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Back in Colorado

I have attempted to post on this thread several times, when I submit, it does not respond. Just wanted to say I made it to CO, drove in the Fibark parade in Salida, CO last Saturday, arrived CO Spgs Sunday and start back to AZ this Sunday. "Little Bugger" is still turning heads and getting lots of comments.
Scarlett-V is back home in the garage with the trunk issue resolved. They replaced the latch assembly, cleaned her up and checked out everything. I had them change the coolant and tranny fluid while they had it, so it should be ready for the next event--Mid-Ohio!! :cool:

I sent a post to Sandy on here and it worked than i tried to send this to you and it may be the little guys on the right (smile face ect...) when I click on the dunno face it caused the computer to go to the XLRnet.com not reponding box again.
Back home after 3000 miles ( in 10 days) on the bike, and only 50 miles of that was on the Interstate. I did have a bee hit me in the forehead as we were coming into Ephrata Washington,then crawl down behind my glasses and stinging me in the corner of the eyelid. Pulled into a gas station and had one of the fellows pull the stinger out with a pair of needle nose pliers. Should have taken photos. :lol: Other than that everything went pretty smooth. Now to get ready to take the car into British Columbia for a week.

BTW rode thru the town of Onalaska but never saw a red XLR.

My only phobia (if you want to call it that) about riding is getting a bee in my helmet! I have gotten them twice under the chin strap, then after that as you continue the ride the strap bugs the heck out of the sting spot. Another time it stung me near my ear, I could hear him buzzing like mad: I yanked my helmet off while still riding with that one.
I absolutely cringed when you said it got you in the corner of your eyelid! :willy_nilly:
Saw a black XLR in Billings last week... tried to catch it but with the way people drive here, it was impossible. Did see where it turned, I had a stop light but cut through a parking lot a block early to cut it off. When I got to the street it turned on, it was nowhere to be seen... maybe it was a figment of my imagination???? Actually, I'm thinking it went into the alley shortly after it turned and into the garage. Believe me.. I WILL keep my eye out for it. Hopefully next time, I'll locate where it lives...
Spotting another "crimson pearl" XLR

While heading home from one of my customer's location last week, I spotted another crimson pearl XLR. Had I been in my car, I would have stopped and invited him to join XLR-NET, but I was in my Tahoe, and it would have been more difficult to approach him.

He had the top down and was getting ready to pull out of the parking lot of a little country store in Lincoln County, NC.

Interesting to get an idea of what my car looks like to others when I am driving it!
While heading home from one of my customer's location last week, I spotted another crimson pearl XLR.
Interesting to get an idea of what my car looks like to others when I am driving it!

Really? I can not believe the guy was anywhere near as handsome looking.....

A woman was present too? Poor lady.... Now that couple had no chance to be notable unless perhaps Little Round Top was in the background!

Hard to see how anyone could possibly compare to Alexis!

Such an Awesome Lady!


Nor was the woman in the car as pretty as Alexis! ;)
Going Home

Left Colorado Springs this morning covered with smoke and ash. Made it to West Gallup and have holed up for the night. Had dinner and ready for bed. The fire just West of Colorado Springs is really bad. Will be home in Gilbert tomorrow, really anxious.

Left Colorado Springs this morning covered with smoke and ash. Made it to West Gallup and have holed up for the night. Had dinner and ready for bed. The fire just West of Colorado Springs is really bad. Will be home in Gilbert tomorrow, really anxious.

Takin' it easy, eh? We make the run from Pueblo West to Palm Desert, CA, via Phoenix several times a year. We stop over in Flagstaff for the overnight stay. Seems like you're takin' it pretty easy... :lol:

Right now, we're experiencing some of the smoke/ash fallout from the fire just west of COS. We're also getting somoke from the big (!) fire just WNW of Pagosa Springs. Bad time of the year. Today, it was 108º and 7% relative humidity here. Made to order for turning the national forests into a tinder box.

Have a safe trip. I'll watch for you the next time I go thru AZ -- probably in September. :wave:

Take care.

Home Safe

Made it home safe, car unloaded except for a briefcase on the passenger side floor. Most of it is now inside the house. Total miles, 1736, most fill ups showed 28 miles per gallon and the things in the trunk were pretty heavy. Will bring in the book and do a total for gallons & miles for the final all around mpg.:wave:
Grand Daddy's Caddy Mileage shot {66066}

I tried to grab this shot while driving it's a kind of number you only see once, even though its not 66666! Which is a good thing that still 600 miles away! lol I guess for an 05 that still pretty fair mileage but to think last year when I bought her in March 2011, she only had 53, 500 on her. Well lets just say I really like driving my XLR!........ And she's been around the block a few time now................:chuckle :lol: :wave:

I tried to grab this shot while driving it's a kind of number you only see once, even though its not 66666! Which is a good thing that still 600 miles away! lol I guess for an 05 that still pretty fair mileage but to think last year when I bought her in March 2011, she only had 53, 500 on her. Well lets just say I really like driving my XLR!........ And she's been around the block a few time now................:chuckle :lol: :wave:

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I know what you mean about liking to drive the XLR... I got mine with 2075 miles in August, '08 - now it has just shy of 36,000. Got back from the west coast early this month... on Thursday, we leave to visit Madmac for a week of driving Canadian roads. Gotta love this life!!!!
It was a gorgeous morning for the drive into work, especially in a white XLR! Too bad I had to go to work...I would have liked to have gone on a long drive...to anywhere! :)
Attention Getter

I stopped last night to put fuel in The Schooley Mobile & had 3 people come over to look @ the car & an employee commented over the PA how beautiful he thought the car was...verycool!:cool:
Jim & Sharon, Co Springs?

Anyone heard from Jim & Sharon from CO Springs? On the news last night I heard that the Air Force Academy was cleared out and that the fire were getting close to Garden of the Gods. Didn't they live nearby to the Garden of the Gods?


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