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Montana Spring drive 2013

Surgery update

10th surgery is scheduled for Monday, April 29 followed by another on Wednesday, March 1. The surgeons are going to deal with the left leg, which SHOULD compete everything. A week or two in ICU and a couple in acute rehab & I should be OUT OF HERE!!!
10th surgery is scheduled for Monday, April 29 followed by another on Wednesday, March. The surgeons are going to deal with the left leg, which SHOULD compete everything. A week or two in ICU and a couple in acute rehab & I should be OUT OF HERE!!!

Totally Awesome Rod & Cindy hope all goes well the sooner the better to get out of there! I'm sure your homesick after being gone this long! God Bless and Good Luck Great to see this!!!.....

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Thanks Dan
10th surgery is scheduled for Monday, April 29 followed by another on Wednesday, March 1. The surgeons are going to deal with the left leg, which SHOULD compete everything. A week or two in ICU and a couple in acute rehab & I should be OUT OF HERE!!!

Semper Fi, You go guy!!

Thoughts & prayers, everyday
Great news Rod, you must be so much looking forward to getting home. :love:
Hang in there Rod! Glad to hear you may be going home soon.
10th surgery is scheduled for Monday, April 29 followed by another on Wednesday, March 1. The surgeons are going to deal with the left leg, which SHOULD compete everything. A week or two in ICU and a couple in acute rehab & I should be OUT OF HERE!!!

So glad to hear things are going well, Rod ... hang in there - we continue to keep you in our prayers! :cool:
10th surgery is scheduled for Monday, April 29 followed by another on Wednesday, March 1. The surgeons are going to deal with the left leg, which SHOULD compete everything. A week or two in ICU and a couple in acute rehab & I should be OUT OF HERE!!!

GREAT NEWS!!! I know you are looking forward to heading home soon. :wave:

Great news, Rod!!! I'm sure you're tiring of the whole deal by now, I'm sure I would be. Just take all the rehab slow and easy, I'm sure you'll be good as new very soon!

Thoughts & prayers.
Rod - so happy to hear that your healing continues. I'm also excited about the ride moving to 2014. I wasn't able to attend in 2013 as I am going to be in Europe so moving the event to 2014 will allow me to attend. RRR14 or bust!

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