you have been barred from the other Forum. Quit blaming others and get it together tell your doctor what is happening maybe he can adjust your medication.


That response, was uncalled for, and I'm starting to get numerous complaints from other members regarding your attacks in this thread.

I'm trying to grow the membership here and make it welcoming for all. Instead, I have members threatening to leave because of your remarks. That, is counterproductive to what I'm trying to do here.

Quite frankly - and I'm saying this for everyone here: I could care less what happened at the other site. It was long ago, it doesn't involve me or the XLR Net, and I would appreciate it if everyone could leave whatever baggage took place there, at the door before entering here.

You guys have a new home here so please - leave the past in the past and enjoy the XLR Net, AND your XLRs without bashing one another and rehashing the past.

A couple other things to remember:

1. If a particular member is annoying you - there is always the Ignore feature, which you can easily set here. By doing so, you will not see that person's posts.

2. As I do on the Corvette Action Center: I encourage members not to bash other forum web sites as it only creates hostility, and walls between the sites that are unnecessary.

3. If the attacks continue, Bruce and I have absolutely no problem banning members.

I trust I've made myself quite clear here....
When I have all this complete (were almost there) then I will make a post where you will better understand.

Thanks again for all your help

No, you will not.
Lets clarify a few things here you are not going to do anything to cause harm to this Site or to Rob, the Site Administrator. I will do what ever it takes as long as I am here to insure that doesnt happen. You may of got kicked out of the other Forum and you may think that is cool but I as well as 400 plus other members like this site. YOU ARE NOT IN CONTROL!!!!! YOUR GROUP OF TROUBLE MAKERS ARE NOT IN CONTROL!!!!

Actually, that is correct. Nobody is in control of this site other than me. I also don't feel that anyone here is trying to gain control.
NO, I am not part of this ("us"). As you can see your part of the "we" read what you said you are asking who is part of this group. "Are you one of the us" Its only fair to all the membership that "we" know who was Banned from the other site for causing so much trouble and disruption so we can better understand when the "us" goes into one of there attack modes and makes other members feel uncomfortable. Which I may point isnt only me if you follow the post. Its all about a few "us" that are trying to control the site.

I hope this answers your question if you want other info you would have to review all the post in each Threat because of numious Hijacks of threads its just not in one place and there is so much of it its to much to re-hash in one post.


No, actually, it doesn't matter to me who was banned on the other forum and why.

I have 10 years invested in running the Corvette Action Center, and over that 10 year period, I have witnessed A LOT of migrations between forums to and from mine.

It all boils down to how the Administration runs the forums. The members have a choice - you can either agree or disagree with how a forum site is run. If you agree, great, if not - you leave. If there's one thing I've learned from running forum web sites - it's that a lot of people leave or get banned for one reason or the other - usually personality related, but that reason may not have any bearing what-so-ever on how they act or interact on another web site.

So, I try to run my forums with the age old addage of: innocent until proven guilty. I may take note on why you were banned on another web site. However, if you were banned on another site, and I feel it was legitimate, then if I see the same behavior on one of my sites, I'll be more inclined to pull your membership as well. Regardless, I give everyone a chance until you give me a legitimate reason to pull the plug.

Again: I reiterate to everyone - the only people that have control over this site and these forums - is me, followed by Bruce. Please cease and desist from any further personal attacks, and please leave any baggage from the other site, at the door, before you enter into these forums.
Thank you Rob, you know I have always been happy with the way you administer your forum. We need your forum as it is educational, we can keep in touch with the friends we have made and do our planning for our trips to meet up with each other. Life should be fun for all of us. Thanks again.
I have been banned from Hometown Buffet on their "all you can eat" shrimp night. :laugh:
I'm not quite sure I'd be willing to admit that in public. :laugh:
Anyone else following the new NBC series; "The Event"????

"I'm the President; I want to know."

"What do you want to know?"

"I want to know about The Event."

"Why do you want to know?"

"Because I'm the President, I need to know - everything."
I'm not quite sure I'd be willing to admit that in public. :laugh:

It was a weak moment; I would ask you to delete the post but that may smack of a conspiracy - you know, Grassy Knoll/The Event kind of stuff. :lol:
Wow! Good Morning!

My-my - wasn't this the busy little thread last night .... no wonder I had such sweet dreams :D

Thanks to anyone and everyone who had anything to do with getting this thread back on track! :love:

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