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Fall 2012 Montana

Okay... time to get this thread going again. Just wondering about interest in a Montana gathering this fall, maybe September????

That's a "could be"; wonderful idea. We did a "ride-about" on our motorcycles last year for about a week in Montana, on a circuitous route to Sturgis. It would be super in the XLR, for sure.

We're in south-east Colorado, so it wouldn't be too long of a drive. I'm just a little leery of showing up in my '06 XLR, that's not "mint" by anyone's standard. The first owner didn't evidently know how to either parallel park it w/o hitting the curb, or how to avoid tailgating rock haulers. All of y'all's cars look SO GOOD (!) that it'd make mine pale by comparison. :dunno:

We're still trying to work on BobFest .... so, we will have to pass on Montana ..... although it is pretty close to the top of our 'to see' list ... I think it has to be one of the most beautiful states we have.

Think about AZ in January as well ..... don't you have friends there that you sometimes visit? Could be one way to tie in a meeting up. ;)
That's a "could be"; wonderful idea. We did a "ride-about" on our motorcycles last year for about a week in Montana, on a circuitous route to Sturgis. It would be super in the XLR, for sure.

We're in south-east Colorado, so it wouldn't be too long of a drive. I'm just a little leery of showing up in my '06 XLR, that's not "mint" by anyone's standard. The first owner didn't evidently know how to either parallel park it w/o hitting the curb, or how to avoid tailgating rock haulers. All of y'all's cars look SO GOOD (!) that it'd make mine pale by comparison. :dunno:


Don't worry too much about your not being "mint". We'd LOVE to have you along for the drive!!! Mine has rock chips galore in the front as well; it's hard to keep from that happening...

I'll keep track of possible attendees in post #2.
We're still trying to work on BobFest .... so, we will have to pass on Montana ..... although it is pretty close to the top of our 'to see' list ... I think it has to be one of the most beautiful states we have.

Think about AZ in January as well ..... don't you have friends there that you sometimes visit? Could be one way to tie in a meeting up. ;)

Well, September is not written in stone... if any other time would work better, let me know.

Yea, we DO have friends in AZ... guess we'll talk about it. Would be nice to have a road trip in January... whe only problem would be the snow until we get past SLC, UT. And then back again. Would also have to take it out of storage... unless we flew??? Much more fun to fly low to the ground, though!!!:naughty::naughty:
Yes ... January is an iffy-month coming down thru the NW ... this year you would have had no problems .... next year ... :dunno:

You could consider flying in and then doing Bondurant where you would definetly fill your need for speed :D ...... what a memory maker that would be! It doesn't matter what you drive to Barrett-Jackson in .... if you do any sight-seeing through the desert you will definetly miss your XLR, but then again, if you're with friends, they couldn't ride with you anyway. You could always rent a Camaro convertible!

Anyway, think about it. For sure there will be a time to meet up .... we already have JetBoy and First Robin over there .... :rocker:

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