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05 XLR battery went dead now car is crazy...

I personally would return that new battery if it has already discharged once. Discharging a battery takes away life from the battery. After a full charge it should be load tested to see if it still holds power.
You can charge a battery and it show 12 volts but when a load is put on it the voltage will drop dramatically causing nothing to work.
You should hear a buzz noise when you sit in the seat,then you should hear a click noise behind the dash when you depress the brake to start car. That's normal.
CC knows a lot more and I'm sure he will help soon but I remember the shift module gave some problems with starting. It sounds to me like your fob isn't getting recognized? Which I would think would cause some of the problems your experiencing:dunno:
Good luck let us know the outcome.
the battery wasn't discharged, it was charged to make sure it had a full charge.. everyone's old me it needs to be tip top to work correctly. i was just double checking a brand new battery. if the fob wasn't recognized at all it should say "no fob found" or something like that right? (that's how it works when i try and start it and the fobs not with me normally).. im not getting that at all no DIC at all.. only millage if i turn on the lights... disconnected and reconnected the battery a few more times.. no alarm this time for some reason.. maybe because the door was closed... when i pull the handle on the door the LED on the door lights up.. door doesn't open...
the battery wasn't discharged, it was charged to make sure it had a full charge.. everyone's old me it needs to be tip top to work correctly. i was just double checking a brand new battery. if the fob wasn't recognized at all it should say "no fob found" or something like that right? (that's how it works when i try and start it and the fobs not with me normally).. im not getting that at all no DIC at all.. only millage if i turn on the lights... disconnected and reconnected the battery a few more times.. no alarm this time for some reason.. maybe because the door was closed... when i pull the handle on the door the LED on the door lights up.. door doesn't open...

Just wanted to make sure it wasn't you need a GOOD battery. Bench voltage and load voltages are good indicators of battery condition. Yes I've had my fob in the left pocket and its said "no fob detected" so I changed pockets. When you sit in the seat do you get a noise in the dash area and do you get a clicking when you press the brake? The door thing makes me think its not recognizing the fob at all. And you might not be getting messages because the car doesn't recognize one. You might get the message "no fob detected" because the door unlocked with the fob but not in range to start? You need a tech2 that will take the guess work out of it. Good luck
Several times I have #1 fob in right pocket. When I'm in the car it shows no fob detected. This is when I've been driving for awhile and then turn off the car. I've even had the car "lock me in" so I had to reach down between drivers four and do a emergency release. Sometimes when the fob is in right pocket the signal I guess gets blocked because of center console. Also in regards to shift cable. I recently had to have my Xlr towed to the dealership. Because my shift cable broke. It would go into reverse when it was in drive and drive when it was in park.

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This is the year that I have had more problems with my Xlr. Luckily I have Zurich and they have covered most everything.

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Ok, so im new to the XLR family.. My 05 XLR sat for about a month and evidently the battery went dead.. put a battery tender on it and it showed it wouldn't hold a charge so I got a new battery. I slapped it in today and here is whats going on

#1 Key fob does not work (new battery) doors will not open, truck will not lift, car will not start
#2 tried the fob reprogramming as listed online turning the trunk lock 5 times to get it into programming mode.. never get any notice on the DIC.
#3 Car alarm goes crazy when we open the door from the trunk emergency release cable.
#4 normally when we go to start the car and it doesn't read the fob the DIC shows "No Fob Found".. DIC shows nothing when sitting in the car with the fob and push starter will not start or go into accessory mode.
#5 Doors will not unlock via key fob or inside buttons on the door
#6 doors will not open from inside buttons on doors
#7 truck sounds like the latch unhooks but will not lift from the button on the dash (and nothing at all from the fob)

Thank you in advance...

I got a fob battery from Walmart. It wasn't dead but the car would not recognize it, it was almost dead. I only get them from the local battery store because they are fresh. If you changed the fob battery, I wouldn't assume it is OK.

The owners manual says that if you try to open the door with the latch in the trunk or by the drivers seat with the manual latch and the fob is not detected, the theft deterrent system will alarm. It appears that either your fob is faulty or per the owners manual, you might have a blown fuse. I'd check the fuse. Barring that, you might have to go to the dealer to get a new fob and reprogram per the owners manual. I would confirm the reprogramming procedures because it seems like the owners manual assumes you have one working fob - as it says to raise the trunk then turn the key 5 times. If you don't have a working fob, how do you raise the trunk?

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I know it sound dumb but I replace my battery good or bad every two years and buy the best available. the XLR loves it!!
i am thinking possibility you deprogrammed your car or fobs when you did the 5 turns in the trunk key slot?
i wouldnt have done that initially , who kows how the car will react when no voltage, low voltage , no recognize key is going on.
also this may be really stupid, but you are putting your foot on the brake when trying to start right?
try pressing the pedal a few times, perhaps its not registering that its depressed, possibly bad brake switch/sensor
also , it sounds like possibly your not getting good voltage, assuming battery is now tip top after charging for 20 hrs,
theres possibly a loose connection at the battery terminals, or a bad ground somewhere.
my pos and neg cables were extremely difficult to tighten properly. that cam nut, you know the one i mean right?
doesnt really seem to be good at actually tightening the cable terminal.
you cant put anything under the cam nut either or it wont tighten.
when the terminals are tightened you cant turn them on the battery post can you?

as far an grounding points, there are 4? on the XLR unfortunately i dont know where they are ...
but any type of weak connection could give you the symptoms you are describing.

fact is i still think its something simple, the car worked fine the last time you drove it, all that happened was battery died right?
time to invest in a cheap volt meter? that would eliminate for sure fob battery and car batery charged issues...
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Yea Battery is 100% tight on the terminal ends... the cables could be bad or have a corroded connection on the far end.. and I wouldn't have a clue.. from the top I cant see where they go.. Yes I had my foot on the brake.. also tried with it off the brake no change... usually itll (the DIC) say apply the brake if your not on it.. im getting no info on the DIC at all. its on the battery tender now with the cable to the car disconnected so its charger to battery ONLY.. It ran the day we parked it.. it sat a couple weeks and wouldent start. When I tried to reprogram the FOB it never got to the point of reprogramming the DIC never showed insert fob in pocket.. it never showed anything.. I kind of ruled out the fob battery being bad, otherwise the DIC would say no fob detected.. the car will not get to that point.. something in the car is not initializing to the point of looking for a fob.. :dunno:
Computer needs rebooted My battery went dead and had roadside service jump start after turning off the security system in rear had similar problems top wouldn't go up doors wouldnt open lucky my top was down but 45 minutes later it rebooted it self .Have you tried your local Cadillac Dealer and make sure you get a computer savvy tech .I had the misfortune to get a old cigarette smoking wrench turner bout 60 years old who couldn't program my key fob told me the car couldn't be put into learn mode be happy with the one working fob you have and beside your car is 10 years old .....WTF ? I exploded....my friend is the GSM at the dealership he gave me a number of a franchise that visits the used car dept of car dealerships these are 20 year old kids in Pinto station wagon who had my new fob programed in 20 minutes for 60bucks there co name is QuiKeys:330 492 8211 guarantee they are capable to reboot the cars computer Your car was built with features that other cars are just now including XLR's were 15 years ahead of the top technological Automobiles of the time active cruise ect just coming out on std luxury cars of today no wonder it cost $75000.00 Perhaps they can direct you to some one in your area best wishes I have a 2005 XLR base black raven

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how exactly did you "turn off the security system in the rear"? this may solve some of my issues... lol who knows at this point.. I did check with the dealership.. they have 2 XLR trained techs.. so hopefully some one there can sort it if I cant.. gonna be costly im a 30+ mile tow to the dealership...
The key receptacle on driver side lower rear bumper is a small square cover remove it snd put key in and turn you have a owners Manual? Also join Triple A you can then get towed 50 miles awe **** i had a tow bill of 250 last year on my DTS then i joined AAA.hope that i have helped some that car is a technological wonder light years ahead of all others

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If you need to order an owners manual it is about 40.00 on line gm reprints

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AAA is a great idea Im sure paying for a year of AAA will be a lot less than the tow alone... The only way I can get in the car is through that key hole.. open the trunk (Dead lift it up) then pull the manual door release to get the drivers door open... the key doesn't turn off the alarm for me...
Going back and rereading your orig post I was out on side lot with top down cleaning interior with what I thought was a great idea listing to the radio while i worked two hours later it looked as if it was going to rain so i went to start car to put top up oh o the dreaded clicking when push the ignition awe"#^# it wont start top is down and i up a creek ran in to
garage to get a tarp neighbor came over with her AAA card I joined the next day

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Hmm i kinda had same car go crazy but i turned the securety system off you must do that first before any battery jump or disconnect did you shut your system off prior

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the only way for me to get into the car is by that key hole.. it doesn't turn off my security.. the alarm goes wild when i pull the door release inside the trunk... and i had to use the key hole to open the trunk... is there something special to turn the security off?
Couple weeks ago my trunk lid went zonkers on me then wouldn't open i presses the reset button on dash after it reset it was ok these cars are as smart phones are to us totally un -understandable. I work at a car dealership and have some breaks on costs and information some of the techs will open their computers to GMAllData its the GM techs Chilton guide on all GM products my left front marker orange lamp just went out and questioning he showed me its cheaper and easier to let the GM tech do it for cost of bulb and 6/10th of an hour labor cost.That project would take me two days just to get the head lamp bucket out some times and with XLR its most times let a tech do it.I just had to have a rack and pinion assembly as well as a power steering pump and hoses replaced $1000.00 a job I could not do.got sick of pouring power steering fluid in at every other stop not to mention the puddle in the garage.The best and least costly replacement of serpentine belts Two belts replaced 150.00 i think that was the cheapest cause time is 1..5 hrs belts cost nothing tech gets cheated so you need to slip then a case beer or a 50 now and then then they will line up to work on your car

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Do you have a gmxlr owners manual in it explanation on how to dis arm sec system

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