Two XLR sightings in one day? Yes it does happen.
Yes, you heard me correctly I saw two XLR's while driving today and both of them with the same color as mine.

It all started as I was leaving the ATM at my local bank and as I approached the highway I saw an XLR passed by going north headed into town. I figured I wouldn't be able to catch up with him because he had 15 to 20 seconds lead on me but to my surprise he caught the red light as he was about to make a left turn.
Okay, so far so good and this is where gets better or shall I say not so good? Normally I would take every opportunity to take a picture because the cars are usually passing by and I never have an opportunity to get this close but today I decided to drive up next to him side-by-side. This is where it gets interesting. So I pull up next to him and we're side-by-side. I look over to my left and he is concentrating on something or his mind is somewhere else. So, I honk my horn once, twice, and still no response.
i'm sure the lady to my right in the Lexus obviously saw two spectacular cars sitting side-by-side had to notice that plus me honking the horn. By the time I was about to make my third honk the turn signal light turned green and he proceeded to make a left turn going down the road. I sat there for second or two in total disbelief.
I thought for moment that I should go down the block and turn around and say hello to the guy but it was close to 1030 and I wanted my McDonald's breakfast before they close so after getting my breakfast I went down the street he went down on and was looking for his car but I couldn't find so I said forget it.
However, around noon I decided to go back to the bank to make another deposit and on my way leaving the bank I saw the other driver of the same colored XLR headed in the opposite direction I was going. This time I believe it was the other XLR owner for both drivers had gray hair but this other driver was a little bit younger plus his not have the front 2009 fender. This was very odd day for me today but it did happen and I did capture one not so good-looking picture of the first encounter but like I said earlier I was hoping that the two of us could pull over and talk a bit but that didn't happen.
Edit: next time I think it would have been better for me to pull up behind him instead of being next to him.