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Gizmo, could you give us more info on the class and "There were a few of us decided to go full open to the 3/4 mile marker and back down to within our tech speed limit," statement. I know nothing about the kind of racing you were doing. The licensing etc.. I like the picture the guy made!
Sure glad to hear a fuse could fix your car!! Whats the odds of that? Sounds like a great experience.

ECTA imposes limits both on the driver and on the car - primarily for safety. A rookie driver has to step up from one category to the next to prove he/she is in control during the three primary phases and the transitions between each - launch, run, and shutdown/exit. The car requires more safety gear the faster you want to drive it - if even one of the numerous safety features is suspect the car will not pass "technical inspection" (tech) for that speed range. All speeds are based on the speed achieved at the end of the 1 mile track where there are timing lights to give you your "official" speeds. So a 200MPH car can be driven hard by a rookie as long as he is in control and his official trap speed through the timing lights is within 5mph of his driving license. :D My record setting 133mph run was coasting from about the .6 mile point and the brakes were on before I hit the timing trap because it wasn't slowing down enough. Everybody watching could hear me get out of the boost by 3/4 mile and they gave me hell for it, but the officials let it stand cause it was well controlled and within the guidelines of the rulebook.

As far as classes go there are classes for body style and construction and classes for the size of the motors.

Drivers with a valid state drivers license are allowed up to 124 in a long sleeve shirt and long pants. To get the next license you must complete one pass over 100 and under 125.Then you can qualify for the next license with one pass over 125 but under 149. When they sign off your helmet for that, you can qualify for the next license with a pass over 150 but under 175. And again for 175-199, then 200-249, 250-299, and finally 300+.

Safety equipment "tech inspection" is a lot more complicated. Any street legal car can run up to 135 with no additional equipment. The requirements go up at 135, 150, 175, and 200. The kicker is all blown cars (supercharger and turbos) are automatically required to meet the rules of the next higher speed range. And convertibles are required to meet the roll cage requirement of the next higher speed range unless an exception is granted 45 days prior to the event (which I thought I had accomplished with the 50 pages of GM Tech data I now have on the roll-over protection). The basics are roll bar/roll cage, 5 point seat harness, racing seat bolted to the frame, battery disconnect switch, 5lb fire extinguisher within reach of the driver will get you to 150. More roll cage, hood pins, built-in fire suppression system, arm restraints or full door net, and hans device or head restraint in the seat will get you to 175; a whole bunch more and a parachute will get you to 175-200.

The drivers are recommended to wear a SFI3.2A/1 fire suit but the above street clothes are allowed for non-record setting runs. Fire suit specs go up at 135, 150, and 200. So over 135, you need a SFI3.2/5; over 150 needs a SFI3.2/15; over 200 needs SFI 3.2/20 (a "/20" suit is what pro drag racers wear and cost $1500+).

The bottom line is there's a speed limit for the driver and the car as recorded in the 20 ft of timing lights at the 1 mile point. The Texas Mile also has a timing system at the half mile point. Exceed either by more than 5mph and both are suspended for the day; by more than 10mph both are ejected from the even and possibly banned. One of the Z06 drivers who's car was downgraded at the start line from 150 to 135 (the race director did it to him for unknown reasons) ran an official time of 151 but wasn't allowed to record it. It wasn't a convertible and he has replaced the seat and harness and added the fire extinguisher, so he should have been good.

C6 corvettes were supposedly certified by GM in coordination with ECTA sanctioning body to be able to run up to 150, but I can't get anyone to give me the full details on when, where, and how that is documented. And the race director last weekend was overtasked enough without having to take 30 minutes to review my data and inspect Elwood in order to decide whether he would grant my exception. And I realized that and was OK with it as the weekend progressed.

For more info on ECTA go to their website: East Coast Timing Association
For info on the Texas Mile go to their website: TEXAS MILE // OFFICIAL SITE // 3 DAYS, 1 MILE: NO SPEED LIMIT

As a side note, the Texas Mile is a little less stringent on the rules. A couple from Corpus Cristi had their 08 XLR at the mile in March when I went as a spectator. They volunteered their car so I could take it through tech inspection. With my driver gear and the stock car plus a 2lb fire extinguisher strapped to the passenger door, the car teched for up to 190mph! I think I'm going to Texas in October. :reddevil
Marvin, This looks like fun. I made a note of the dates for the Texas mile in October. It's about 250 miles from our house. Diane and I will plan on being there.
Marvin, This looks like fun. I made a note of the dates for the Texas mile in October. It's about 250 miles from out house. Diane and I will plan on being there.

Texas is a lot of fun for spectators. Get your hotel reservation soon, they fill up early. It'll be great to have you there. Maybe have you video my runs cause once again looks like I'll be there solo. You guys also have the Houston half mile, too (unfortunately, its been pretty much taken over by the tuner crowd).

250 miles! hell I'd go every day and be home for bed. That's like me last year driving to Chicago for a monthly cookout and being in my own bed by 11PM. Wilmington, Ohio is 400 miles from me and Beeville, Texas Mile is just over 1000. Some of the racers in Ohio couldn't believe I drove the car from STL, raced every day, and drive it back home. I'm hoping my engine tuner is going and has room to carry my car with his 1100RWHP CTS-V Sedan.

Here's the only video I have of my record setting run on Sunday. This is what my interior sounds like at 158.

2012 04 29 ECTA Ohio Mile ELWOOD XLR-V 133 mph D/BGMS - YouTube

I was shocked at how much the nose lifts at full throttle. :eek: Note to self: mount the camera higher.

For this pass, I rolled into the accelerator slowly. 50% at the 1/2 shift, 75% at the 2/3 shift, then mashed it. I got out of it at the 30 second point of the video, started braking and at 34 seconds set the cruise control at 135. I think my speedo is off a little or the cruise control isn't so steady at 135. :naughty:
Back from INDY

Had a great time down at Indy Friday night and Saturday. Spent the day with Cadillac Tech and Photo Girl - giving my 2000 DTX some TLC and new shoes (brakes). Thanks Bruce, you're the best! Great seeing you two. :wave:

Was also really nice seeing my cousin, Alan too! Thanks for putting me up for the night, Alan! :cool:
A good phone call from my Insurance Agent

Back when I first bought my XLR, I took it by my insurance agents office, so he could see for himself that it was in absolutely mint condition. He had a good look at it and asked if he could drive it.

I asked if he was "covered" in case something happened. He laughed and assured me that everything would be OK. So off we went for a nice little ride, with him driving. He really liked it and thanked me for allowing him to drive it.

So, today he calls me on my cell phone and asks me if I am in town. I told him that I was working in a small town about 15 miles away. He asked if I was going to get home before 5:00 this afternoon. I said yes. He tells me to stop by his office on my way home (his office is about a mile from my house).

So I stop by and there is a ZO6 Corvette sitting at his office! He had mentioned that he was interested in one some time ago. It actually was only half his, as his son owns the other half. His son and daughter both work for him in his office.

He asked me what I thought about it, and then handed me the keyfob. "Take it for a drive" he said.

So I did.

505 rear-wheel horsepower.

Very impressive.

Fun to drive.

A real hoot!

But I still like my XLR better. 2 very different cars, even though they were both built in the same factory.

Impressive technology, indeed!
Was surprised today by LinSue and Ruth Ann. They showed up at my office today and we went for a two hour lunch. Thank you ladies had a great time. :)
Happy to hear Ruth Ann arrived safe and sound, enjoy your visit, tell everyone hello for me.
We did have lunch! It is good to be back in the Midwest .... It was fun to walk into Cubby and Mar's business and see the look of surprise on her face - I got a chance to see Cubby's new 'toy' .... it is verrrrry cool looking and it has the Thunder Grey color .... I haven't seen that color on a Cadillac since Han's XLR at Rendezvous II .... LinSue parked her new 'toy' next to Cubby's .... 'funny that the XLR brought us all together. The weather here is absolutely perfect - so the top went down on LinSue's car for our trip back home. It's going to be great to see the rest of you Saturday and Sunday ... There's not going to be a trip into the city - NATO is here and the local agencies prefer that if you don't have business in the City to stay out during the summit. Hopefully there is two more girlfriends that I will get to see before I take that jet plane home .... :love:
Funny Story: Saturday we were at the street fair and Ray was wearing his Colorado cruise shirt .. "Detail Guy" .... some guy stopped him and asked him if he had a detail shop as the guy who does his car was unreliable .... we laughed, told him it was his 'forum' name' - gave Ray some food for thought though .... he is getting mighty tired of wearing the star :)
2012 GumBall 3000

The Gumball 3000 Rally just passed through St Louis. Today's checkpoint was the Gateway Arch. They were supposed to start arriving at 2PM so I decided to get there early and get a good parking spot. WRONG! They were already there when I pulled in at 1230PM.

Thank God STL was only a checkpoint, heard a rumor they're partying and antics in Indy were epic. They left here for an overnight in Kansas City and will arrive in LA by Thursday. I hear two cars have been impounded, one imposter was uncovered and his car stripped, several speeding tickets have been received, and the parties are all out of control.

Some Pics from the riverfront:










Of Course I had to go talk to Team Rides Magazine

And get into the pictures:


See all my pictures on photobucket, I think I took over 150, but only posted 50.
The Gumball 3000 Rally just passed through St Louis. Today's checkpoint was the Gateway Arch. They were supposed to start arriving at 2PM so I decided to get there early and get a good parking spot. WRONG! They were already there when I pulled in at 1230PM.

Thank God STL was only a checkpoint, heard a rumor they're partying and antics in Indy were epic. They left here for an overnight in Kansas City and will arrive in LA by Thursday. I hear two cars have been impounded, one imposter was uncovered and his car stripped, several speeding tickets have been received, and the parties are all out of control.
AMAZING CARS!!!! That would be a once-in-a-lifetime experience to see the Gumball Rally cars!! I can only imaging the partying that goes on... thanks for sharing!!
Giz, you always know where the action is! That's got to be a super opportunity to get your XLR-V out there and have a blast. What a great bunch of rides to run with.
Look at that chrome wrapped Lambo! That's the first time I have seen this done!
The Gumball 3000 Rally just passed through St Louis. Today's checkpoint was the Gateway Arch............

I thought I would post on this thread about a self-appreciating conversation I had today with an XLR admirer...........then I see your posting Giz: Damn I need to get out more :squint: - you sure do get around! :willy_nilly: Sorry to see you are not doing the Gettysberg run, oh well, I will see you again, take care!

As for my little story: it is a typical one I am sure you have all had.

I stopped at a store and when I came out to get into my car a guy was getting into his truck beside me. His first words were "I always thought this was the most beautiful car Cadillac ever produced and your car is the nicest I have ever seen: not that I get to see very many of them" Then he went on to reminis about how, when they first came to market he realized that he would never get to own one, mortgage, kids etc and now they are no longer being built.

I related that I too figured I would never own one when I first saw them and their price (pricing here in Canada was even crazier) but came to realize :pat: that as a used car they were much more affordable and besides I DESERVED ONE! With that, he smiled and said "Yes, you do!, Enjoy" Then he drove off and so did I, thinking how lucky I am! :worship:
It's been weeks since I have seen an XLR on the road, but I finally spotted one yesterday!

I was returning from Asheville and saw a Xenon Blue one headed west on Highway 74 as I was headed east. I wish we had been traveling in the same direction so I could have had a better look at it!

One other note, my local Chevrolet/Buick/Cadillac/GMC dealer (where I buy my Tahoes) has an Alpine White XLR in his used inventory. Prior to this, Steve's was the only Alpine White XLR I had ever seen in person.
The Gumball 3000 Rally just passed through St Louis. Today's checkpoint was the Gateway Arch............

I thought I would post on this thread about a self-appreciating conversation I had today with an XLR admirer...........then I see your posting Giz: Damn I need to get out more :squint: - you sure do get around! :willy_nilly: Sorry to see you are not doing the Gettysberg run, oh well, I will see you again, take care!

As for my little story: it is a typical one I am sure you have all had.

I stopped at a store and when I came out to get into my car a guy was getting into his truck beside me. His first words were "I always thought this was the most beautiful car Cadillac ever produced and your car is the nicest I have ever seen: not that I get to see very many of them" Then he went on to reminis about how, when they first came to market he realized that he would never get to own one, mortgage, kids etc and now they are no longer being built.

I related that I too figured I would never own one when I first saw them and their price (pricing here in Canada was even crazier) but came to realize :pat: that as a used car they were much more affordable and besides I DESERVED ONE! With that, he smiled and said "Yes, you do!, Enjoy" Then he drove off and so did I, thinking how lucky I am! :worship:

Graytoad this is so down to earth the truth. I know I saw one of these XLR years ago when they first came and was amazed and just wanted one, but as time moves on things get paid off kids get older and prices come down as the car got older and I was going to buy a brand new car never did lol but I think I got a better then a new car that I just simply love!!!!!......…
Heading from Kansas to Kentucky Tuesday I saw a black xlr around Springfield Mo. and on the was back I saw a charcoal CTS-v. 2 cars I never get to see on one trip. :) And of course the lady in the convenience store asked if that was my NEW corvette.
I see another XLR every week (My dealer drives one and I play golf with him). I have the only XLR-V in town, as far as I know of. There are only two CTS-V's in town, my Thunder Gray and another golfer friend with a White Diamond which I see all the time too. We never see many when we leave town, unless we are meeting up with the other Midwest owners for a drive or event. They are nice to see when your driving!!

I'm one of the lucky ones. I get to see both at the same time when I walk into my garage!!:wave::wave:

Heading from Kansas to Kentucky Tuesday I saw a black xlr around Springfield Mo. and on the was back I saw a charcoal CTS-v. 2 cars I never get to see on one trip. :) And of course the lady in the convenience store asked if that was my NEW corvette.
Here it has been weeks since I have seen an XLR on the road, and now I have seen 2 in 2 days!

I was not a half-mile from my house when I saw a black 2009 model. It was a little dirty, but here is the odd thing...........it had Illinois tags on it!

Anyone from this forum happen to be in NC this week?

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