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Field Trip 2011?

Photo Girl

Seasoned Member
Oct 16, 2008
My XLR/V(s)
Not Yet. Official Photographer and Activities Director of the MMs
I'm thinking Charleston, South Carolina would be a great place to visit next year. It's never too early to start planning our next trip:lol:
I'm thinking Charleston, South Carolina would be a great place to visit next year. It's never too early to start planning our next trip:lol:

I'm game Kathy! Lets try to stay away from the end of the month though (thats why I can't go to Colorado this year)... Month end is my busiest time at work.

I'd love to take a route that runs us through the Tail of the Dragon in TN/NC.

Keep me posted. :wave:
I'm thinking of a fall trip this year around Gatlinburg area and/or Chattannooga area which will include 'The Dragon' I'm thinking mid Sept. or Oct....more later. I'm sure we will be talking next weekend about future trips.:)

I'm game Kathy! Lets try to stay away from the end of the month though (thats why I can't go to Colorado this year)... Month end is my busiest time at work.

I'd love to take a route that runs us through the Tail of the Dragon in TN/NC.

Keep me posted. :wave:
Charleston would be great!

I grew up in Charleston and there certainly is a lot to see and do there. Lots of great spots for good photo opportunities as well!

It must be quite a sight to see a good number of XLRs gathered together in one spot!
Charleston would be great!

I grew up in Charleston and there certainly is a lot to see and do there. Lots of great spots for good photo opportunities as well!

It must be quite a sight to see a good number of XLRs gathered together in one spot!

We have been there a couple of times. We really enjoyed the history of the city and the architecture is awesome!
Any further thoughts and opinions on this idea?

Cadillac Tech & I are up for it!
We will probably start talking about a trip in 2011 when we return from Colorado Springs.
Charleston would be great!

I grew up in Charleston and there certainly is a lot to see and do there. Lots of great spots for good photo opportunities as well!

It must be quite a sight to see a good number of XLRs gathered together in one spot!

I haven't been to Charleston. I would like that.
Charleston is a great idea. I can make that one. I was stationed there in the Navy back in the 70's and loved every minute.

This fall I still hope a group can make it down here to Chattanooga. I'll make sure the "Tail of the Dragon" is not left off the route.

Charleston would be great. Of course the Dragon is always fun. Had my XLR -V up there within days of buying it. And Charleston is a whole lot closer than Colorado Springs.
My best to you all.
I have a friend close by the dragon and he told me part of it is shut down due to rock/mud slide. We were planning a bike trip in July and changed oue destination because of this. Hopefully in the fall it will be back open and we can plan a trip down. :D:D

Charleston is a great idea. I can make that one. I was stationed there in the Navy back in the 70's and loved every minute.

This fall I still hope a group can make it down here to Chattanooga. I'll make sure the "Tail of the Dragon" is not left off the route.

field Trip 2011

Charleston would be a great place to meet in 2011. John & Jean:love:
I have a friend close by the dragon and he told me part of it is shut down due to rock/mud slide. We were planning a bike trip in July and changed oue destination because of this. Hopefully in the fall it will be back open and we can plan a trip down. :D:D


The mud slide they were probably speaking of was on Hwy 64 East of Cleveland TN, beside the Ocoee River. This is near the location where the Atlanta Summer Olympics had their White Water Competitions. It is all clear now. It allows a Southernly approach to the Tail of the Dragon.

Another "slide" was an October rock slide up in North Carolina on I-40 between Knoxville and Ashville. As of 25 April, the interstate is open with 2 lanes East and one lane West. This would have restricted a Northerly approach to the Dragon.

For those not familiar with the "Tail of the Dragon", I would recommend going to the official website (http://www.tailofthedragon.com/) and read about it. I would especially recommend reading the "About the Dragon" on this website. Amazing reading.

Can't wait to see all here in Chattanooga in the Fall.

XLR KEN :blinzel:
Wow - I just Googled Charleston from San Diego .... 2,500 miles ... I'm pretty road weary, but I think I can safely say that will not be a trip we will be able to do in Lola .... that is 5 days each way on the road - at the minimum a 2 week road trip ... :pat:

I do think it's a great place to go though .... I have never heard anyone say that part of the U.S. is not absolutley gorgeous ... and I think the MM's will pick up a bunch of East Coasters and more of the central state XLR's that have not joined us so far ... and the response from the FL group should be strong.

I'll be your West Coast Cheerleader....!
Ruth Ann--It's about the people...remember

You & Ray can always jump on a plane and join in on the fun!! You can rent a support vehicle:lol::lol:

Wow - I just Googled Charleston from San Diego .... 2,500 miles ... I'm pretty road weary, but I think I can safely say that will not be a trip we will be able to do in Lola .... that is 5 days each way on the road - at the minimum a 2 week road trip ... :pat:

I do think it's a great place to go though .... I have never heard anyone say that part of the U.S. is not absolutley gorgeous ... and I think the MM's will pick up a bunch of East Coasters and more of the central state XLR's that have not joined us so far ... and the response from the FL group should be strong.

I'll be your West Coast Cheerleader....!
I agree with RA, that is a long trip from Colorado also. If I remember correctly I think K9Husker suggested doing the Black Hills this year before or after it was decided to do Colorado. That is a beautiful part of the country also but not in May as Rich will testify to. The weather always is better in June or a fall trip to see the colors change. Just my thoughts for whatever they are worth.
The Black Hills are a beautiful part of the country. One of the things I enjoyed the most was driving through parts of the country that I had never seen before. I was enthralled by it all.

The Colorado Springs area was also beautiful. So many different types of landscapes in one area!

Waiting for better weather (through the Black Hills) might not be the worst idea! The worst weather I hit was Yellowstone, which was considerably worse (and snowier) than the 45 degrees that it was supposed to be. It made Pike's Peak seem warm! :lol:

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