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Montana Spring drive 2013

I am praying for your speedy recovery. I am so sorry to hear of this tragic news. If need be this Montana drive can always be rescheduled after you have fully recovered. Henry (Professor)
Post pone trip to 2014

I am praying for your speedy recovery. I am so sorry to hear of this tragic news. If need be this Montana drive can always be rescheduled after you have fully recovered. Henry (Professor)

I have been in phone contact with Marvin, Rod's brother. It is Marvin's wish that the trip to Montana be postponed until 2014 as Rod is facing a very long recovery. He thought if we waited until May to make the announcement but with sixteen rooms on the line with two resorts I feel we better be thinking about it now so they can open up those rooms for someone else.

What do the rest of you think of this????
Rod's Situation

I have been in phone contact with Marvin, Rod's brother. It is Marvin's wish that the trip to Montana be postponed until 2014 as Rod is facing a very long recovery. He thought if we waited until May to make the announcement but with sixteen rooms on the line with two resorts I feel we better be thinking about it now so they can open up those rooms for someone else.

What do the rest of you think of this????

Robert, I think you make a lot of sense. It sure sounds like Rod's in for a long, tough recovery. Given where his burns are, it'd be awful on him to drive in 3 months, it seems to me. Even were he to ride, and have Cindy chauffeur him, seems to me to be a real ordeal. In the end, he'll have to decide what he can do, but I wouldn't want to be a partial reason for him to suffer, just to put on this drive.

My vote is to cancel now, so we will be able to reschedule this for 2014, without causing the hotels to turn away business on our account.


Robert, I think you make a lot of sense. It sure sounds like Rod's in for a long, tough recovery. Given where his burns are, it'd be awful on him to drive in 3 months, it seems to me. Even were he to ride, and have Cindy chauffeur him, seems to me to be a real ordeal. In the end, he'll have to decide what he can do, but I wouldn't want to be a partial reason for him to suffer, just to put on this drive.

My vote is to cancel now, so we will be able to reschedule this for 2014, without causing the hotels to turn away business on our account.



Thanks Tim,

Marvin did tell me that Rod will not be able to sit in a car for many months to come, way beyond June. He will be in ICU for 40 or 45 days, then rehab in Colorado for at least a month, then if things go as they hope, he will be transferred back to Montana for at least another month or two of rehab. There is a great chance of infections, hence the request that no one send flowers. The main thing is that Rod recovers, I know he will be disapointed but as Marvin said, he is certain that Rod will realize that the trip must be cancelled as he just will not be able to participate.
Postpone to 2014

I have been in phone contact with Marvin, Rod's brother. It is Marvin's wish that the trip to Montana be postponed until 2014 as Rod is facing a very long recovery. He thought if we waited until May to make the announcement but with sixteen rooms on the line with two resorts I feel we better be thinking about it now so they can open up those rooms for someone else.

What do the rest of you think of this????

Merilee and I agree, it would be best to postpone until 2014. Certainly giving the resorts time to have the rooms rebooked will help us when we plan for next year.

Trip Cancellation?

I know that we were all looking forward to this event but from what I understand, Rod will NOT be recovered from this accident well enough to host this event without enduring much pain and discomfort. We know he wants to do this but he truly needs to properly recover by following the doctors orders and with careful rehab to make sure he re-gains the maximim mobility from his injuries. He may do harm to himself by trying to be Superman. In respect to his injuries it is likely the only choice to cancel now. There is always next year!

Our thoughts and prayers are with you & your family Rod.
Horrible news and I wish a speedy recovery to Rod. I am all in favor of postponing until 2014. thanks to Marvin for letting us know and watching out for Rod.
Montana 2013

As much as we would all love to keep this trip active, in the very best interests of Rod and his family and the resorts, I think we should definately postpone the trip. I'm sure Rod will agree as time goes on.
Again, Judy and I wish Rod all the best on his long journey to recovery.

If I know Rod ... and I sorta do .... he will hate this decision although deep down he does know it makes sense. C'mon, Rod .... this was your dream and we all want it to be a fabulous destination vacation - and think that giving you a year to recoup could only make it better. Shoot - I'm thinking if you give people a full year to plan ahead this could be one of the biggest events ever .... I had to cancel for recovery- and well on my way - so.... hmmm - maybe I can even make it next year too! xxoo

PS I'll bring the wine, you provide the plastic cups.
Another option...

Here's another idea to kick around...you guys could continue with your plans & have the event, you could call it "The Montana Rocket Run". You could stop by & visit with Rod & Cindy, it would help with his recovery. Rod has put a lot of time into this event it would be nice to see it carried out. You will need someone to take over the leadership role, but everything else is already in place. Something to think about.:wave:
For me this has now become more than a XLR event and I realize I also have the luxury of being only 14 hours from Billings. Once Rod and Cindy get home and are ready for visitors I am hoping that I can make arrangements and get down to visit them. Montana 2013, or 2014 or 20??? At this point in time it does not matter. As of last week for me it has now become "Rally Round Rod".

Here's another idea to kick around...you guys could continue with your plans & have the event, you could call it "The Montana Rocket Run". You could stop by & visit with Rod & Cindy, it would help with his recovery. Rod has put a lot of time into this event it would be nice to see it carried out. You will need someone to take over the leadership role, but everything else is already in place. Something to think about.:wave:

Ten out of sixteen XLR OWNERS have expressed they would like to postpone the trip to 2014 out of respect and our concern for what is best for Rod and Cindy in addition to respecting the explicet request of Rod's brother. Rod and Cindy would be in no shape to entertain anyone in June. He will still be undergoing treatments and therapy. I guess you have never known anyone with burns to the extent of Rod's. This trip was and is Rod's baby, it would be out of line for someone to "take over" or change the name of the trip. Any name change will be from 2013 to 2014 and that will be left up to Rod to decide.

Anyone that signed up for the trip is free to go, this is a free country. All comments thus far have been concerning what is best for Rod and Cindy. Thank you for your thoughts.
I'm assuming that our "official" stand on this is to go in 2014.

Here's another idea to kick around...you guys could continue with your plans & have the event, you could call it "The Montana Rocket Run". You could stop by & visit with Rod & Cindy, :wave:

I've thought about what Bruce has suggested, go and see Rod. But, I think WE all know that Rod, with his big heart, would want to show around that part of the country. But it sounds like he doesn't need to do that right now. So,,,,, Rod, you get stronger, better, and well, for now!! And I'm sure after you get well, you'll be busy with the insurance Co. and trying to get your business up and running again! So if all goes good for you in the next year, let's plan on Montana 2014!! I've never been in that part of the country, so I'm really still really excited about the trip in 2014!! It's sad, calling and canceling my hotels, BUT!!! I know there's a future trip!!


After thoughtful and sorrowful deliberation, I'm sorry to say I'm going to have to postpone this drive until 2014. Not that I want to, it's more. I have to. It seems I won't be getting out of rehab here in Colorado until late May/early June. My next surgery.. my 10th... is scheduled for April 26 with another scheduled for the week after and, if required, the next for the week after that. So, I'm sorry to say that this year is just not going to work for the drive. We definitely are planning on having this drive June 2014. Remember, you will be responsible for canceling your hotel reservations.
Montana Drive

I hope my wife and I will be able to join you and yours, Rod, next spring along with everyone that can possibly make it. We will begin to make our plans now. Keep getting better and we will get to meet y'all then. Jim and Leah Hawkins
Montana 2014 !!!!!!

I did not have the heart to officially surrender this trip to the postponed department although I knew in my heart it had to be. I regretfully appreciate you making this decision for us. This trip is on my MUST DO list for 2014 or 2015 or? When you pick the date I am sure there will be a flurry of day planner action!
Wishing you a continued recovery,
your yet to meet friends,
Sandy & Steve Gray

Rod, I know how hard this must have been for you to decide to postpone the trip. Yes, the trip was certainly something I was looking forward to for a couple of reason, 1, to see you and Cindy and 2, to see Montana as for some unknown reason in my travels I have never been to Montana. I know you have made the correct choice for the sake of your surgeries and healing which is the most important part of your life right now. We can always do the trip later, right now I just want you to get healed up, which is number one on my list. You and Cindy are both on my prayer list, two special friends. Your good attitude and the good care Cindy is giving you will bring you through this hard time in your life.
After thoughtful and sorrowful deliberation, I'm sorry to say I'm going to have to postpone this drive until 2014. Not that I want to, it's more. I have to. It seems I won't be getting out of rehab here in Colorado until late May/early June. My next surgery.. my 10th... is scheduled for April 26 with another scheduled for the week after and, if required, the next for the week after that. So, I'm sorry to say that this year is just not going to work for the drive. We definitely are planning on having this drive June 2014. Remember, you will be responsible for canceling your hotel reservations.

We're good with that .... more time to plan! It was not a fun decision we made when we had to cancel out earlier this year .... so, now, maybe with a solid year of notice even MORE people will join up. We think of you EVERY DAY and glad to hear that you are progressing .... be damned the bumps in the road! So glad that they are moving towards a release date for you .... hang in there, Rod .... xxoo :love:
Like everyone else, I'm very happy to hear of your recovery. It's a long and slow process, but it sounds like, all in all, you're doing great.

Keep up the healing, keep your heads up high (that included Cindy :)), and keep your spirits up-Rod's Rocket Run will wait for us, and we'll be happy to wait for you.

Rods-Rocket-Run, :lol: :lol: That's good Rich!!! I think we have a new name for our 2014 Montana trip!!

We're all still thinking of ya', Rod & Cindy!!!


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