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I sent an email to Jim, but haven't heard back from him yet. We have been watching and hoping they get it under control soon.

It was a gorgeous morning for the drive into work, especially in a white XLR! Too bad I had to go to work...I would have liked to have gone on a long drive...to anywhere! :)

It's always hard on a beautiful morning but when it's Friday it's always east to make a wrong turn! LOL! Its gonna be like that tomorrow here but later in day upper 90's and humidty move in from the south! YEEK!!!!.. all weekend too!! HOT AS THE :reddevil
Dan :cool:
I received an email back from Jim last night. So far they have been spared of any damage. He said Tuesday it looked really bad and coming towards them, but the weather changed direction and was now headed toward the Air Force Acadamy. There have been at least 350 homes lost; probably more by now and it is only 10% contained. Hopefully they get some needed rain to help put this fire out. Keep Jim & Sharon in your thoughts and prayers!!

Anyone heard from Jim & Sharon from CO Springs? On the news last night I heard that the Air Force Academy was cleared out and that the fire were getting close to Garden of the Gods. Didn't they live nearby to the Garden of the Gods?

Cubby, thanks for the update. It's good to hear that Jim & Sharon are OK. There are a lot of places around the country that really need rain.
Perhaps Devine intervention. Hopefully it all turns out well.....


The Academy only evacuated some of the outlying areas. The Cadet area was never in danger, although they did move some activities because of the smoke.

Intake was yesterday for the class of 2016. Looks like they already have a class motto:




One of my classmates who's there thought the motto thing was insensitive cause his house was saved but less than a block away the houses are ashes. He should be able to visit the house this weekend; no date set yet for them to move back in.
Giz.... Were you there for the "intake"? (Intake, I like that!:) ) Do the pictures bring back memories? The "intakees" look young!! But maybe I'm just getting older.

Giz.... Were you there for the "intake"? (Intake, I like that!:) ) Do the pictures bring back memories? The "intakees" look young!! But maybe I'm just getting older.


Oh no, I was not there. Seen more than my share, I'll pass.

Yes, the picture bring back horrific images. I was 15 as an intake and the above guy in the intake's face - for me - was a 350lb 6 1/2 ft, bear-looking guy, whose breath alone was killing me; but I knew if I moved or blinked, he'd snap me like a twig.
"Little Bugger" Clean again

"Little Bugger" went to the dealership this morning, washed, waxed and the inside all cleaned to get rid of the grim and grit from the Colorado trip, fires, smoke, hot ashes, bugs and dirt. He looks like an XLR should look now. All of that for only $30.00, what a bargain. Now he thinks I should find another parade to drive in. :chuckle:chuckle:chuckle
Went out in Beauty for a sushi lunch with my favorite guy (he's even the same guy I'm married to!). The world is an oven right now, but got enough breeze with the top down & AC at 65 it felt ok. Ready for a nap after my fish fix!
Roundtrip to Jersey

My uncle celebrated his 98th birthday on Wednesday. I jumped in the XLR Tuesday morning here in northern Ohio and 500 miles and 7 hours later I pulled-in to the assisted living facility where he lives. A lot of construction on the Ohio Turnpike and I-80 in PA. A little less construction on the westbound route from Jersey. The weather was great all 3 days. I spent Wednesday with my uncle and he treated the residents to ice cream cake. On his 75th, a family member toasted him and offered his wish that we would all be together in 25 years for his 100th and now that is only 2 years away. Someone asked him how it felt to be 98. He replied "old!" BTW, he has only been retired for 10 years; he was the building inspector and town engineer for 56 years and and retired at age 88! At the facility I parked next to a Lexus SUV that was parked against the side curb leaving a wide space for me. The facility administrator came up to me and said she really liked the XLR. She told me I had parked next to her Lexus. On the return trip I pulled into a rest stop on I-80 and parked next to a yellow '09 'Vette. As I walked back to my car, the owner of the 'Vette stepped out and I commented on his plate "Hotuna". I said it sounded like a group from way back when and he said yes it was and it was in honor of the group from the '70's which is touring again. He said that the XLR was the only model in the Cadillac line he liked. Another couple walked by and the man commented about the shared DNA between the 2 cars and knew they were built in the same plant. The rest of the return trip was uneventful although I did a lot of driving rather than cruising and it was enjoyable. 7 hours for the return trip.
Roundtrip to Jersey - Lasagna

I need to add a plug for a little Italian Restaurant where I had dinner both nights I was in Jersey. Home made meat lasagna -tasted great! More than enough for me and I can eat my share of lasagna. I had shells the 2nd night and although not home made were very good. The owner whose name is Angelo is from southern Italy - Calabria where my grandparents were from. If you are in the area and are looking for a very good and simple Italian dinner - maincourse, oil and vinegar on the salard and Italian bread - try Angelo's Pizza Italia Caffee & Family Restaurant - 756 Route 46 West in Parsippany NJ. And tell him you got the recommendation from the guy from Ohio with the grandparents from Calabria.
My uncle celebrated his 98th birthday on Wednesday. I jumped in the XLR Tuesday morning here in northern Ohio and 500 miles and 7 hours later I pulled-in to the assisted living facility where he lives. A lot of construction on the Ohio Turnpike and I-80 in PA. A little less construction on the westbound route from Jersey. The weather was great all 3 days. I spent Wednesday with my uncle and he treated the residents to ice cream cake. On his 75th, a family member toasted him and offered his wish that we would all be together in 25 years for his 100th and now that is only 2 years away. Someone asked him how it felt to be 98. He replied "old!" BTW, he has only been retired for 10 years; he was the building inspector and town engineer for 56 years and and retired at age 88! At the facility I parked next to a Lexus SUV that was parked against the side curb leaving a wide space for me. The facility administrator came up to me and said she really liked the XLR. She told me I had parked next to her Lexus. On the return trip I pulled into a rest stop on I-80 and parked next to a yellow '09 'Vette. As I walked back to my car, the owner of the 'Vette stepped out and I commented on his plate "Hotuna". I said it sounded like a group from way back when and he said yes it was and it was in honor of the group from the '70's which is touring again. He said that the XLR was the only model in the Cadillac line he liked. Another couple walked by and the man commented about the shared DNA between the 2 cars and knew they were built in the same plant. The rest of the return trip was uneventful although I did a lot of driving rather than cruising and it was enjoyable. 7 hours for the return trip.

Anthony what a great story best wishes to him making it to his 100TH Birthday! Just wanted to say the day before his on Tuesday July 10th I turned 55 as my kids called it the double nickel HA! HA! And some days I feel like am 98 :chuckle But about these carsThese cars they are amzaing and known to draw a lot of attention and definitley turns some heads, I just glance at other driver as I pass by and some people point, wave, and even yell the other day while stopped waiting at a red light (Topdown) I kept hearing this hey coming from somewhere and when I looked back towards a gas station there is couple of young kids getting gas and the teenager in back seat was where the hey! was coming from and when he got my attention he was yell cool car with his thumb ups waving. I just wave and got on it because the light had just change to go, and of course the wife says you just had to do that didn't you! I just smiled and said Yep it's in my blood!!Great to hear that you love your XLR Too!
Nice chatting enjoy your day !
Dan :wave:
Tnx Rob for the B-Day email.

05 Grand Daddy,
I think I've got you beat. Today, July 13th I turned 72 and I have been a Great Grand Daddy for almost 3 years now.
05 Grand Daddy,
I think I've got you beat. Today, July 13th I turned 72 and I have been a Great Grand Daddy for almost 3 years now.

WELL HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU SIR JACK-But, You can beat me all you want I'm in no hurry to become Great Grand Daddy at 55 I have 4 grand children and the oldest is 11 so i'm very much hoping it will be awhile! lol
Another Potential XLR Net Member

I've seen another black XLR in the area from time to time. People at work have also thought when they have seen it that it was my XLR until they see the license plate; mine has my initials on it. Last night my wife and I headed to Amarone's for dinner in the CTS since it needed a little running time. As I'm pulling into Amarone's, an approaching black XLR is also signaling to turn in. Out of the XLR emerges a woman who I knew years ago from work. My wife tells her that we normally take the XLR and it would have been a sight with 2 black XLR's parked side by side. Her XLR is a 2004 with 15,000 miles that her husband had bought new for her. I gave her the URL for XLR NET and told that she needed to join. Hope she does.
The two of you should come to Mid-Ohio and join our Corral for the weekend or for just a day.

Sorry but just about out of vacatoin time for this year, I have some time off already scheduled for Oct. (Endless Summer Car Show Event in Ocean City MD. runs 4 days) I own the biz with 2 brothers and we all take 6 weeks a year but because our year start on Dec. 1st we used some time off over the Holidays and took 2 weeks went Ga. for annviversary back in March and a week in May to do some home spring chores plus day here and there all add ups! Have a great time sound like a BIG
Finally pulled the plug and splurged for the Corsa Exhaust. Supposed to pick up from Lingenfelters in Decatur, Indiana next week. He told me they have over 50 cars there they are working on now and would be glad to show me around.
Let me know if they are working on any CTS-V Coupes. I'm considering doing some pulley upgrades to get mine over 600HP!!
Finally pulled the plug and splurged for the Corsa Exhaust. Supposed to pick up from Lingenfelters in Decatur, Indiana next week. He told me they have over 50 cars there they are working on now and would be glad to show me around.

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