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2013 XLR Bowling Green Plant Homecoming - Sept 28th, 2013

Just checking in. Had a great time. Resting up a little for my trip back to the factory later this week :)


Enjoyed seeing old friends and meeting new ones! From California to Rhode Island to Canada....what a GREAT time! Thank you all for coming to the 10th Anniversary of the Cadillac XLR. Cadillac Tech is downloading 1,184 pictures as I speak. He'll be posting pictures a little later.
Spoke with Dave Chrisley & the BG Assembly Corvette Club; They really, really appreciated all of you attending their car show...you guys ROCK! Dave Chrisley also said that the XLRs are ALWAYS welcome at their car show.
Home, safe and fast, washed, napped, and all tucked in

Thanks to all who worked so hard to make a great event. We really are a special group of people!

We made it home in good time. Ran into light rain around Owensboro that lasted about hour. Picked up Route 1 just into Illinois and took good, straight, 2 lane state roads due north for the rest of the way home. That cut off 15 minutes and close to 60 miles! Made it home in 4 hrs flat!

The car is all washed and dried and ready to be tucked in. I got in a little snooze too. Nick so glad that we're home.

We are at our first pit stop on the way home to spend the night. Good trip so far except you'd think we were driving tractor trailers for all the bugs we've caught.

THANK YOU to everyone who made this happen. It was a great experience! We had a terrific time and my jaw still hurts from laughing so much. Good people, good times, good cars. An extra plus is Beauty & I both stayed healthy for the trip. :D

For anyone else still traveling, take care & be safe. Can't wait to see everyone again soon
We are at our first pit stop on the way home to spend the night. Good trip so far except you'd think we were driving tractor trailers for all the bugs we've caught.

THANK YOU to everyone who made this happen. It was a great experience! We had a terrific time and my jaw still hurts from laughing so much. Good people, good times, good cars. An extra plus is Beauty & I both stayed healthy for the trip. :D

For anyone else still traveling, take care & be safe. Can't wait to see everyone again soon

So glad you have had safe travels so far. I'm sorry Devin and I were not able to say goodbye to you two before we left (we had to catch up to the others heading north on 65). Had a great time seeing you two again. Thanks for blessing us with BOTH of your gorgeous cars. Safe travels tomorrow. :wave:
Devin & I made it home in under 8 hours... I was exhausted, but it sure was worth it. (thanks for "holding back" on the way home, Bruce ... I honestly didn't think I'd catch up to you guys ... :chuckle... and looking at your face when we stopped for lunch - not sure you thought I would either. :laugh:

I want to thank everyone who contributed to this wonderful event. Thank you to Fred for the shirts, Sandy for the hats, Bruce and Kathy for the dash plaques (nope, still didn't find one in my goodie bag :lol:) and all you did, thanks to Cubby and Supa and all you do, and to all of the XLR owners that came to the event - you all truly made this a very special get together. I've always said it - I thought I was buying a cool car; never would have imagined the wonderful friendships that I have developed with this group! Unique friendships with a unique car ... makes sense. :cool:

I love it when we get together. :cool:
Taking the "Scenic Route" home

It appears that Gizmo and I were the last ones to leave the hotel this morning to head home. We weren't in much of a hurry to head out and just "took our time".

Since the weather was so good, we decided to take the VERY scenic route home and check out the Cherohala Skyway.

The Cherohala Skyway, a National Scenic Byway

It runs from Tellico Plains, TN to Robbinsville, NC. We drove down I-65 to Nashville, caught I-24 to I-40 and headed east. When we got to I-75, we headed south and on to Tellico Plains. A brief visit to the Cherohala Visitors Center and then on to the Skyway!

Very nice and scenic, much like the Blue Ridge Parkway or the Skyline Drive. We made several brief stops to take in the view. From Robbinsville on to Wayneville via the Smoky Mountains Parkway and back to I-40, to I-26 @ Asheville, right past the Holiday Inn where many of us stayed during our 2011 visit to Biltmore House. I-26 to Highway 74 and on home. We got home about 10 pm. Long trip, but very scenic and enjoyable.

It was great to see all of our XLR friends from past trips and meet the new folks. The BGACC folks were great hosts and it would seem a good time was had by all.

Lots of folks made this work so well. Great to see Kathy feeling good again and thanks to her and Bruce for all the hard work shooting pictures of our entire event!

Thanks to Sandy for the hats and visors, and to Fred for the shirts.

Great to see both Mike and Amy with both Beauty and Victor-V.

Hope everyone had and/or has a safe trip home as well!

Of all the pictures so far this is my absolute favorite!!!!!!!

Well, PJ and I found the rain just north of BG and it lasted right up to Evansville. We were going to do some more antiquing there, but the constant drizzle and gloomy skies made it miserable. We made it home in 4 hours nonetheless.

We want to thank everyone for a great time. As always, seeing new and old friends, gives us memories we will cherish for a lifetime. The group was so large I know I didn't get to socialize with everybody, but we'll do it again soon I hope. I pray everyone had as much fun as we did. It was a blast, and just what I needed after this grueling year.

Bruce and Fred, with your permission I'd like to copy a picture or two for my thank you letter to the Cadillac Racing Team.

The following are some of the pics I took.


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