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Rod ..... Detour -due South. :wave:

Would LOVE to... don't have the time this trip, though. Have to be home Friday for a wedding on Saturday. Be careful what you wish for - one of these years, you may have us knocking at your door.
in Texas

Thanks Alaska, we do like to look good here in the 2nd largest state and we love to fly low. We can definitely do both in the XLR V. Bluehawk
This evening I took a drive & met Photo Mom at Starbucks. I offered to trade her vehicles for the night (we're meeting tomorrow morning for breakfast) so Zoey, the Z06, is parked in my garage for the night! :cool:
Is this where you jack your vette?

So I was washing my car sat. morn. and saw this vette pull out onto the main street at the end of my block. He squealed the tires and took off it looked nice cool. After washing Stella for the nice weekend I pulled her in the garage and started walking to my house and saw the same vette had returned from his ride and was turning down his street. This guy gassed it around the turn and started fish tailin and jump little ravins that run parallel with the street in that area.
. Then the fella had jump the culvert landing on a carriage wheel that was metal. I went over to help him. The neighbor had grabbed a jack and the owner jacked it up right under the door sill. Even after told that he cannot just jack a vette anywhere.
.so they weren't worried about it then neither was I . Isn't mine I enjoyed the laugh! Anyway they decided to use ramps and roll the car backward. In the process they had to move the ramps twice and in the process the father of the driver trying to find a spot to jack the car on the driver side didn't have any room thea jack decided to jack it directly behind the drver wheel right in front of the door hinge and put the jack right through the driver floor board. Unfortunately I couldn't get a picture of that he lowered it really quick but the head did go right through! Ha hah! Well they did get the car off but not after mangling the undercarriage, radiator support and everything else. Here's pics.
to top it off he just bought the car and his FATHER was driving it. The father is in the red shirt and the owner is the younger one in the black shirt. What a interesting mourning huh?
So I was washing my car sat. morn. and saw this vette pull out onto the main street at the end of my block. He squealed the tires and took off it looked nice cool. After washing Stella for the nice weekend I pulled her in the garage and started walking to my house and saw the same vette had returned from his ride and was turning down his street. This guy gassed it around the turn and started fish tailin and jump little ravins that run parallel with the street in that area.. Then the fella had jump the culvert landing on a carriage wheel that was metal. I went over to help him. The neighbor had grabbed a jack and the owner jacked it up right under the door sill. Even after told that he cannot just jack a vette anywhere..so they weren't worried about it then neither was I . Isn't mine I enjoyed the laugh! Anyway they decided to use ramps and roll the car backward. In the process they had to move the ramps twice and in the process the father of the driver trying to find a spot to jack the car on the driver side didn't have any room thea jack decided to jack it directly behind the drver wheel right in front of the door hinge and put the jack right through the driver floor board. Unfortunately I couldn't get a picture of that he lowered it really quick but the head did go right through! Ha hah! Well they did get the car off but not after mangling the undercarriage, radiator support and everything else. Here's pics. to top it off he just bought the car and his FATHER was driving it. The father is in the red shirt and the owner is the younger one in the black shirt. What a interesting mourning huh?

Hopefully they learned something, like sometimes it IS less expensive to call a tow truck...
Yeah exactly what I thought. I thought about mentioning a tow truck but this guy hit the ravin at about 30, at a angle and jumped the other side while hitting the culvert. This car is bent somewhere guaranteed! I'm the type if it's been in a accident or even repainted it's garbage. The radiator support and everything in front of the engine on the underside was cracked ripped and mangled. If it was me I would of handed my father the keys and told him he just bought it and go buy another. :blinzel:
Hopefully they learned something, like sometimes it IS less expensive to call a tow truck...

For sure! People that damned dumb shouldn't be allowed to drive something that good.

Hmmm... Wonder if he wants to sell the rims...


That's what I looked like when I got home. Dave kept us way too busy--I needed to get back home to rest! :laugh::laugh:
This is for Bruce: Bacon is not the answer to all problems | HamptonRoads.com | PilotOnline.com.

Thought of him & laughed out loud when I read it!

I could use some bacon to fuel my car wash party this weekend. Beautiful & actually only in the 70's, so I cleaned up Beauty to go riding. And daily driver Dirtmobile is just nasty at this point, so that one will probably get cleaned up sometime too.
All is well

Scarlett-V is in the shop for the trunk problem. Stopped at the dealership last night and they are ordering a new latch assembly--hopefully it is in stock!! Everything will be covered on the CPO warranty.:) They are also going to give her a bath when it is all done, one less vehicle I have to clean!:lol::lol: Spencer, the CTS-V will get one today and Ginger, Supa's SHO will get one this afternoon or tomorrow!! Happy Father's Day early to everyone!! Enjoy what you like to do tomorrow!!

Was it a "V" .... the last thing I remember reading was that if any of the XLR's became collectible it would be that. But it's hard to believe that with less than 20,000 of them produced that most of them wouldn't be collectable someday.

Today, I drove through a local fast food lane .... the last thing I heard after she gave me my change was "nice ride" as I drove away ... :D

Honstly I think the XLR will never lose their value if anything in due time they will gain! I never plan sale mine but if I do I consider it to be an investment! Just my opinion! Dan
This is for Bruce: Bacon is not the answer to all problems | HamptonRoads.com | PilotOnline.com.

Thought of him & laughed out loud when I read it!

I could use some bacon to fuel my car wash party this weekend. Beautiful & actually only in the 70's, so I cleaned up Beauty to go riding. And daily driver Dirtmobile is just nasty at this point, so that one will probably get cleaned up sometime too.

Thanks Amy...Bacon is our friend:lol: It's good to hear that you & Beauty are both doing better.:wave:
Happy Father's Day back at you Cubby and all club Fathers. Nice meeting you and the rest of gang last weekend! Sorry we missed you all Sunday eve for dinner & Monday. We was going to do pictures and Cadillac dealership then head over to Hollywood Casino then come back down to Hershey Grill, But woke up sick in stomach Monday morning. It last all day to later in the evening I started feeling better:dunno:something I ate or 12 flu bug I guess? Who knows? Anyways such is life! It's beautiful here again in PA this weekend just little cooler mid 70's :cool: Enjoy! :wave:
Dan & Wendy
Sorry to hear that, Dan. We had a couple others in the group get sick during the trip. Starting to think now it was a bug and not food, as many had eaten the same items with no ill affects. It was great meeting you and Wendy and hope to see you again at another XLR outing. :):)

........................., But woke up sick in stomach Monday morning. It last all day to later in the evening I started feeling better:dunno:something I ate or 12 flu bug I guess? Who knows? Anyways such is life! It's beautiful here again in PA this weekend just little cooler mid 70's :cool: Enjoy! :wave:
Dan & Wendy
Dan - glad you are better. If it was the same thing I had, it was nasty! Cubby - Good to hear Scarlett-V should be on the mend soon. Hopefully it will go like Beauty, as the repair really ended up being no big deal overall & everything is working right so far.

Happy & healthy Father's Day to all - except I bet it's not so good for that guy who wrecked his kid's just-purchased Vette!
Mecum Monterey

Happy Fathers Day all!

For those of you out there who decided another tie for Dad just wasn't it this year, but are still struggling for a last minute special gift, it should be reported that one of the first generation CTS V sedan race cars will be auctioned at Mecum Monterey this year. There's a nice overview of the CTS racing program in the Mecum e-zine this month. We're getting a new basement wall this week, so I know Coach won't be bidding against you:dunno:.

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