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The New WC - AKA Wives Club

Here are new photos of both Phlufe and Wolphe. Wolphe is the name of the new puppy. :laugh::chuckle:reddevil:D
I have typed things on some of the pictures and you can hardly read it, I'm sorry about that. It has been sooooooooooooooooooo long since I was last on here that I can't remember how to do some things.:(:dunno::confused::dunno::pat:
Ruth Ann,
Thank you! You, Ray and Kent will be able to see them when you come through Albuquerque next month. :cool:
They look like they are going to get along well! See you in less than a month!!:wave:
Well they get along fine if there are no toys and no food, they have had at least 3 fights over food and toys and Wolphe is getting the worst of it. :bash::bash: Wolphe is teaching Phlufe how to howl. :bawling:
Photo Girl & Photo Mom's Bowling Green trip

Me & Photo Mom are in Bowling Green, KY for the C5/C6 Bash at the Nat'l Corvette Museum. We drove down yesterday, me in her '98 and she in Zoey. I was able to get some pictures of Zoey as she cruised down the highway. Today we took a road tour to Makers Mark. It was a lot of fun driving through the KY countryside. Mom let me drive Zoey! WOW!! What a car that Z06 is!
So much fun! There are other Z06's here, but so far, Photo Mom is the only female owner! :rocker:
Have fun both of you--and keep Jeanie away from the firemen:laugh::laugh:

I know you'll take plenty of pictures, can't wait to see them. Are the male Z06 owners afraid of Photo Mom?:lol::lol:

Me & Photo Mom are in Bowling Green, KY for the C5/C6 Bash at the Nat'l Corvette Museum. We drove down yesterday, me in her '98 and she in Zoey. I was able to get some pictures of Zoey as she cruised down the highway. Today we took a road tour to Makers Mark. It was a lot of fun driving through the KY countryside. Mom let me drive Zoey! WOW!! What a car that Z06 is!
So much fun! There are other Z06's here, but so far, Photo Mom is the only female owner! :rocker:
Behave yourselves ladies! Actually, since Jeanie didn't come with us on the Spring Drive, she has the right to raise a little h*ll. Smoke 'em! :burnout:
I ran into my first, and I hope last, arrogant Corvette owner ... I was out getting gas and pulled in behind a top-down, lipstick red .... we both approached the ATM at the same time and seeing that he was looking at Lola, I ASSUMED that he was at the least admiring her as much as I was his ... I said "Hi Cousin!" .... just trying to acknowledge that we both had pretty cool cars .... and he (really) looked me straight in the eye and said, "That's basically one of those Cadillacs that GM tried to make a Corvette out of, isn't it?" - I couldn't believe his arrogance and tone of voice - I said, "Yeah, GM's always trying to improve their products." .... The freaking idiot.
I ran into my first, and I hope last, arrogant Corvette owner ... I was out getting gas and pulled in behind a top-down, lipstick red .... we both approached the ATM at the same time and seeing that he was looking at Lola, I ASSUMED that he was at the least admiring her as much as I was his ... I said "Hi Cousin!" .... just trying to acknowledge that we both had pretty cool cars .... and he (really) looked me straight in the eye and said, "That's basically one of those Cadillacs that GM tried to make a Corvette out of, isn't it?" - I couldn't believe his arrogance and tone of voice - I said, "Yeah, GM's always trying to improve their products." .... The freaking idiot.

LOVE IT!!!! I doubt if I'd have thought of a come back that fast... glad you did!!:blinzel::blinzel:
I ran into my first, and I hope last, arrogant Corvette owner ... I was out getting gas and pulled in behind a top-down, lipstick red .... we both approached the ATM at the same time and seeing that he was looking at Lola, I ASSUMED that he was at the least admiring her as much as I was his ... I said "Hi Cousin!" .... just trying to acknowledge that we both had pretty cool cars .... and he (really) looked me straight in the eye and said, "That's basically one of those Cadillacs that GM tried to make a Corvette out of, isn't it?" - I couldn't believe his arrogance and tone of voice - I said, "Yeah, GM's always trying to improve their products." .... The freaking idiot.

You're right...he's a freaking idiot and a jerk! I'm glad you had a come back for him.
Nice come back RA. Wish I could think that fast on my feet. ;)
Xlr Mom

Hey girls! I'm the mom of an Xlr. I'm a member of a couple of car clubs...usually, I'm the only woman there. It's good to find other women on here!:wave:
He obviously hasn't driven an XLR, or he'd be hooked. I've had many Corvettes, and after my XLR, I won't go back! Corvettes don't have nearly the luxury or the smooth ride!

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