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2013 XLR Bowling Green Plant Homecoming - Sept 28th, 2013

Plan to arrive in BG at noon or 1 pm Friday. Should we just meet everyone at the NCM or is there something else scheduled before 3 pm?

Lunch was to be a where ever you want than everyone touring NCM was to meet around 2:45pm

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Plan to arrive in BG at noon or 1 pm Friday. Should we just meet everyone at the NCM or is there something else scheduled before 3 pm?

You should give Cubby or myself a call when you get into BG. We can let you know what is going on.

My cell # is 317 501 2796, you may have to leave a message.
Awesome! I want them and will pay you on Thursday or Friday morning.

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Hey there Bruce! Just noticed a few tickets becoming available. Not sure if anymore will materialize but I would love to purchase a pair for Lorie and I if you can add us to the list - if there is one!! We're driving to Columbus OH Thurs nite and should definitely be able to make it to BG in time for either one!! Thanx for the consideration!!

Be @ the plant for the 8:30 tour on Friday, we'll get you spots on the plant tour. :wave:
That's awesome!!! Thank you Bruce & Dave. ☺️

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I bought me XLR at the end of this past July while on vacation. I found out about the BG too late to be able to attend this year :bawling:.

BUT all is not for lost.. I'll be thinking of all and waiting for pictures while I'm on the Columbia River fishing for salmon. This is the largest run of salmon since 1938. MAYBE I'll get lucky.

Fair winds!
Footwear and attire for BGA tour

Bruce, you might want to remind everyone as to what will be required for proper footwear and attire for the BGA tour!
Good luck let me know when your fire in up the grill LOL
Sorry you are not making BG this maybe the only year for it since its a 10 year Homecoming!

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Safe travels to all of you that are hitting the road tomorrow,Thursday & Friday... see you in BG!!!!
Closed toe shoes must be worn on the tours @ the Bowling Green Assembly Plant.

I have closed toe shoes that are like a clog: with open heals, are they OK or do I need runners/sneakers?

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