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Do you see XLRs??

Fun facts to know and tell!

I haven't seen an XLR on the road in weeks!


I saw TWO C-7s today!

A white one and a grey one.
I received a picture from my Tire Shop guy today of a Silver XLR. He had told me that he saw one in the neighborhood visiting a neighbor. The car is sweet with after market wheels.:blinzel:
Saw this black one as I was headed back to my home. I was a passenger in another car so I was able to snap this real fast.

This guy lives in a neighborhood in my area. I don't think he's a member of the site. I did however drop a car off to him and told him about this site. His name is Paul foster from st aug florida. He is also a Canadian transplanted in Florida. I think he doesn't live in canada anymore.

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Yep I see him all over the place here. I think he's the one that was behind me a couple months ago. He went on 95 south while I went straight on st rd 16 here in st aug fl. It's always nice when you see another xlr on the road. Esp when they live right around the corner from ya.
Yes, you do see them all of the time...I don't ever see them down here unless it's at a dealership & that's rare.

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The day I went to pick up some touch up paint for mine. The salesman came out and ask me if I want to see because they have a list of ppl looking for these cars. I was going to say. Give me 100k and then I'll think about it. But I said no I wasn't selling her. They just had a black one that they sold just a day before I was there. The other salesman (that I know) told me it was a black one I think it was a base he said. I didn't ask how much they sold or how many miles were on her.
But I should've

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Just saw about a 15 second part of a movie (2006) where Tom Selleck opens the trunk on a SILVER XLR with the fob in his hand! The movie was Jeese Stone Murder in Paradise

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Dan & Wendy

Good family of Dallas,
It's been a long time, I believe it was 07 I dropped down to consummate our deal. It was great for me and hope it worked for you. Hope things are going well for the family. I go to local car shows and haven't any more brochures to hand out, if interested, you could send me a couple of dozen I could keep in my trunk. I get asked about it a lot. You should have my information on file if not contact me.
Thanks for the contact,
Robert Blackman
Pulled into my local dealer yesterday with Coach's SRX to answer the latest recall = reprogram the transmission control module and there was a silver 06 V waiting to have serious air conditioner work done. When I commented to the service manager, he responded that there was another one already inside being worked on!! Two in one place and it wasn't one of our events. This dealer, the last I knew, had three mechanics who had been through the XLR training and a fourth who was Corvette "certified". There is a reason Coach trusts them with her Toy and obviously other owners have gotten the word. Wish there were more dealers like this.
Pulled into a parking lot for a local car show the old timers of st augustine have. They use the same place every yr. this yr must have been my lucky yr. because I saw this red xlr in a side lot. So I pulled in but the cars next to her were to close. So I pulled in the space across from her. Yes I said her because as mom and I were leaving, saw the driver. But she had her top up. What's with these people. If you drive a cool convertible and it's around mid 70's. You should always be topless.

the car was local or she bought it local because she had both the dealer sticker and the dealer plate frame. Even though the dealer changed names from premier to fields. Actually now that I zoom in. I see that the emblem sticker is the older Parker before it changed to premier then to fields Cadillac. I even placed my card with this website and my email address in the drivers door area

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How cool is this?

I was on my way to work when at a stop light I saw a silver XLR being driven by a lady (first time for me seeing the opposite sex driving a XLR). Anyway, I was on the blutooth so I didn't have enough time to switch over and take a picture. As the light turned green for her she slowly entered the intersection as we both were eyeing each others ride. At first I was worried that she wouldn't notice my car, but she did (which is why she took her time;)). Her and I waved like little kids in a parade. This truly made my day. Her car was the base model and she and I were driving with the top up, so I don't know what her interior color was. :blinzel:

Last night, I saw a gorgeous '06-'08 red "V" with chrome wheels, as I was leaving the Old Spaghetti Factory in Rancho Mirage, CA. (Looked a lot like your car, Patrick...) Two guys in it. Told the driver "Great car!" and he said that he loved it. I was driving "Daphne", and he smiled when he noticed I was also in an XLR.

Then, a coupla miles later on, I pulled even with a black base XLR heading east on Country Club Drive. I honked and waved, but the guy driving it seemed to be in his own world, and he just slogged along, about 10 mph under the speed limit (50). Oh well...

Simply amazing! That happened to me too. I was side-by-side with the same colored XLR, honking the horn, and looking directly at the owner-yet he didn't even see me. Maybe he thought my car was a reflection or something. :lol:
I didn't see one but while I was talking to one of my moms beauticians. The gal said her neighbor has one. So I just happen to have one of my cards and asked her to give the card with my email and this website to the neighbor. She didn't know what yr it was or if it was base, v or what

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Watching reruns of "The Ghost Whisperer," the episode titled "Threshold," towards the very end of the show in a scene with a car wreck a gold XLR pulls up behind a blue Prius. Jennifer Love Hewitt is in a vehicle that pulled up right behind the XLR. Best thing about the scene is the XLR isn't part of the wreck!
just sittin here at the cruise in in jax fl and saw a black looked like 06-08 couldn't tell if it was a v or not.

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This is mine. It's a 06 base infrared next to a alante

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