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Where to Spring / Summer trip 2016??


Seasoned Member
Oct 17, 2008
Lincoln, NE
My XLR/V(s)
2007 XLR-V RII'07 RIII'08 SA'09 CO'10 NCSC'11 PA'12 BG'13 MT'14 VBOBX'15
Usually by now, we as a group have a trip lined up for a week of sight seeing and getting together and in general just having FUN!. Like, VA/OBX (thanks Mike & Amy), Montana run (thanks Rod & Cindy), PA / Gettysburg (thanks Dave) and other trips, Co Springs, TX, NC/SC, That were ALL FUN!! I know that there are some upcoming races and car shows that some of us get together on, these are mostly weekend meets. So what does everyone say? Where do we have a "vacation" at? If we don't have any trip, I'll miss it, I'll make everyone come to Nebraska and watch the corn grow and the cattle graze and be bored (dumb idea) if we don't come up with anything!!

Chad, did you see the trip Tim is working on for the Dublin oh show, starting in Ohio Amish country ?
You can take the lead on an outing. I'm cancelling the Shawshank part of the Ohio trip due to lack of Interest.

The Arthritis Foundation Cruise In on Friday and the Car show on Saturday will go on as it has the past 4 years. This is a great show with over 1100 cars and raises funds for a great cause.


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The trip Tim was planning is in July, I didn't know July was spring, I thought it was summer? He was trying to plan a week of things to do before the Dublin car show that we have been going to the past few years. It is a great event and does support a good cause. You and Chad should get together and plan an event for later in the year. There has to be somewhere we haven't been.

Tim, I hope you did not misunderstand my post. I presumed you were hosting the spring event and, from what I read, had everything under control. I just threw my offer to assist in this thread for those interested in another trip.
Having planned and hosted in the past I know what your going through. Hang in there and for what it is worth...job well done my friend.

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