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Do you see XLRs??

This is mine. It's a 06 base infrared next to a alante

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Oh.. thought that was the one about which you were wondering. Must just be the lighting, but your car looks black in the picture...
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No, when I was parked I saw a black one race past my location. I didn't feel like getting in my car and chase after. So I just waved. I think I saw the black xlr guy look over though

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While passing my dealership from the interstate, I could see a black xlr in the service parking lot. I think it was the guy in my neighborhood.

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Saw a V yesterday in Texas

So, given the rare odds of ever even seeing a XLR, not to mention a V., I was washing my V this weekend in Katy Texas, and some guy drives a very nice black V right past my house. I waved, though, I suspect I was not seen nor the car I was washing...he had the top down, so visibility could not have been a issue.

Probably enjoying the ride too much!
I saw a grey XLR this morning.

It was traveling on Highway 21 over I-77 in Mooresville, NC.

The light held me too long and I couldn't see where it went.

FYI : Mooresville NC is known as "Race City" because so many of the NASCAR teams have their shops there, as well as the NASCAR Technical Institute.
Interesting how our XLR are remembered!

Wendy and I was at a local cruise in Saturday night that still has original look of the 50's It's named Tropical Treat and you still pull in and park, push a button on the speaker and wait for them to place your order and the food, drinks and ice cream is brought to your car on a window hook tray! We eat here often thru out the summer as they are only open March to October and little North of Hanover about only 15 minutes from our home.
The grass field area was packed with about 200 show vehicles. So anyways this guy comes over and expresses how much he just loves my car then he starts telling me how he had seen a lot of these cars at Herr's Inn Tavern in Gettysburg a couple of years ago! So for those who did the Gettysburg Pennsylvania Gathering in June of 2011 where part of that group! Interesting how 3 years later the XLR's was still an awesome memory to this guy!
By the way he said he own's CTS V now!

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Dan & Wendy
So anyways this guy comes over and expresses how much he just loves my car then he starts telling me how he had seen a lot of these cars at Herr's Inn Tavern in Gettysburg a couple of years ago! So for those who did the Gettysburg Pennsylvania Gathering in June of 2011 where part of that group! Interesting how 3 years later the XLR's was still an awesome memory to this guy!

That was a nice evening at Herr's Inn and a great meal as well!

Here is a photo from that gathering.

Interesting how our XLR are remembered!

Wendy and I was at a local cruise in Saturday night that still has original look of the 50's It's named Tropical Treat and you still pull in and park, push a button on the speaker and wait for them to place your order and the food, drinks and ice cream is brought to your car on a window hook tray! We eat here often thru out the summer as they are only open March to October and little North of Hanover about only 15 minutes from our home.
The grass field area was packed with about 200 show vehicles. So anyways this guy comes over and expresses how much he just loves my car then he starts telling me how he had seen a lot of these cars at Herr's Inn Tavern in Gettysburg a couple of years ago! So for those who did the Gettysburg Pennsylvania Gathering in June of 2011 where part of that group! Interesting how 3 years later the XLR's was still an awesome memory to this guy!
By the way he said he own's CTS V now!

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Dan & Wendy

That's pretty wild! For anyone who hasn't been on a group trip, a group of XLR's together is a real show stopper & it's fun to watch people's reactions. I distinctly remember everyone stopping to let us through as a group at an intersection in Pa. Something you gotta experience to understand!
This is so true Amy! As everyone knows how people react when just seeing one XLR by its self. Have you ever looked in your rear view mirror while stopped at a stop sign or red light? We have seen people pointing! And while driving with the top down, they yell Wow, Cool car, Nice car they do the thumbs up while driving by!
Yes it is an awesome feeling as a group of our XLR beauty's go strolling by and you get this chill of excitement as people just stop and stare, with thumbs up waving, some shouting out awesome cars!
So for those that have not experienced this awesome feeling yet, we all recommend you join in on a XLR group gathering, trip or a car show meet!
You will have a awesome time, meet new awesome friends and you will not be disappointed!

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Dan & Wendy
XLR's scarce in Pierce County, WA

I have only seen one other XLR since I received mine last week - it was platinum or satin nickel? not sure of the year. It was driven by a white male with white hair up on South Hill, Puyallup, WA. I just received a message from an XLR-Net member who lives nearby in Bonney Lake so guess there are at least three of us here.

We do get looks. My husband drove my car yesterday. Once he got off the interstate he pulled over to put the top down. He said 5 cars stopped and drivers got out to watch how the roof worked.
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Saw a silver XLR on the interstate today, in very nice shape with a guy in a shirt & tie driving it. Wasn't in my XLR or I would have tried to get his attention.

As cool as it is to drive a XLR, it's actually almost just as cool to get to see that angled beauty on the road - wooo baby!
I was the one seen!

Today I had to run some errands: the sky was iffy but I didn't feel like waiting for Steve to come home with the truck and the XLR: although looked spotless the XLR was due for a good wash anyhow. Hope for the best, off I go and just as my errands were done it started raining for the trip home. Dang! Stopped at the gas station on the way home and was immediately approached by the driver of a looking Lexus SUV that followed me in, also stopping for gas.

After walking over to my lane he started asking me all kinds of questions:
Does that car share the Corvette platform? (apparently he has a Corvette)
How much is the same? - no expert on that but I do know it shares many things and was a spring board for changes in the Corvette production.
This is beautiful, is it new? (even in the rain it sure is beautiful!) When I told him this was 5 years, old and the last production year - he was surprised....Wow, you sure keep it nice!.... I said that I was fortunate enough to own it so I take extra good care of it.
Sure don't see many: how many are there?
When I told them there were less than 17,000 total production in the combined 6 manufacture years: and that was less than the total Corvette production of 2009 - same year as the last year of production he realized why he doesn't see many!

I went in and paid for my gas and as I slid in behind the wheel to leave he said "Enjoy the ride" I said, "Thanks, you know I will" and off I went, :burnout: and I let the Corsa's do the talking!

Every day is a great XLR day!
Well I had similar sorta in a way. Yesterday my interior guy showed up to do a little retouch up. He asked what yr this was and I told him. He said he really likes the color. The 2 colors that look good in his thought were the black and the red.

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They see XLRS

I park way, away from everybody, usually take up two spots when I park . Not near the front door of any business. Almost like the last car in the parking lot when everyone else pulls away. Came out of the store the other day, and saw a car circling my XLR. He ask if "that was my car" and I replied that it was. He then ask, "how old is it?" I said 8 years. He then ask if has been " repainted " ? I said" no, I take care of my toys." He then drove off in his POS rice burner. :wave: Its good to drive a Cadillac.
I park way, away from everybody, usually take up two spots when I park . Not near the front door of any business. Almost like the last car in the parking lot when everyone else pulls away. Came out of the store the other day, and saw a car circling my XLR. He ask if "that was my car" and I replied that it was. He then ask, "how old is it?" I said 8 years. He then ask if has been " repainted " ? I said" no, I take care of my toys." He then drove off in his POS rice burner. :wave: Its good to drive a Cadillac.

I also park in the middle of nowhere, but the other day I felt like that commercial where the smoking POS parks next to the car in the middle of nowhere & bounces a door off of it - as I had already walked far away from my XLR a really nasty looking mini van drove really fast RIGHT at it, then swerved in a loop around it. Appears whoever was just trying to figure out what they were looking at.

It's good to drive a Cadillac that the POS-mobiles don't hit while checking it out!:willy_nilly:
Those stories remind me of letting my step daughter take mine to the prom. Her boyfriend got to drive it in the line. A "Dirty" white ford taurus of all things was in the line behind my car. The dude who wasn't even dressed nice would race up behind my car and stop quick. Needless to say I walked over to the guy and explained in a nice voice that the car in front of him cost $100,000 and if he were to hit it, there would be some people tonight that had a very bad prom, "STARTING WITH HIM". He seemed to get the point. :D
You only live once; drive your XLR

Yesterday, while getting a sausage croissant at Jack-in-the-Box I went inside and older gentleman was there eating and as I began to leave after ordering he say goodbye and he too was leaving. As I approach my car the gentleman said to me, "Boy, I love that hat. You look like aristocrat wearing it." I smiled and said, "thank you" for was a simple old style Stacy Adams bus boy hat styled from the 30s. Laughing out loud. Okay, here's the good part.

As I approach the car the guy's jaw dropped as he saw me walking over to the XLR. I was already inside the car when he walked over to it and I can see him utter the words, "Is that a Cadillac?" Since he couldn't hear me I mimicked the word, "yes."

The same day I was headed to the Loves gas station on interstate 5. I got my gas and was walking back to the XLR when a young guy in a fixed up four-door Honda Accord with wheels said to me as I was gassing up, "hey, what year is that?" I told him, " a 07."he then said, "my boss has a blue one just like that."I told him, yeah the xeon blue they're nice." He then went on to say, "but he hardly ever drives it." I then said, "But I drive mine." We both started laughing.
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05 for sale saw this as my friend and I passed a car lot. It's a ma and pa lot. But they have exotics

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Saw a Crimson Pearl cruising through Forest Park (St Louis) last nite around quarter to eight. I wasn't in Elwood and wasn;t close enough to the road to see the driver, even with his top down.

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