Welcome to the Cadillac XLR Forums!

The New WC - AKA Wives Club

All of my corvettes were red. I never once got a ticket. My husband drove mine once and got a ticket! Of course, I cried. I'm sure he didn't! LOL! Red is still my favorite color eventhough my XLR is black!
Well .... pretty deserted forum lately ....
fun while it lasted .... Guess we all have to move on sooner or later! :wave:
Think of it as the calm before the storm..........then throw out a big ole stink bomb post that stirs the pot.

How about that Allen ???

Anyone want to buy some luggage, or a nifty key chain????

:reddevil :reddevil :reddevil :reddevil :reddevil :reddevil
I think we are all working thru the dog days of August. We finally got a break from the heat. Now 80 deg days and 50's at night. Nice. Fall will be closing in and some really nice driving weather.

Working on out XLR/Corvette gathering nearly every day now. About 3 weeks away now... Looks like about 10 cars and 30 people coming over for dinner!

Took the V out to dinner last night. Got 2 thumbs up on the way.

2 phone interviews today. One in Asheville NC!

We're not gone, just busy

I am hoping that some of the members from the past who still look in on the forum will recall this thread and read this post too ....

There is going to be a Homecoming in Bowling Green this coming July! It is actually a Homecoming for Corvettes - but the XLR's have been invited to attend this year as well .... the history of the Homecoming is great reading (http://www.nationalcorvettehomecoming.com/html/history.html) but, the thing that just excites the heck out of me is that it will give all of us who have participated in the early Rendezvous and the Meets, and the Drives, and Cruises for the XLR can again come together for our own reunion too.

This is shaping up to be a great event. There are new threads being created on this forum and we already have 19 attendees! Please take a look and see if this is something that you would be interested in coming to. There were 90 some cars at R3 .... it would be so terrific that we could do at least that, since we have been gathering many new members since then! It would be so great to see you guys again! So, check out all of the Corvette Homecoming threads on this forum listed under "Events" ....

Many of our past forum members have traded their XLR's for Corvettes .... so, it would be great to see the new cars beside their XLR cousin.

C'mon .... sign up! It will be fun! :rocker:
Stopped by Red Noland Cadillac this morning and borrowed my salesman's computer to check out the old forum. There were no new postings since the 17th. Hope they get the message as to who was supporting the forum. Just for fun I tried to check in on his computer and of course it gave me the same message that I have been banned and the ban will never be lifted. my salesman got a big laugh out of that. Of course he knows the story and thinks it stinks what they did to us.:lol::wave::):patriot:
You see Fr this has been going on for some time. Its not me its your personality and your behavior. Why esle would you have been barred from the other Forum. Quit blaming others and get it together tell your doctor what is happening maybe he can adjust your medication.

Many of our past forum members have traded their XLR's for Corvettes .... so, it would be great to see the new cars beside their XLR cousin.

C'mon .... sign up! It will be fun! :rocker:

It will be fun. Hopefully there will be alot of the forum members there.
I am hoping that some of the members from the past who still look in on the forum will recall this thread and read this post too ....

There is going to be a Homecoming in Bowling Green this coming July! It is actually a Homecoming for Corvettes - but the XLR's have been invited to attend this year as well .... the history of the Homecoming is great reading (http://www.nationalcorvettehomecoming.com/html/history.html) but, the thing that just excites the heck out of me is that it will give all of us who have participated in the early Rendezvous and the Meets, and the Drives, and Cruises for the XLR can again come together for our own reunion too.

This is shaping up to be a great event. There are new threads being created on this forum and we already have 19 attendees! Please take a look and see if this is something that you would be interested in coming to. There were 90 some cars at R3 .... it would be so terrific that we could do at least that, since we have been gathering many new members since then! It would be so great to see you guys again! So, check out all of the Corvette Homecoming threads on this forum listed under "Events" ....

Many of our past forum members have traded their XLR's for Corvettes .... so, it would be great to see the new cars beside their XLR cousin.

C'mon .... sign up! It will be fun! :rocker:
Stopped by Red Noland Cadillac this morning and borrowed my salesman's computer to check out the old forum. There were no new postings since the 17th. Hope they get the message as to who was supporting the forum. Just for fun I tried to check in on his computer and of course it gave me the same message that I have been banned and the ban will never be lifted. my salesman got a big laugh out of that. Of course he knows the story and thinks it stinks what they did to us.:lol::wave::):patriot:
I have been on this site for 1 month less than you so i have watched everything from just about the beginning. I am curious as to where our Site Adimistrator stands with you and the "us" in your last sentence you identify? What I mean does he have to worry about you getting a group (or is it in place) together to attempt to take his site from him after all his hard work???? I have already watched one power play to take control. Can you at least share all the names of the "us" in your last sentence above. The other Site had a 5000 membership seems odd that the Site Administrator would just single out a few without cause.

Is Mswaim and PD going to the homecoming?
I have been on this site for 1 month less than you so i have watched everything from just about the beginning. I am curious as to where our Site Adimistrator stands with you and the "us" in your last sentence you identify? What I mean does he have to worry about you getting a group (or is it in place) together to attempt to take his site from him after all his hard work???? I have already watched one power play to take control. Can you at least share all the names of the "us" in your last sentence above. The other Site had a 5000 membership seems odd that the Site Administrator would just single out a few without cause.


You do know I was one of three moderators on that site, choosing to abandon that site for this one. The influx of membership was significant, my gut tells me that "us" you are speaking of represents a much larger group than you can imagine and far out-weighs (from a purchasing perspective) any issues you are attempting to breath life into.

Besides that - and based on your choice to post the information above = you really are a Dumbass.
You do know I was one of three moderators on that site, choosing to abandon that site for this one. The influx of membership was significant, my gut tells me that "us" you are speaking of represents a much larger group than you can imagine and far out-weighs (from a purchasing perspective) any issues you are attempting to breath life into.

Besides that - and based on your choice to post the information above = you really are a Dumbass.
Whats with the Dumbass comment? I have never used profanity addressing you. Is this something you have developed for our site in a open message???I dont know are you a moderator and this is the rule if so I am capeable of adjusting. There is a reason I am asking these questions I am attempting to find out why all of this is happening. This was not addressed to you if FR doesnt want to answer he doesnt have to.

You do know I was one of three moderators on that site, choosing to abandon that site for this one. The influx of membership was significant, my gut tells me that "us" you are speaking of represents a much larger group than you can imagine and far out-weighs (from a purchasing perspective) any issues you are attempting to breath life into.

Besides that - and based on your choice to post the information above = you really are a Dumbass.
Mark, I need this information I am exhausting all avenues available to me and identifying whomever I can that is involved in this. So try to bear with me. I need all the names of the people who were banned. You said you were the moderator at the other site so you must have that. I read in here something about secret meetings? These are what I have from what RA posted before plus you identifying yourself.



Little Women

Firat Robin

Give me a hand here good buddie so i can get this done today.

the best part about being a member of a secret society is keeping the secret. I guess you could try water-boarding the truth out of me, but I have been trained to resist such behavior so why waste your time. You would get further threatening to destroy this year's Malbec crop.

I will never tell and you will never figure it out, since you do not have a decoder ring.

BTW - just in case you are thinking of going "Abu Graib" on my a$$ please use clean Skivvies. I hate it when I end up with yesterday's skivvies on my head.
the best part about being a member of a secret society is keeping the secret. I guess you could try water-boarding the truth out of me, but I have been trained to resist such behavior so why waste your time. You would get further threatening to destroy this year's Malbec crop.

I will never tell and you will never figure it out, since you do not have a decoder ring.
:chuckle:chuckle:chuckle:chuckle:chuckle :rocker::rocker::rocker::rocker::rocker: :wave::wave::wave::wave::wave:
the best part about being a member of a secret society is keeping the secret. I guess you could try water-boarding the truth out of me, but I have been trained to resist such behavior so why waste your time. You would get further threatening to destroy this year's Malbec crop.

I will never tell and you will never figure it out, since you do not have a decoder ring.
Buddie you miss understood the post. This was posted around 1 1/2 years ago and it was about the other site not this one. I dont want any info on your secret decoder ring group okay. Trust me you keep that among yourselves. In other words why were they banned. said something about meetings?

Mark, I need this information I am exhausting all avenues available to me and identifying whomever I can that is involved in this. So try to bear with me. I need all the names of the people who were banned. You said you were the moderator at the other site so you must have that. I read in here something about secret meetings? These are what I have from what RA posted before plus you identifying yourself.



Little Women

Firat Robin

Give me a hand here good buddie so i can get this done today.

Please take your paranoia, hatefulness, and childlike behavior back to The Edge. This is not a thread where I am interested in reading your immature postings about other people. I came here to escape you. This used to be a FUN place and you are ruining it for others.
Don't you ever get the hint?
Buddie you miss understood the post. This was posted around 1 1/2 years ago and it was about the other site not this one. I dont want any info on your secret decoder ring group okay. Trust me you keep that among yourselves. In other words why were they banned. said something about meetings?


Oh, please don't try and sell me that short. I know exactly what you are attempting to do. At some point you will wake up and realize how silly this is becoming. But, it is entertaining and I do love a good dose of Shadenfreude.
Please take your paranoia, hatefulness, and childlike behavior back to The Edge. This is not a thread where I am interested in reading your immature postings about other people. I came here to escape you. This used to be a FUN place and you are ruining it for others.
Don't you ever get the hint?

Well said RA. I don't understand why anyone would be so interested in something that happened over two years ago that really is of no concern to anyone except the people involved at the time. It is a sad day when someone starts trouble on this forum and spreads falsehoods about a group trying to take over the forum, or take over the site and take it away from Rob. I guess he has not read all of the post where we have told Rob how much we appreciate this forum and what he has done for everyone. I guess some people will never be happy unless they are trying to make trouble for others.

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