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Fall 2012 Montana


Seasoned Member
Apr 5, 2009
Is there any interest in a fall drive to Montana? More specificaly Billings with A day trip to Yellowstone via The Beartooth Highway. I am sure Rod can make some excellent suggestions on other senic trips along with must see sites.
Yes... there are quite a few nice drives here in Montana & Wyoming. The Chief Joseph Highway & Highway 14 outside of Lovell, Wyo, just to name two. There is always the highway between West Yellowstone and Jackson, Wyo... course this would probably be at least a two day trip. It would be tough to make it there and back in one day.

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This sounds like a really nice drive ... we've always wanted to see the Northwest .... This year it's not doable for us .... If something is planned for 2012 - well, maybe.... We are rethinking anymore long trips in Lola due to parts unavailability .... She is now 7 years old - and it seems like every month we are replacing one thing or another on her. So far nothing major .... but the Professor had a long unplanned layover in New Mexico with his car for that reason ... Rich too, had unexpected problems - I would hate for something to go wrong out in the middle of one of these deserts that we have to go through .... I am just lucky that I get to drive her everyday here as my DD.
This sounds like a really nice drive ... we've always wanted to see the Northwest .... This year it's not doable for us .... If something is planned for 2012 - well, maybe.... We are rethinking anymore long trips in Lola due to parts unavailability .... She is now 7 years old - and it seems like every month we are replacing one thing or another on her. So far nothing major .... but the Professor had a long unplanned layover in New Mexico with his car for that reason ... Rich too, had unexpected problems - I would hate for something to go wrong out in the middle of one of these deserts that we have to go through .... I am a just lucky that I get to drive her everyday here as my DD.

I would like to see a trip to Montana more in 2012 than 2011. I just hit the 24,000 mile marker on my 06XLR which is still under full warranty. My main problem for this year is going back to CO later this month, then back to AZ, back to CO. during May and June. KY July 12/20, Illinois August 3/9 and back to Illinois again Sept. 29/Oct. 5. I am not worried about the miles on the car but the miles on me. I think Montana sounds like a great idea and would love to go there.
2012 would be fine... as Madmac said, most everyone probably has 2011 scheduled. It couldn't be a spring drive, as the Beartooth and Chief Joseph Highway don't get plowed until mid to late May. This year the Chief Joseph will open on May 15, Beartooth won't open until Memorial Weekend, lots of snow this winter. So, the earliest we could do this would be June, just to be sure the highways are plowed & open for traffic.
Sorry for not responding sooner haven't been on a lot. It would be tough for Cubby and I for this one our 2011 pretty much booked. As far as I know unless Cubby chimes in different. I am just the passenger he is my driver. :chuckle
I tried changing the thread from 2011 to 2012 but it keeps showing up in the fourm as 2011

Thanks Madmac for responding! If you can't get it to change hell start a new thread! :D
I'm going to say probably mid-September. The snow in the Beartooths usually starts flying late September, early October...
Sounds like a great trip. Wish we had more vacation time...would love to go!
Just another idea for a drive here in Montana. Just got back from a trip to Ennis & Virginia City. It's a beautiful drive... it's a real windy road & a lot of fun in the XLR. Virginia City is one of the oldest towns in Mt. Real neat old buildings dating back to the 1800's. From there it's an easy drive into Yellowstone Park.
This sounds like a great trip however, my traveling this year will be limited. I believe that I will a little more active next year - if I do not go overseas. :patriot:
I'm going to say probably mid-September. The snow in the Beartooths usually starts flying late September, early October...
If we were to do another car trip in Lola - this might be the one .... at least it is only a 2 day drive each way for us - and no summer deserts to have to travel through .... our only concern is driving through the Rockies as late as mid-September - snow is not uncommon even as early as August. What say you??
If we were to do another car trip in Lola - this might be the one .... at least it is only a 2 day drive each way for us - and no summer deserts to have to travel through .... our only concern is driving through the Rockies as late as mid-September - snow is not uncommon even as early as August. What say you??

When I lived in Salida we usually got our first snow on Halloween. Last year when I returned from Arizona the last week in October we had a bad snow storm on I70 East of Grand Junction over Vail Pass and that was the first snow storm of the season.
Okay... time to get this thread going again. Just wondering about interest in a Montana gathering this fall, maybe September????

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