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Rear Proximity Sensors


May 3, 2022
Hope everyone's doing well around here. I have an 08 model with one of the rear parking sensors / proximity sensors that are falling in. I've removed the bumper once and found that the only thing holding all of them in are pieces of rubberized tape. I looked online because that didn't seem quite right and sure enough, that's how it's done. So I bought some gorilla super tape and double sided tape, set it back in, and reinstalled the bumper. It seemed to hold well at the time but unfortunately, it's falling out again after about ten spectacular miles. before I do something drastic with a hot glue gun and JB weld, I wanted to drop by and see if anyone had any other ideas they may have had success with in the past.

I saw a post from 2015 that said their was a lock ring that holds them in place but I'm thinking that may be for something different since there doesn't seem to be any way for one to stay on to secure it at all. Or maybe I need to rethink working on cars any more. Either way, any help is appreciated!

2008 Base model if that helps at all.

I found this, which is what I think the 2015 post was talking about but mine aren't that same style: GM Part # 88891836 - GM Genuine Parts Parking Assist Alarm Sensor
Added an image of what mine look like for reference.
Hawaii - lovely! :)
Pic attached and look closely. I'd say what you have is just fine. Note molded in to the bumper are wee corner bosses so as to set the pad with adhesive in the right place. I'd bet your adhesive just got tired from the wonderful Hawaiian heat and I really wouldn't be shy with whatever adhesive you choose. Make sure your surfaces are really, really clean and it should all be as right as rain.


2004 rear backup sensor.JPG
Hawaii - lovely! :)
Pic attached and look closely. I'd say what you have is just fine. Note molded in to the bumper are wee corner bosses so as to set the pad with adhesive in the right place. I'd bet your adhesive just got tired from the wonderful Hawaiian heat and I really wouldn't be shy with whatever adhesive you choose. Make sure your surfaces are really, really clean and it should all be as right as rain.


View attachment 14880
Thanks Gord!

I didn't even notice the separate attachment and thought it was one piece. I'm taking it back off now and I'll sand it with some 220 this time instead of just cleaning with alcohol. Should have known that wouldn't stick in this humidity; clear silicone with JBweld Poly it is!

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