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Field Trip 2011?

I agree with RA, that is a long trip from Colorado also. If I remember correctly I think K9Husker suggested doing the Black Hills this year before or after it was decided to do Colorado. That is a beautiful part of the country also but not in May as Rich will testify to. The weather always is better in June or a fall trip to see the colors change. Just my thoughts for whatever they are worth.

I'm thinking that when we "cruise" next year, it will be sort of like an ocean cruise .... Alaska, Bahama's, something like that .... 2 weeks on the road costs more than on a ship ... Now, is anyone interested in doing that maybe in addition to a road trip? It could be fun to have a boat-load of us ...... sort of like a great big DUI SX-XLR ..... :lol: Two events???? I would not like to see the MM's and all of the others that are planning Charleston even think about doing something instead .... if we lived a couple of days closer I'd be all over that trip .... sounds like a great pick. BTW .... the French Lick wine was SO good that I am ordering it from online .... wish I could have drank the whole bottle ... but I did give it a good shot!
I think another event or cruise is a good idea for this group. Not everyone can attend this event do to time or miles, so it would be nice to have more options around the country.

RA, we are glad you enjoyed the wine.
Just wondering?

Wow - I just Googled Charleston from San Diego .... 2,500 miles ... I'm pretty road weary, but I think I can safely say that will not be a trip we will be able to do in Lola .... that is 5 days each way on the road - at the minimum a 2 week road trip ... :pat:

Certainly a valid point.

For example, Colorado Springs from where I live is over 1500 miles. As you pointed out, that's 3 days each way.

A lot of organizations shift the location for their annual conferences to different regions in order to make their event accessible to more people.

Just wondering, how many people would be close enough to consider attending an event in Charleston SC? Are there members on the East Coast that would find this destination to be within a reasonable drive?
Certainly a valid point.

For example, Colorado Springs from where I live is over 1500 miles. As you pointed out, that's 3 days each way.

A lot of organizations shift the location for their annual conferences to different regions in order to make their event accessible to more people.

Just wondering, how many people would be close enough to consider attending an event in Charleston SC? Are there members on the East Coast that would find this destination to be within a reasonable drive?

Do not get me wrong CP ---- I think Charleston is an excellent choice and I think it is going to be wildly popular - from near and far. And, I will bet, that I know a certain couple who are already researching the area and making plans .. :) ... I have learned a long time ago that this world (and XLR group) does not revolve around me and my desires .... if I had it my way YOU would be coming to MY coast! :wave: We have done 3 day crossings for the last 4 annual trips .... and that's not bad, but 5 days at a time is a little much. I am this forums biggest cheerleader ... it is important to me that as many people as possible gather for these great events - but, too, it really should be up to the people who plan these events, research, and spend the time organizing them to decide where they will be .... and we all know who those people are - I think you have made excellent points - and I will miss not going to Charleston and being with the group .... but, who knows? maybe a fly-in would work .... we will see :cool: -
I understand completely!

.... if I had it my way YOU would be coming to MY coast! :wave:

If I could truly have it my way, I would visiting you and then taking a trip on the Pacific Coast Highway, but as you said, a two week roadtrip doesn't work for everyone.

Please don't misunderstand, I took no offense at you pointing out the great distance that a trip to Charleston would entail for you (and others as well)! The reality of geography is sometimes sobering.

Demands of business and some health issues with parents make a trip like the one that was just completed by you folks impractical for us right now. I was just wondering if this might be situation for others as well and perhaps some that could make a trip that required no more than 2 days of travel each way?

Please pardon me, as a newcomer, I meant no offense to anyone. I was just a little excited that I might be a part of such a gathering within reasonable distance from me!
Please pardon me, as a newcomer, I meant no offense to anyone. I was just a little excited that I might be a part of such a gathering within reasonable distance from me!

Haha ... it takes a lot to offend me ... :blinzel: None taken ... and as I part of this forum I welcome and love new members ... there are no stranger's and no newcomer's - we are a group. And you will be glad you are a part of it.

'Happy to know that you appreciate the 101 HWY .... that was a must-do on my agenda if I could ever get this group out here ... I always thought that to truly see California we could "base" in San Diego, and do the touristy stuff, like the Zoo, Sea World, Fighter Town, Old Town, North Island (see the USS Reagan live and in person (well, the whole fleet) ... the Hotel Del Coronado, La Jolla, maybe take in a Padre's or Charger's game .... and then travel a hundred miles or so and spend the night after a day in Disneyland or Knott's Berry Farm ... and then maybe travel another day up to the Carmel area .... well, so much to do and see ... maybe someday .....

I am excited for you that you will get to enjoy the group get-together's ... but make no mistake ... NO ONE enjoys them more than I do. :D :love:
Charleston is still of interest to me depending on the timing. I don't look forward to the crossing Texas part, done that a few too many time in my life but at least I know the good dives to stop at for food :lol: The cruise ship idea is also of high interest to me.
I think Charleston would be very doable for MA and myself. I spent time there in the Navy and visited there on the way to visit my parents in Florida. It's a really great historical and beautiful place. Great restaurants too!
Count me in for Charleston, I love driving my XLR around the country.
After all, the destination is only half the journey.
In fact, I was planning on driving there around the end of the month after visiting with my youngest daughter who lives in Wisconsin.
One thing I like to do on road trips is to take a different route back home than the route I took leaving.

Most of the same people have been putting these trips together. We don't pick places to omit people from other parts of the country; we pick places we want to see. If you look on this site, you will see the Midwest group is very active most of the year.(Even in the winter, we get together--in our other vehicles.) We don't have a problem driving to a place we want see, that's part of the adventure.

No matter where we pick, someone will have a long journey, while others will have it in their backyard so to speak. None of these events are sponsered by this site or any other group, it's something we enjoy doing--getting together with our friends and enjoying our great country. The West Coast people plan events for the people out there. Perhaps someone from the East Coast needs to step up and get an event going for those in that area. Once you get started, you'll find you grow great friendships and the cars are not the reason for getting together--no matter where you end up going!!!:wave::wave:

Certainly a valid point.

For example, Colorado Springs from where I live is over 1500 miles. As you pointed out, that's 3 days each way.

A lot of organizations shift the location for their annual conferences to different regions in order to make their event accessible to more people.

Just wondering, how many people would be close enough to consider attending an event in Charleston SC? Are there members on the East Coast that would find this destination to be within a reasonable drive?
The cars are part of the reason, it would not have been near as much fun ripping thru the mountains if we all had been driving a Yugo, hehe.

Point taken, Jim. We have been getting together for several years now with quite a few of the same people and it has become more than just the cars. A group of us met this winter in Vegas--without the cars and had a blast.

Ruth Ann's suggestion about a cruise--on a ship, sounds great also. I guess the point I was trying to make was no matter where we meet, it still becomes the friendships we make along the way. If you don't want to drive a long distance to meet up with the group, fly in and join in on the fun!!;);)

The cars are part of the reason, it would not have been near as much fun ripping thru the mountains if we all had been driving a Yugo, hehe.

It would be great if we could find a place and time that worked out for everyone, but sadly that can't happen. The best we can do is visit different areas of the country each year and plan far enough in advance that people can work the event into their schedule. For me, it is great to have new people come to an event (big or small) & join in the fun. The more the merrier.:rocker:
You are 100% correct, it really is all about the people and the fun you have together. I do however really enjoy an excuse to drive my XLR and it is so cool when you can get a bunch of them in a caravan.

You are 100% correct, it really is all about the people and the fun you have together. I do however really enjoy an excuse to drive my XLR and it is so cool when you can get a bunch of them in a caravan.


You are correct, they look awesome running down the road together...what a beautiful sight.
Charleston,SC info

Even though we haven't officially selected Charleston,SC for our 2011 get together, here is some info.


Distance from:
Cleveland- 730 miles
Atlanta- 289 miles
Pittsburgh- 710 miles
Chicago- 877 miles
St. Louis- 821 miles
Toronto- 1,070 miles
Washington,DC- 500 miles
New York- 733 miles
Cincinnati- 603 miles
Detroit- 842 miles
Philadelphia- 633 miles
Boston- 929 miles
Even though we haven't officially selected Charleston,SC for our 2011 get together, here is some info.


Distance from:
Cleveland- 730 miles
Atlanta- 289 miles
Pittsburgh- 710 miles
Chicago- 877 miles
St. Louis- 821 miles
Toronto- 1,070 miles
Washington,DC- 500 miles
New York- 733 miles
Cincinnati- 603 miles
Detroit- 842 miles
Philadelphia- 633 miles
Boston- 929 miles

And for those of us West of the Mississippi:

Alberta, Canada - 2500 miles
Seattle - 2951 miles
L. A. - 2496 miles
San Diego - 2462 miles
Phoenix - 2170 miles
Albuqerque - 1711 miles
Billings - 2132 miles
Colorado Springs - 1692 miles
Lincoln - 1300 miles

Might be worth while to think about the Black Hills or Branson, Missouri as they are more centered between the East & West Coast. Just a thought
Black Hills and Branson, MO sound like great ideas. I would encourage those who want to go...to go. But we're going to Charleston, SC next year.

And for those of us West of the Mississippi:

Alberta, Canada - 2500 miles
Seattle - 2951 miles
L. A. - 2496 miles
San Diego - 2462 miles
Phoenix - 2170 miles
Albuqerque - 1711 miles
Billings - 2132 miles
Colorado Springs - 1692 miles
Lincoln - 1300 miles

Might be worth while to think about the Black Hills or Branson, Missouri as they are more centered between the East & West Coast. Just a thought
Black Hills and Branson, MO sound like great ideas. I would encourage those who want to go...to go. But we're going to Charleston, SC next year.

I thought your husband said that a destination for a gathering next year had not been selected yet, maybe I am missing something.

Since the membership of this forum is made up of people from all over the United States, Canada, Germany and a couple of other countries that might like to have a get together once a year where the majority of the members could attend I think we need to have a thread listing the choices and see how many people vote on where they would like to meet up. Then it could be decided on where to have an annual gathering. I don't think it is up to one or two people to decided for the entire forum.
I'm not deciding for the entire forum, nor is Bruce. I'm only speaking for Bruce and I when I say "we". Due to Bruce's job change this past winter, he has less vacation time now. (We had already planned our trip to CO before he changed jobs). So we (Bruce & I) will stay closer to the Midwest and this side of the country. You are right; the XLR Net is made up of many people from all over the United States & beyond. I would encourage all XLR owners (wherever they are located) to think about and plan a get together or event...big or small. You have a couple of good suggestions; you should pursue those.

I thought your husband said that a destination for a gathering next year had not been selected yet, maybe I am missing something.

Since the membership of this forum is made up of people from all over the United States, Canada, Germany and a couple of other countries that might like to have a get together once a year where the majority of the members could attend I think we need to have a thread listing the choices and see how many people vote on where they would like to meet up. Then it could be decided on where to have an annual gathering. I don't think it is up to one or two people to decided for the entire forum.

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