I've been getting lots of emails yesterday and today--We are up to 11, possibly 12 or more cars. The MM's aren't letting me down!!! This will be another great weekend trip!!
I'm also trying to get the owners of my '04 to come along for their first drive with a group.
List so far:
Bruce & Kathy--Cadillac Tech & Photo Girl
Kevin & Marion--Cubby558 & Lil Woman
Bob & Paula-rleonard & Jelly Girl

Dave & Wendi--monepit
Dave & Devin-- Chicago Dave
Dave & Debbie--harrower
Bill & Julie -juliecomella
Rich -Homegameroom
George 'Corndog'--IndyXLRVGuy
Marc & Dirty Diana--Tiffany's Dad
Cathy & Dave -Quinn & Diamond Del and possibly Barbie, H2 & D2
Received an email from Whit--they
may be able to make it, but don't count them yet. They will know as we get closer to the date.