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TPS sensor showing flat when it's not


Dec 28, 2016
Memphis, TN
One of my TPS sensors is showing tire completely flat...1psi with "tire flat" warning...when it's at 30psi. Is there a way to "reset" these things or am I looking at a new sensor?

Recalibrate XLR or XLR-V Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS)

One of my TPS sensors is showing tire completely flat...1psi with "tire flat" warning...when it's at 30psi. Is there a way to "reset" these things or am I looking at a new sensor?


· Turn the key on, start the car.
· Turn off automatic headlight switch.
· Toggle switch on information display to select TPMS display on dashboard.
· Press lock, then press unlock, then both lock and unlock button at the same time on key fob and hold until the horn beeps twice. That means the computer is in learn mode and it will say so on the dashboard display. Remaining steps must be performed within 2 minutes each.
· Left front turn signal light will light meaning the left front sensor is waiting to be learned.
· Let air out of tire until horn beeps.
· Right front turn signal light will light meaning the right front sensor is waiting to be learned.
· Let air out of tire until horn beeps.
· Right rear tail light will light meaning the right rear sensor is waiting to be learned.
· Let air out of the tire until horn beeps.
· Left rear tail light will light meaning the left rear sensor is waiting to be learned.
· Let air out of tire until the horn beeps twice meaning sensor is learned and TPMS is completely programmed.
· Refill all tires with air to air specification.
· Finished.
Since the one giving me trouble already reads 1psi, I dont think it's going to recognize that I am removing air....
Since the one giving me trouble already reads 1psi, I dont think it's going to recognize that I am removing air....

In that case I suggest you get the correct TPMS part number for your vehicle and then shop it on Ebay to get the best price. OEM from dealer or parts store is extremely expensive in the neighborhood of $175 each. I just bought 4 brand new from a Chevy Dealer on-line through Ebay for $125, had them installed and cllibrated for $80. So you should be able to buy one new one for around $45 and have it installed for $20. I replaced all 4 because mine were all 10 years old and the batteries are only supposed to last from 7 to 10 years. At that point, if one goes, the others will soon follow!
Who are you going to believe, TPS or your lying eyes? :chuckle

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