This is one of those springs where because it stayed cold here so late into spring, everything that blooms is doing so at the same time instead of being spread out. So the yellow pollen is AWFUL. I really didn't realize how bad until I left my XLR outside for a couple of hours prior to getting to drive it for the first time in months.

In that amount of time it got such a thick layer of pollen on it that it turned some psychedelic shade of yellow/red, & I had to wipe the windshield off just to see out. Since I didn't want inside the trunk coated in pollen, I had to "dust" the roof before putting the top down.
But I forgot all that aggravation when I hit the road - ahhh, so great to be out in it again!

As Mike said the other day when he took Victor out, he'd forgotten what it was like to get so much attention while driving. Of course now the inside & every crack & crevice is coated with pollen, but right now I have such a good XLR "fix" I just don't care!